Nov 12, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I saw those interviews, and also felt utter dismay. After six years of a government that made mostly rational decisions about the way forward in the face of climate change, even though the delivery was frequently inadequate or delayed, it comes as a shock to think how quickly that could all change. Whatever these coalition negotiations bring us, one thing is certain. It won't be good.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Wholeheartedly agree with all of the above Nick. This media crap is getting very worrying. The uptick in aggression and vitriol is very disturbing. Beyond just distracting from the clownalition "negotiations". Hard to see what the end game is ffs. The fear of new election is a possibility, in which case the level of targeted nastiness is huge overreaction.

Maybe it's a 5 star alarm because they know more than we do about the shambolic "3 leaders" korero?

I'm still deeply suspicious of Key in China. Kiwifruit transgressions, right at this time, seems a total smokescreen. The master puppeteer taking the undemocratic lead on behalf of property investors everywhere seems strangely more likely. Aue. Maybe I've become a conspiracy theorist 😅

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You haven't 😂

Key hasn't exactly been subtle about his promotion of China since he was PM. The floodgates of money looking for a safe haven will be open soon, no doubt. This election wasn't even vaguely about tax cuts, it was all about people getting rich from the housing market.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Yep my thoughts too. But the sinister part is how strings being pulled and manipulated by unelected individuals who now have freedom to make it explicit without any of the bothersome constraints of public accountability that being an elected member of our government would bring. Seems the planning for this been a long time in the making.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes Nick. the big God money. Never mind , Key is challenging Luxton for NZ to purchase some 'cuddly Panda Bears' from China. That will solve any marketing problems NZ has with China !!! Not.

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Yes yes and yes Nick

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Listened to a pompous Luxon on Morning Report this morning again assuring us that he's all for democracy, but he blanket-refuses to reveal anything about the nature of the coalition negotiations, or what is being decided on under this "rulership of the people"... It's one thing to take the time to "get it right" but three parties with distinct agendas, and no transparency... this should absolutely be a job for the 4th Estate.

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but I feel our 4th Estate has sunk without trace

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Can you just imagine the hysteria and vitriol from the media had it been Labour and friends taking an age to get sorted? They would be foaming at the mouth. But for National and Co - nothing. Not a peep. And as for that woman on the Coast - We were really doing well under Labour but don't tell anyone - words fail me.

Thanks as always Nick.

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Brilliant post Nick. Thank you so much for doing this and keeping hope alive for me.

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You're very welcome 🙂

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

to say that "we are open for business" in the context of a world where there are rampant attempts by corporations to extract as much out of the earth as they can before the looming decline of western economic power and the increasing cost of evergy take away their power to accumulate wealth for the few while mother earth suffers, is something that only the wanna be wealthies could say. scary stuff. Lets hope we get an election soon. i found some hope in reading how Spain managed to introduce some left policies in the midst of right wing shifts across Europe. including electricity and rent price caps and a temporary wealth tax. Inflation sorted! we just have to convince the media and industry to stop their poorly informed support for being open for business and start asking questions about where they want our wealth to go. A perfect song Nick.

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Well said - remember how every country in the EU and elsewhere said Spain was a failed state and doomed as they ran out of cash? Funny how all the right-wing, throw money at private companies, banks and govts etc. funded a massive property and construction boom in Spain then the same banks and govts pulled the plug after the GFC. The socialist govt has pulled the economic round and Spain is seen as a success story again.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

'Pugwash Pugh'

Greed & Cowardice

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I watched Q & A with rather a lot of anger and had to wonder at how many active neurons the average coaster has. Well the ones interviewed, including the truly awful Maureen Pugh, seemed smug, totally inward looking and not very bright. As for that Greymouth mayor - what a disingenuous piece of work. Doing well but if there is more profit to be made, the environment be damned. You are right too about the armchair ride given to that Straterra PR person - just allowed to spill out pro mining propaganda unchallenged. A lot of what she said was contradictory. I remarked at the time it desperately needed James Shaw to ask the questions and challenge her

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I can’t believe that a man who got 6.3% of the vote is holding things up until he gets 100% of the final decision 😂

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Right on the button as usual Nick!

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A really good insightful piece thank you Nick. Probably repeating myself however Maureen Pugh is one of the more experienced ones in the National caucus. Add in the other lame ducks and more cookers from ACT and NZ First and God help us all. From Jacinda et al to this. Unbelievable.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Nick. What a clown show, no response from the three parties so I guess there could be an election on in the future. Sticking point seems to be the tax policies. If it is a shambles now what does the future hold?

