A very poetic beginning to today's Korero, Nick. Were you having a William Wordsworth moment? It's obvious your time away is doing some good for all.

I was lucky enough to have stayed at Okataina Lodge some years ago as part of a team building exercise, (a very 1980's thing). A beautiful lake to sit by and soak up the wairua, even for an import like me. You can feel the past and sanctity embracing the area. Very special place.

The toastie looks pretty daunting, not surprised you had two goes at it!

Fabulous version of Here comes the Sun. Plenty more tears to come. I hope you can make many of them joyful.

I was thinking, before I read the post this morning that suggesting you take a break would be something akin to telling the sun not to bother rising for a few days. It's great to see the photos and read the Korero, though. Thanks for taking the time to keep us updated.

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My mate Matt had his 21st at that lodge; his brother was the chef there. I went on camps to Okataina a couple of times. I did consider popping over, but it's a little out of the way.

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Beautiful writing and music.

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Thanks, Nick. I enjoyed taking the stress-free tiki tour with you and Fi.

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Ata Marie - I think that protest is about sewerage going into the lake.

I remember bathing in the hot pools at whakarewarewa and my uncle screaming to get out of the pool cos someone had done a poop in it. It was so funny watching him cos in his rush to get out he fell back in the pool and it was floating around him.

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In the early 60s I had a boyfriend who was a champion skier. He used to take me to the Blue Lake and teach me to ski. I was hopeless. Couldn't stand so I ended up being dragged around the lake sitting on the water. A cushion of freezing cold water would build up under my bum. To say it was uncomfortable is an understatement. The relationship didn't last.

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Lovely writing as ever Nick. You activated a very old memory of going to the Buried Village in a school trip from Atiamuri when I was a kid, probably about 8 .... my overriding memory from there was feeling a strange oppressive feeling of sadness at the site, the other happier memory was the loveliness of the lakes.

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I know what you mean about the sadness

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Revisiting my teenage life with your historic review when I first came to NZ - so much the same trip it’s uncanny!

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Love the area Nick - it brings back memories for me too!

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Thanks Nick, we lived in Rotorua quite a while back and your comments rang quite a few bells - the area has a lot going for it…

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Thank you Nick.

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We took my friend to the Third Place cafe this morning, as suggested. It was lovely to look out over Ohinemutu. It seems weird not to see the old tavern there.

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I hope the sun shone for you xx

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BEST toasted sammies ever!

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Thanks for the Trip down memory lane Nick, I remember the rock paintings well was nice to be reminded of them many years later. Cheers

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Thank you Nick for taking us along your journey - inspires me to visit Rotorua again - and try out the Okere Falls Cafe!

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Thanks Nick for bringing back long ago memories of this area. As a young ankle biter we used to spend summer holidays at Lake Rotoma. My memories are somewhat vague ( it was 60ish years ago ) but do remember the Blue and Green Lakes and Buried Village...I need to get back and explore this wonderful area.

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Fascinating information about the rock art, lovely memories, and music with a melody in which I can hear and understand every word. Beautiful!

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Biked around the Blue and Green Lakes last month. Rented a not-so-good mountain bike from Torpedo7. My back let me know that I should have gotten a better bike.

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