Dec 19, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

You are naughty Nick- but I like it. lol Too true about Ricardo Mendes- he is bloody annoying. Chloe,and Gohlriz eating Maccas-how profane! Spot on about Rawiri Waititi- he wouldn't want to compromise on his kai. Nut loaf.Yeah/NAH. I look forward to art Two with the NATS and Labour parties in the firing line. NZ First must not be left out!

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I had put a paragraph in this one with Winston Peters as the grinch/ghost of Xmas future looking in through the window at the festivities, perhaps I'll have to revive it for the National/Labour one. Glad you liked it :)

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I can't believe the way Winnie the Poo is dissing Jacinda and Labour. I thought she and Winnie actually worked well together ,and after all they survived a full term without Jacinda expelling him the way Helen Clark and Jenny Shipley did. My sister voted NZ First for years but no more. She doen't like the way he is attacking Labour now, and she was appalled by his visit to the mob at Parliament's grounds. I am also shocked that Shane Jones goes along with Winston's railing against co-governance. Shane Jones used to be an activist. I would have thought co-governance arrangements around water would be applauded by him. I think of Winston as being a chameleon who changes his colours to suit his agenda. It seems so is Shane Jones.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Love it.

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Nobody spared - brilliant!

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

That was funny Nick thank you greatly entertaining. Mind y0u i think you have given those 3 parties the most publicity they have had all year :)

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Good stuff Nick. Not sorry I missed the invite to the ACT celebrations. Wouldn't have known who the rest of the bunch were unless they all wear sidearms. Bit like a western without the horses.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Great laugh. Thanks for that! Have a goodie. 😊🎄

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

awesome , love it !

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

That was fun with a fish hook in it! I'd love to hear your take on the Press Gallery party.

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I did write recently about the Newstalk ZB Xmas party, not sure if you saw it: https://nickrockel.substack.com/p/xmas-party-debauchery-at-newstalk

But yes, a wider look at the press gallery is a very good idea :)

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Ah, very good! I hadn't seen it. You captured their personalities well, and I loved the inclusion of Simeon. What a sorry bunch.

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Too good Nick you really do capture them all & do it so well.

But that song at the end!? Omg that version was definitely written & preformed with Sleasemore as the character brief *shudder*

Merry Christmas man of the moment (St.) Nick.. have a great one!

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