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"Other protest events happening on 8 June so far include:

12 noon - 350 Chch - Stop the Fast Track Bill - peaceful protest cnr Durham & Moorhouse

1pm Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland – March for Nature

1pm Pōneke Wellington - People over Profits: Stop the Cuts!"

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12.30pm for a 1pm march, Nelson Cathedral steps - Stop the Fast Track! March for Nature.

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Jun 5Liked by Nick Rockel

OMG I remember that interview. i think I took photos of John with his head in his hands.

This fast track legislation could see all kinds of projects get across the line, projects like seabed mining and coal mines that have already been refused consent by the courts. In the case of seabed mining, the Supreme Court. Or the Ruataniwha dam.

And all the power in the hands of just three ministers, who don't have to take environmental impacts into consideration. And their "expert panel" set up to advise them is PROHIBITED from public consultation.

This is an absolutely appalling piece of legislation that would give those three ministers more power than ministers have ever had in the history of Aotearoa.

Come with us.

March for Nature

there's nothing like a bit of a walk down Queen Street chanting and singing with a bunch of like-mindeds, all as pissed off about this government as you are. It'll be fun. We want this to be HUGE. Please, join us

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I'll be there

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Jun 5Liked by Nick Rockel

Whether or not it is agreed that tourism is a good thing for the country it seems evident that if we are talking from a financial point of view then tourism is certainly a better earner than mining, oil exploration and those extractive industries that will harm the environment which brings the tourists in the first place. At least tourism leaves more money in the hands of local people with not as much channelled overseas. Sadly our clean green image has taken a beating with the stories of polluted waterways and pictures of intensive dairying in mud paddocks so why would we contemplate adding even more economical damage to our whenua and to our image. Thank you to those marching on my behalf.

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The Muttonbirds were great! And great song for the days ahead. I hope we see more - would love to see one of songs for the universe kind of mashups with all of our great musos around the motu playing in. I think there will be a huge turnout on Saturday. All the pics, all the things we can share will be welcome for those who can't physically get there. Meanwhile, following a bit of the select committee on getting rid of Maori Wards. The arrogance of one Cameron Brewer is not surprising while he seeks to argue with submitters. PS I love the wrecking ball from Greenpeace.

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Brewer is amazing - so arrogant and unwilling to listen he is sure to be fast tracked in this particular caucus

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Jun 6Liked by Nick Rockel

I just want to say Thank you for reminding me, we are not alone.

I agree with every point made in your article and comments and have nothing to add to that.

I was stoked with the reference to the West Coast as I have whanau who were heavily involved in the Labour Party there. Especially a Great Great Aunt, in a time when I don't think woman could have 'stood up' so easily.

Unity is strength

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Same here Jo, I grew up down there

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Jun 5Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick, I do despair at the actions of this lot , just shameful

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Jun 6Liked by Nick Rockel

I'll be in Wellington this weekend - just need to persuade my 13 year-old daughter that joining the protest is a good idea and not totally embarrassing or something.

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I'm an old fart, but my heart is surely with you guys. Travel well.

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There will be heaps of young people there, hope she comes. It helps me seeing young people and hearing their views, i learn so much from them

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Remind her about Greta Thunberg...she started protesting at a very young age

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Jun 5Liked by Nick Rockel

What Mac said!

Thanks Nick

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Jun 6Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks for reminding us that we are not alone.

Im definitely voting for Ria for mayor. Had enough of the Owens clan thinking they know

what is best for Tauranga

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Jones has already proven that he cant be trusted, having secret meetings with donors and childish crap about endangered frogs. As for Bishop he has proven that he cant even be trusted with a mobile phone. Even if you have complete disregard for our environment that millions of people a year come to experience, you should at least be protesting about any control given to arguably three of the most untrusted ministers we have ever had in parliament

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Yeah! Again so much to do, but why are we in this position? Did we kid ourselves that we had democracy? What we had was propaganda and spin that did not consider any detail, but buzz words, so WE voted for what sounded good "reduced Tax", no one likes Tax, but Tax = Services, good things for people. There are more of us Enlightened than Entitled, if we mobilize and VOTE - avoid the Spin and propaganda, stick to the facts, and if we engage with people and dump the One Party Caucus vote of Winner Takes All, we can have democracy - FOR PEOPLE - Delegated to MP's as representatives for people. The Voter turnout was 78.2% of those enrolled. We always get what we deserve, but we do not deserve the impact of the hidden agenda of the Entitled!

