Find it absolutely dreadful that the supposed most powerful country in the world has these two standing for President because nothing will change for Palestine if Trump becomes President. they will still suffer as they have for decades and decades. Good on Macklemore, haven't heard of him - it's an age thing- and will now listen to his song, and thank you for your words Nick . So horrific the world has stood silently by and watched this genocide unfold.

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out of 333million people these 2 are the best they can produce, quite alarming isn't it....

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It’s all about money and politics plus just a two party race.

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I would think, it'd be a great time for a 3rd party to stand. Someone with decent values for humanity AND - I dare to say this because I am chasing their heels - younger, with their wits about them. To Biden and Trump, "retire and smell the roses. It's long past time. Give your country a break." Why haven't Americans chosen better? OMG, am I really saying this when our, so called, 'leaders' are terrible?... Great song. I'm the wrong demographic for rap, but these words are not full of violence like so many. Except if not Biden, who will he vote for? The pumpkin?

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Macklemore has songs calling out homophobia in the hiphop world and exploring what it's like to have white privilege in a largely African American art form. So he's got some record, and this recent song isn't totally surprising.

I worked as a post-doc at Colombia in the early 90s. I knew Hamilton Hall and the areas now in the news well. It's kind of heartening to see some protest there, it felt the student body was gentrifying as fast as the neighbourhood was.

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‘This is good right, but speaking about how it touched him from a privileged white guy perspective is both ‘cringe’ but at the same time bloody good on him for using his platform for sharing awareness.’

If we’re going to regard it as ‘cringe’ when privileged people speak out, why would they bother? The very fact that they’re in a position of privilege is *why* we need them to speak up.

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I agree, but that is a perception of many I think. Not dissimilar to someone's reaction seeing a footballer who gets paid $250,000 per week talking about the plight of migrant workers in Qatar, or a famous white guy talking about BLM.

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May 10Liked by Nick Rockel

Hey Nick - whilst I agree with the sentiment I would just like to say that I lived and worked in Qatar for a couple of years. I worked, shared stories, food, tea etc with migrant workers and was priveliged to be invited to their compounds. It's not always as bad as you often hear. It's not wonderful either - particularly the pay these people get, but most times from their point of view you get a whole different side of things. Not trying to criticise just raise another viewpoint.

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Eh? It's extremely bad right now!

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What is????

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you Macklemore. I don't care how rich or white you are you speak truth to power and that is most often a rare commodity these days. Heroically our own Lorde refused to play Israel a few years back. The more artists who do this the better. Plenty have taken the money on offer.

Biden or Trump - Luxon or Peters or Seymour. None of them care about the suffering of the peoples the world. None of them have the guts to call Netanyahu and his vicious and murderous government out for what they are. Genocide does not exist for them. They live for money and exploitation - above people. I fully suspect none of them have warm blood in their veins.

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The latest news is that Biden is refusing to send any more arms to Israel at this time. Of course Germany will continue to , and so will the Dutch. Guilt and remorse for the holocaust are powerful motivaters.

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As evil as the current Israeli administration is they're probably not stupid so will have an arsenal of bombs stored away for a time such as this. Biden will very likely fold again and restart supply. NZ is not clean here either with Rakon making parts destined for US smart bombs. Our news media pretty much exclusively report from the Israeli point of view. Luxon, Peters and Seymour will never say the G word unless there are votes and money to be had. It's a shitshow of inhumanity pretty much every where you care to look. The Germans and the Dutch should be bloody ashamed to be promoting another effective holocaust.

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The situation in Gaza and the plight of the people there is utterly deplorable. The young people protesting get a thumbs up from me. It worries me greatly that due to Joe Biden’s weak response to the situation Donald Trump could regain the presidency, that could see the situation escalate further. The world is in a bloody mess and none of the powers that be see to give a fat rat’s derrière.

I followed the link to the song, not a fan of the genre but he was right on point about the situation.

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Trump's son in law is Jewish.He has been recorded saying with the Palestinian people cleared out of the Gaza strip the sea side sections could be worth a lot of money. He is in favour of the Palestinian people being put up in pre-built refugee camps in Egypt. For him that is a solution.

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What a surprise.

