My kids who live in San Francisco are having a snigger about Luxon going there on his last day in the US because he "knows" some bizpeople. Luxon will be a flea at NATO and an annoying one at that, who will be largely ignored. I agree with you about Darleen. It's not about her. MPs elected on the List are there because of their party, not their own magnificent selves. Labour had their issues ; Gaurav Sharma and Meka Whaitiri who even worse in a way were electorate MPs. I feel sorry for the Greens members who organised, campaigned, door knocked and fund raised. I thought Chloe showed great courage ; there is nothing more disappointing than finding out your political colleagues have let everyone down. Of course the National Party just buries any reports and carries on regardless.

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I was brave too Karen, a good PR stint for his followers, but again he arrogantly ignores/ minimises all that has been done previously. Yes the campaigning has not, will not stop. Betcha.

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Kiwis are voting with their feet Leaving at a rate unprecedented Over 20 thousand a week leaving for jobs. What a puffed up failure PM Luxon is really.

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Jul 8Liked by Nick Rockel

I took the plunge and watched our pm's little video. At times I thought that he was holding the reins of a horse. I Also wondered whether he was still on the campaign trail as it sounded very similar. It must be upside down day Nick

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Yes I was brave too Karen. How embarrassing to think of Luxon creeping round at NATO telling everyone New Zilland is open for business. Such an utter plonker!

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Wasn't Jacinda invited to speak or maybe that was another get together. What a weasal

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No you were right. She spoke at the UN. Neve was only little.

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Oops sorry......it was the UN not Nato

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Can you imagine that buffoon. What I would say is new ziland is open for business. That would be it 😵‍💫

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You’re brave! I couldn’t stomach it but agree Nick that Darleen needs to step away

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Groan! I watched all 2.03 minutes - it seemed longer. I prefer the Jonathon Pie vids

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There’s a new J Pie vid out on Labour

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Thx. I will take a look.

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That is very funny. I hate the way he moves his hands and thumb around. Trying to convince us all that he's a really good PM!

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I noticed too, how he apportioned inflation on overseas factors; rightly so but thats a change of tune from him, he told us it was all Labour’s fault!

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Yes,good spotting!

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I couldnt finish it. The overwhelming urge to slap him is always too much if he's on for more than few seconds, smarmy conniving little ......

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Luxon is dreaming if he thinks his visit to the NATO forum will have any positive impact for AotearoaNZ or his own self admiration. Most of the attendees won't have a clue who he is, where he's from or why he's there. He will look more like a drink waiter who's lost his tray than "a bloke who gets things done". The northern hemisphere countries generally have a lot more on their own plates now to consider, rather than give the equivalent of a mayor from one of their midsized cities any attention. Perhaps he just might want to hide for a while, surrounded by other people's troubles he can do nothing about, rather than trying to fix those he has at home. (thanks for sending the video Nick. Now we all feel fantastic. Could you please, in future, add a warning that some viewers will find the content offensive?)

I feel for the Greens the same as you and wonder how many more struggles and disappointments they will have to suffer before things go their way. Chloe is a very welcome face and voice as co-leader. Hopefully she can exercise her talents to the full and help turn the corner. Darleen must do the decent thing. She has no future in the political world so should get on her bike and head home.

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' He will look more like a drink waiter who's lost his tray than "a bloke who gets things done"'...

brilliant, Jeremy....and probably an Spanish drink waiter called 'Manuel', given the way he waves his hands around....

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We are on the same page Kim, many thanks for your reply 😂

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Hey Nick - I really like your profile image (is it new or am I just noticing?)

Good points about Darleen. Although I'm concerned about the political damage, I also try to keep in mind her employees that by all accounts were in vulnerable positions and treated pretty badly. Just too much of that in this country.

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Thanks Quentin - I did update my photo recently, cheers.

The Greens seem largely unaffected in the polls, although maybe they'd be polling higher otherwise? Perhaps the people who would consider voting for them can take things as they are?

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Jul 9Liked by Nick Rockel

Yep - after the joy of UK and France - we now get the dumbed down twat version of the penis-thumb inserting himself where no one wants him and even fewer care - just another tax payer funded social-media junket where he pretends to be Tom Cruise| Top Gun - just ugh! and we paying for these ridiculous, cringey photo ops.