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Absolutely Nick.I agree with all you have said here. Great song as well.

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The tragedy of politics in Aotearoa is that no front line MP has the apples to call things the way they are. The unholy alliance between ACT and NZF, yet to materialised, would demonstrate pragmatism over belief. Winston Peters and David Seymour are the most unlikely bed-partners of recent times. Why would anyone think that any arrangement these two clowns come up with will last longer than the ink takes to dry on any coalition ratification document. Seymour is an ideologue. He claims Māori heritage whilst simultaneously attempting to dismantle Te Tirity o Waitangi legitimacy. Whilst Peters the opportunist has courted every conspiracy theorist nutter in a vainglorious attempt to remain relevant long past his sell by date, merely to prop up his three real interests of drinking, smoking, and horse racing

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Let us hope they fail to agree. Some of their plans are naff naff. Thanks Nick. I would like you to add a donation button, as we may wish to give you more Cheers.

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Thanks Patricia, that's a very kind thought. I'll look at including some other options in one of the next newsletters 🙂

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Yea Nah, Quit moaning, NZ got the best Election John Key & Christopher Luxons' fellow CEO's in collaboration with their Counterparts in NZMSM could Buy, Fire Sale - CHEAP!!!

Maybe it's time we all pulled our Beaks out of those Rotten Radiata Logs, blinked our night vision Peepers more than once & looked around at how Neoliberal Capitalism, formerly Democratic Governance is being bought & paid for through the exact same methodology - just Universalised to better fit the SWIFT System!

The Conspiracy theory that just keeps on Giving & giving & giving. Stacking the Deck with Stacks of Cash & a few secret handshakes between boys has never been easier, right boys??? Wink Wink, Nod Nod.

*Hint - Anybody watch the last American, European, Israel, Australian, Canadian Media Circus Elections where Gold Bars & an Electric Tesla, or 2 in every 8 Car Garage won by a Landslide through Paid Media Interference??? Well guess what???

This morning the Great Bald Unspotted Kiwi got confused on the Airwaves & Mumbo Jumbo'd how Good Things, like processed Cheese take's time. Yes, well,, I am disappointed that I won't be allowed to stow away in the Former PM's Carry-on-Bag for the Economic Forum Part of APEC! He'd get suspicious being charged Excess Baggage for his Carry on, so I'll ask David how he does it! Besides, I need to be rubbing Beaks & smelling Butts with my counterparts!!! I have to be there because our economy is being run into the Ground by those Chippy Dippy's Airy Fairy Deniers of the Capitalistic Process, ERggghhhhh!!! The horror!!!!

Now, is anybody still thinking that this couldn't happen here?????? Fine if you do, just go back to munchin your WHO-WHO's under your canopy of Ferns & stop dreaming about being ripped to shreds by that Haast Eagle that went the way of the Moa over 200 years ago.

Media: Are you disappointed your not going to APEC Mr. PM???? Chrome Dome: Well, you know I'd be there representing everyones' best financial interests getting our economy back on track from being run into the ground by the guy taking my place at APEC, but, but, but, but BUTT!!!! Media: yup, cool, but it was only a yes or no question...that was our new Dear Leader Luxo-Deluxo, hard at work forming the next Government from somewhere in NZ!

Media- Mic's off!!! (Oh shit, is that accurate??? Is he already at APEC slinking around in the Mens Room sniffing Seats??? Ok, Mic's back on!!) Media: Thank you Mr Luxon, any word on when you might be announcing your new Gov't???? Media: Mr. Luxon, are you still there???? (Mic's off - I think we lost him??) Media: Hello, Hello, yup we lost him...

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Simon Bridges got his description of Maureen, the Stump Farmer - right! Apologies to Stumps!

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Those comments are superb, Lone Wolfe! Had me with tears running with laughter at some of your descriptions - you should be on a comedy program. Pity its all so damn serious really, after all its an economy and a country they are about to run, or should that be ruin......

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Thanks Tony, Glad you could follow it & get it! I'm certainly not fit for a Prime Time Modern Comedy show. Maybe something along the line of Monty Python's Flying Circus with a bit of Joe Bageant, Hunter S, Frank Zappa, Sam Clemens, Bill Murry & John Cleese thrown in for good measure to keep me grounded! I'm best as an Impromptu Political Critic rather than a Comedic Entertainer. Frustrated Musician & Song Writer, I guess... We all need our releases, ya know?

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