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18 hrs ago

Another new low. Courtesy of Luxon's capitulation to NZ First and the evil and corrupt Shane Jones.

"In early May our lawyer informed us that if the Fast Track Approvals Bill were to pass into law the way it is written, the government would be able to bypass the protections the Water Conservation Order gives Te Waikoropupū Springs.

Around the same time, we became aware West Coast MP Maureen Pugh had met with representatives of Siren Gold Mining. Siren Gold and its predecessors have been exploring gold deposits near Sam’s Creek in Golden Bay for many years. Siren Gold has been invited to apply under fast-track to mine Sam’s Creek.

Sam’s Creek Mine is essentially an arsenic mine. Up to eleven million tonnes of arsenic-laden rock will be mined. The processing of the rock will most likely happen at a plant to be developed on farmland in the Upper Takaka Valley. Arsenic-laden rock will be pounded to a fine powder and passed into a slime heap containing cyanide and other chemicals. The ore's high arsenic content would leave over 75,000 tonnes of highly toxic substance in the slime heap once the gold is removed. If the slime heap were to leak into the aquifer, as is likely to happen over time, it would mean the stygofauna in the aquifer would die and the crystal-clear waters be lost forever".

Sam's creek is near the aquafer that supplies water to Te Waikoropupu Springs.

For more reference see:


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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

I've been trying to think of songs which fit all three Coalition partners for their approaches to the future of Aotearoa/NZ, and I think I might have some that fit quite neatly. For his unbelievable, disgraceful disregard for conservation I've chosen John Prime's " Paradise" for Shane Jones.

For David Seymour's disrespect to everyone else I've picked AC/DC's " Dirty deeds done dirt cheap" and for Luxon Inc's complete lack of any empathy for the people of our country we have the Rolling Stones " You can't always get what you want" ( except in this case you don't even get what you need)

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Dirty Deeds!!! Perfect!

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What worries me more than the concept of a fast track bill is the three totally unsuitable clowns that are tasked with its oversight and implementation. Bishop already with an abhorent track record of cosying up to the tobacco industry, Jones a dreadful narcissist with no interest in anything but himself and Brown who is an incompetent fundamentalist fool.

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Good article; thank you. I had forgotten how many times Bridges can squeeze, "the fact of the matter is..." into an interview. The Nats need to lay the buzz words to bed, whether it is Bridges' ones, or :let me tell you" from Luxon. At the end of this term of this Government, they will have destroyed our country. The role is to govern our country, and not to see us to the person with the most cash.

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How about "the previous Government" blame dissappearing as well? How much longer are this bunch of dumbfuckers (thanks Nick, great word! ) going to carry on with this before they take any responsibility for the state our country is in? Not Labour's fault, just incompetent, Bright new egos thinking they know everything about how to fix non-existent problems.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

I'm a bit puzzled why the Labour Party is not encouraging its supporters to take part in Saturday's actions. I can find nothing on their Facebook page or on Rachel Boyack's page (my nearest Labour MP).

Our local Greens branches are strongly promoting our event on Facebook. If Labour did the same surely this would boost numbers.

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Crikey. That Simon Bridges interview. Not in a mood to consider any viewpoint except his own. And now, yes, we have fast track approvals coming. Which is the natural endpoint of all his shouting and yelling. They won't even have to pretend to justify their decisions.

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Interesting in the interview SB was selling how wonderful and safe deepsea drilling would be, cos there were so many protection hoops the mining companies would need to jump through. Now SB is heading up the govt instrument that we 'fast track' through these very protections for Aotearoa. Hypocritical, greedy traitor!

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