
Although most of my newsletters are for paying subscribers I felt this one ought to be left open, hope that makes sense. 🙂

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Aug 25Liked by Nick Rockel

Anyone got a hotline to St Patrick? We appear to have a snake infestation within Parliament that needs to be forced out.

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At 67 and a Pakeha I am absolutely appalled by all this corrupt underhand government are doing. I will stand with Maori against them for as long as I can.

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Aug 25Liked by Nick Rockel

We have an ongoing competition in our house over which Minister we despise the most. I have to say that Goldsmith is right up there - corruption is de rigeur for this government but he brings his own blend of nasty arrogance. It might be worth compiling a list of his comments (eg navy) that highlight his deeply held beliefs.

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That sounds mighty competitive! Where do you begin? Seymour, Jones, Reti, Simeon, Luxon, Willis, Costello, Bishop. Van Velden - I deleted a joke about her after the bit about finding a rich vein, bit off topic. What a field!

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26

I would definitely add Upston and McKee. There are a few more I dislike but not necessarily despise.

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a mine field and a gold field in one

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Nick Rockel

Two things. 1 Geoffrey Palmer in his recent article on corruption says that Hansard of 2011 does not support Luxon's comments.

2 Why the fixation on Māori tenure since 1840? Defining the boundaries of Iwi by what they were in 1840 is like defining European nations by their boundaries in 1940. Most of Europe would be Germany.

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Besides which, isn't it hard to prove *exclusive* use of something where you've been forced off by white settlement? Where shared land has been subsumed by individual ownership?

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Yes! Yes! Yes!

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Aug 25Liked by Nick Rockel


Here is Geoffrey Palmer’s excellent article. It’s really worth spreading far and wide! Well argued and evidence based with a decent touch of anger!

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An excellent article by an informed supporter of democracy - well worth a read!!

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Thanks Prue, I have just read this..it's so good! It expresses all of my suspicions and frustrations!

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Excellent piece and worth the time investment (it is longish).

I think what we are seeing these days is government by Tik Tok.

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What a brilliant article

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I agree the 1840 thing is absurd! I think it is to minimise those Iwi who can claim.

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Nick - I am as outraged as you - it’s disgusting what this government is doing- undermining everything we believe in - even the Court of Appeal-

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Aug 25Liked by Nick Rockel

May I suggest we pack a picnic basket full of micro plastic flavoured food and invite Goldsmith, Jones et al down to the banks of the Ohinemuri River for a swim or somewhere on an East coast beach to play among the slash and rubbish. They are bought and paid for selfish morons bereft of morality!!!

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Aug 25Liked by Nick Rockel

Nothing surprises me anymore with this corrupt government working behind the scenes to destroy the power of te Tiriti and the rights of Māori. It stinks of power and of greed. Heads should roll as if it was Labour in power this lot would have the media demanding heads on a pike!

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Aug 26Liked by Nick Rockel

Can we be sure then that if this Govt is so intent on removing rights, all those wealthy beachfront property owners better lose their rights too. So far, in my 58 years on the planet, unless there has been a rahui or tapu, Ive never been unable to access the foreshore.

I'm so sick of their dog whistling, fear mongering and backwards thinking. Our beautiful country not yet perfect, but getting there... now look. 😞

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Excellent point! Lots of places "private" owners (almost 100% NOT tangata whenua) preventing Kiwis from accessing the foreshore ...

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This Govt is overwhelmingly in bed with big business alright - many a situation revealed that the lobbyists for big business are seeing or about to see the fruits of their labour (donations etc). This would have to be the MOST corrupt govt ever. The ignorant selfish centrists can be blamed. Bribery - sell the idea of freebies to Councils - hopefully Corruption can be halted with the next election before their schemes are implemented. When I reflect on the matters Nash and Woods resigned they wither into insignificance in light of what is playing out with this Taniwha.

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My recall is that Chippy sacked Nash after his forestry insider episode??? Certainly the media would not let Michael Woods misdemeanour go - they hammered away for weeks. All this certainly highlights the total lack of integrity in this Coalition of Corruption...

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AND the media letting NACT1st get away with what they WOULDN'T and DIDN'T let Labour, Greens, Te Pati Maori, members get away with which had much less consequence for future generations than any of the weeks of outraged press coverage on those other matters suggested by it's ferocity!

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Indeed let's all wait for the almighty silence on tonights news about Goldsmith and Caseys latest convenient brain fade.

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Just watched TVNZ news..... Not a whisper.

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Nothing on 3 either....nothing on Costello's really believable blank recall - nor the rugless dodger predator party of name suppression...

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Aug 25Liked by Nick Rockel

Yet another assault on anything that gives any power to Te Tiriti and the obligations and observance of its lawful standing and the fundamental rights of Tangata Whenua . This has the powerful stench of the Atlas Network and their desires to get rid of anything that gets in the way of exploiting all and any natural resources of Aotearoa at whim and the Treaty is the biggest hurdle they face. The weight of the straws are reaching breaking point. I don't see the media or Luxon giving Goldsmith the Nash Treatment anytime soon.

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Tautoko! Ive been waiting for someone, anyone, to say it how it really is underneath the layers. Te Tiriti stands in the way of total control. Maori will, defend and protect TOW. I agree, the Treaty does stand in the way of the blatant greed of exploitation. I'll go further, our country is ripe for the pickings, for the eg, Peter Thiels and his ilk, of the world. TOW is a document of protection not just for Maori, but for everybody. We all come under the mantle of TOW. It is IMO our duty and obligation to protect. Maori will down tools to march, to defend, to protect the principles of TOW. I am encouraged by the support of Tangata Tiriti, and gathering in momentum. While theres often been a them and us, its changing.

Winston talks about principles as if there was none in the signing. To a person like me, one of the Bottom feeders, that does NOT make sense. For all the iwi to come together to agree on a foundation of???? No principles? A three clause document? From my Tipuna korero, it was the expectation that there would be a fairness associated with the Treaty, that Maori would (in todays parlance) have a fair bite of the sav. Partnership, Protection, and Participation. Well, history tells a great story, of how those principles have turned out. Just my two cents worth.

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Aug 25Liked by Nick Rockel

Goldsmith... all the smarm and colonialist charm of Lockwood Smith

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Love it 🙂

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Aug 25Liked by Nick Rockel

Right on track. Guardianship proven in history to reliably be in everyone’s interests.

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Aug 26Liked by Nick Rockel

I agree with you 100% Nick. Reading Sir Geoffrey Palmer's piece after reading your own gave me some sense that what we are seeing and feeling is as bad as we think it is! What they are doing is bad for the country on every level! But the way they are doing it is setting us up for decades of wading through the mess they are making and trying to put it right. The incredibly arrogant and racist attitude towards Māori will come back to bite them......they might be unpleasantly surprised by the strength of the response from across the motu and tau iwi.

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Agree! unpleasantly surprised by the strength! Maori are watching closely. Ready to mobilise, both in downing tools to march, as well as the courts approach. Tangata Tiriti are coming to the fore in greater numbers.

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Never apologise for an excuse to play Ria Hall

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Aug 26Liked by Nick Rockel

Great article Nick, as per usual.

You ask as individuals, with whom we will stand.

I'm an 80yr old pakeha and I will be standing with Maori. I haven't always felt that way but as I learn and understand the checks and balances of life, I realise how my generation was racially manipulated by the political GREED machine. I don't think that manipulation has changed much.

I often feel an internal hoplessness when I learn of more colonialism mistreatments. How could we treat people that way.

I now realise our kiwi culture could be so much more sustainable and meaningful if we'd had full integration for the last 160 years or so.

Keep up the good work.

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