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Jul 9Liked by Nick Rockel

Could someone please tell Luxon's highly paid comms team that we spell "neighbourhood" and "neighbours" with a u in Aotearoa.

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Embarrassing and wasteful spending. NATO is not our business.

If you're a list MP it should just be automatic that you are replaced if you leave the party

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Thanks Nick. A great read as always. What the US and Europe are enabling in Gaza does not align with mine and I would think a majority of New Zealanders values. Trying to cosy up to NATO just demonstrates what an immoral arsehole our prime minister is. Oh for a real prime minister with some critical thinking skills who truely does want what is best for all New Zealander.

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I'm being shallow today and - while agreeing with your analysis, Nick - the Breakfast Show's how late is too late line particularly caught my eye. Of course without context - too late for what? - my poor brain spun off to a passage in the book I read last night where the character informs us that for a meeting 7 minutes late is ok, but 12 minutes is rude. So, there you go! [Richard Osman's The Last Devil to Die ... a humorous who dun it, with elderly protagonists, I have it out from Libby, the library app. If anyone needs fun reads, give his novels a whirl.]

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...although I am also crying as this novel handles the character Stephen's dementia.

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But handles it so very well!

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...Hence my tears. As well as my laughter. Happy to meet another reader :))

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I love The Thursday Murder Club series! Eagerly awaiting the next book AND the movie!

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Jul 9Liked by Nick Rockel

I don't know whether he can sign up to AUKUS off his own bat but I bet he would like to. Notice he talks about Putin but nothing about Netanyahu.

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Jul 9Liked by Nick Rockel

Well done, all of you! How can we tolerate him!!

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Thanks Nick....Luxon (I used to run an airline)....is it just me or is the background music uncannily similar to an Air NZ ad?

As for going to NATO......what on earth does he have to contribute and (spoiler alert Christopher)....NATO is not where you wheedle trade agreements and no-one there will give a flying flummox if you say Noo Zelnd is open for business.

Wishing the Greens well....so many challenges. Here's hoping they're a great strong team by the time we're gearing up for the next election!

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Jul 9Liked by Nick Rockel

Hey Nick, give Breakfast a fair go..... school holidays means many kids are maybe watching perhaps they are keeping it light? My husband and I are TV1 watchers for Breakfast..... they are a great team and do have the serious interviews and don't hold back - I don't mind some light hearted banter at that time of the day either..... If you want to have a sobering look at life - watching Al Jazeera makes us get our lives into perspective pretty quickly.

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Fair enough, my apologies for being grumpy, at another time I'd probably have had a laugh.

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Isn’t it strange how he can waffle on about the impact of world events on our economy and way of life, but refuses to acknowledge the impact of world events on the achievements of the previous government?

It also feels as if he’s promoting the idea that anyone from anywhere can come here, exploit our resources, and take the profits away with them.

As for the line about being open for business will enable us to afford better health services etc, it’s never worked before so why would we believe it will now or in the future.

I agree with you about Chloe, I haven’t always been a fan but she’s proving herself to be sensible, articulate, well informed, and has bucket loads of integrity and professionalism. Darleen needs to go, she’s only in parliament as a list MP for the Greens and if she’s resigned from that party she has no business being an independent. It she was an elected constituent MP that would be different.

Luxon needs to show some integrity, leadership and spine over his MP David MacLeod’s failure to fully declare his financial situation, and look into his coalition partner David Seymour’s questionable Snapchat sessions with 14 year olds. There are plenty of goings on in the Coalition that need some serious scrutiny.

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And all the while, he forgets about the bottom feeders, the poor, the disabled, the homeless..

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Kia ora, Nick. At the heart of the row over Darleen lies the question of candidate selection. National takes the cake for dodgy choices, while Labour has had its own disappointments. But the Greens' also need to brush up on due diligence when compiling their list. MPs are endowed with huge power and privilege, so the voting public deserve certainty that all contenders have been well and truly scrutinised.

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100% Brian

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I agree that TV3’s new News has started pretty well. The Black Power graduate story was JohnCampbellesque… I despair that talented and intelligent journalists are willing to prostitute themselves on SevenBlunt and Brokefest - it’s not even the opiate of the masses, more the bag of glue.

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