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Not usually my genre of music but I’ve downloaded it and listened to it. It’s the least I can do to show my respect and support for his stance.

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We are all concerned about the killing of innocent people. Surely there is another method Israel can take to filtering out the Hamas from Rafah. I find the best of reports to be those which ask both parties to respond to the others accusations. The biographical side has rarely been looked into by those who make absolute statements on this issue. The historical discontent has been left to simmer since the Jewish Nation was consented to at the end of WWII. Obviously it has Never been successfully addressed by the court of the UN. This is where I would like to see people also direct their protest and pickets.

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Unfortunately I don't think the Palestinianpeople were consulted when the "Jewish Nation was consented to ". Powerful British Zionist forces were determined for Jewish pwople to have their own land. Unfortunately the Palestinian people have had to pay the debt for the Holocaust. A debt that belonged to European countries who refused to take Jewish refugees into their countries.

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I agree. The Israeli's have played the 'victim' card really well...for decades. When in fact they have not abided by the original terms that were forced upon Palestinians in their name. I wonder if Israeli 'allowed' the Hamas attack, to justify their vengeful annihilation of Gaza.

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Well of course they were victims .I think I have previosly mentioned that my HH person who is Israeli lostmost of her family in the Holocaust. The terrible thing is that they have perpetuated a genocide on the Palestinian people. The hard right Zionists who have Zionist supporters in high places in countries like the U.K. clearly had the intention to clear the Palestinians off land they saw as being where Jewish people belong. They don't recognise Palestinian rights to also be on that land. And yes.,you are right-whenthe Jewish state was being set up a part of that would be no displacement of Palestinians from the land they see as being their traditional land. I think you are on the right track regarding Hamas, and in fact Netanyahus connection

Hamas HE is known to have released a considerable amountof oney to them. It is strange that the Israeli's considerable fences, and boockades failed them on the 7th of October last year. I watch Aljazeera often, and I have certainly heard the theory mooted that Netanyahu created this war for his own ends. It is well known if the war ceases he will be ousted. Prior to October 7 there had been many protests against Netanyahu. He is kept in power because of the war, and by the hard line far right Zionistswho are busy spreading all over the West Bank, and abhusing the Palestinians whose land it is. I watched a video ob AlJazeera called A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A PAESTINIAN BOY.This boy lived with his family on the West Bank,andit was dreadful to see all of the settlers homes built around his home so the boys hadnowhere to play,just on some decking overlooked by houses. Israeli soldiers were supposed to be present to protect Palestinians from attacks from settlers. That is a joke. Two Israeli soldiers were at a window each watching the boys kick a ballaround. They had their guns pointed at the boys. Another soldier spoke to them-looked at the boys out the window, and said if they throw stones, shoot them.This was translated with sub titles. The boys were around nine and eleven.

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The Hamas will not be filtered out. Israel has ensured they will become stronger and more numerous now for decades to come. Every young Palestinian will be willing to join them.

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A sad indictment on Baden's "delaying" providing Israel with more weapons is this. America will never "liberate" a country or cease arming its allies unless it can make a profit or protect its own interests. A good example was the Vietnam War. For America it was never about eradicating communism, but more about holding onto their mining interests in the world's largest tungsten deposits, vital for first grade weaponry. Biden is probably waiting to see who will offer a higher price for these: Israel or Ukraine. So long as the conflicts don't encroach on American territory, it doesn't matter how many foreigners from wherever die, it's all about keeping the industry of killing innocent people ticking over. Neither Israel or Hamas can be truly claimed blameless in the current fighting, but it seems Israel has learnt nothing from the days of the attempts to obliterate the Jewish race by a Nazi regime. Those countries who continue to supply the means to achieve either side's ambitions also have a great deal to answer for.

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I think it's easy to sit here at the bottom of the world and judge American politics. There's no doubt they are weird - and always a reminder for me how silly it would be for us to become a republic in the model of America where the President seems to have all the attention, but in reality often not the power. One thing to take into account is the huge vote of the Jewish community. We don't understand it here because it is not the same. Don't get me wrong ; there are no excuses for Israel and its attacks on Gaza but I was heartened to hear Biden is holding up weapon supply. For me, Biden deserves the next three years, as is common for US Prez. He is the most pro-union President workers have seen in decades and that has made a real difference. I agree about the other clown, but who wouldn't? Except to say he is far, far, far more dangerous, so sometimes you have to hold your nose and vote for the less than perfect option, because the other would be horrendous. . As in fact, we are finding out in our own little country,

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I hear your point of view Darien however Biden has already supplied enough weapons to wipe out all the Palestinians and I feel this announcement is his advisers finally reading the room. As for the most pro-union President I doubt the railway workers union would agree with that and the young person vote is doubtful for him also. Totally agree though that Trump will be a disaster for the USA and the wider international community.

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I agree with you Darien. Biden was from a working class family-his father worked in a factory as a fitter and turner. Biden himself went to a State University for his law degree. NoIvy League uni. for him. As for people thinking he is a bit "knocked off " he does have a speech

impediment. A stutter - it seems there are different sortsof stutters. His is the kind where sometimes he can't get words out. I also agree that he has taken too long to halt the supply of arms to Israel. The damage that has been done, the genocidal annihilation of the people there is reverberating around the world. Netanyahu said this is what Israel would do in response to the Hamas attacks ,and he has almost finished the joB. Finished off the people with bombs and starvation. Finished off 15,000 children who have a human right to a peaceful, and decent life. It's a bit late now Joe Biden,but then late is better than never. I hope you mean it when you say no more arms until a peace settlement has been agreed. But then where will the Palestinian people go? As I pointed out to my HH their homes are now rubble.

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I can understand why Hamas did what they did, I can also understand why Israel react so violently, but neither side can Win. There are no winners in a guerrilla war, not the armies, not any civilian population. There are no simply actions, it IS unwinnable for either side. If they cannot consider some way other than a determination to crush the other side, this war will go on for ever, and the killing of any people in the way!

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Yes. Phil, you finally called it; meanwhile the bloody-minded Yankee elites are just sitting back and making yet another fortune out of selling guns and armaments for the murder of innocent down-trodden people, by fascists and gangsters on both sides, in other countries...as did the 'bloody' English elites before them, and the equally 'bloody' Dutch elites before that

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The "winners" will be Netanyahu who is a monster, only out for himself,and his supporters, the hard right Zionists who are grabbing Palestinianland as fast as they can build houses. Reversing their land grab could be tricky.

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I am so gutted by the whole Palestine tragedy!

Thanks for your take on it.

I pray that Trump won't get in!!

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I don't think they can win, no side can win the war they are engaged in. If they - both sides - cannot take another approach, it will go on forever!

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Yes Kim, all just as analysed in a book Nick mentioned, "Vulture Capitalism" by Grace Blakeley. The link is https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=K-D8EAAAQBAJ&pg=GBS.PR3&hl=en_GB

Clarifies my thinking by emphasizing the tie in between Government, both Local and national, across the World - Ecactly!

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I've got the ebook on hold from the library and look forward to reading it, in about two weeks.

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Well said Nick - this is an utter catastrophe and Israel must be forced to stop this genocide now!

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Yes-I totally agree with your comment. But as my Israeli Home Help person has said-it is easy to have an opinion when you are in a small country at the bottom of the world, and away from probable war, and violence. When the Israeli state was formed- and lets not forget we aretalking about an occupation supported by Britain with the Balfour Declaration, the Jewish people who fled to there were surrounded by Arab States who threatened to annihilate them. Over the years tthat threat , and Israel's relationship with some of those country's has become more nuanced. I remember the hope for a solution, and the chance of the country now called Israel, and the one called Palestins being able to live nextto each other peacefully was when Yasser Arafat -leader of the PLO and the Israeli leader at the time- was it Golda Meir (I've forgotten )were in negotiations. Unfortunately Arafat was murdered.

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I thought this was his biggest song, and it’s definitely political (and wonderful)… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hlVBg7

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Kia ora Nick. I had never heard of Macklemore. Thank you for posting him in concert in Wellington. I watched the video and I thought it was gret. And very political. The beautiful little girl.What a terrible experience she went through. The Israeli forces who would not let the Red Cross get to her ,and instead killed them as well. There are not enough words to describe their actions.

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