Congratulations Nick, such a proud dad! I watched Stanford on Q&A and as an educator for many, many years I was amazed at her robotic, practiced answers. The whole energy of the coalition policies has been put into structured literacy, school attendance, lifting teacher capabilities and charter schools. Not once did she mention from her so called in-depth research that the group that are at the tail end of the statistics. That is our Māori tamariki ,those who are disadvantaged and those who have educational and social needs. I would like to know what resources will be put in place for these tamariki to succeed?

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Ataahua Nick! you and G keep it real for us all and some joy is the best therapy of all - mauri ora!

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Wonderful news, Nick, and congratulations to your boy and his bride-to-be. Why indeed would you want to ruin that by watching another cardboard cut-out droning on? Have a beautiful, and hopefully warmer, day.

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Wonderful news Nick. I. have a whole new Moracccan/Jewish American family because our son finally married his love. As you can imagine, there are some no go areas of conversation! On Jack Tame ; I thought he was weak this morning. He allowed Nicola Stanford to rant on and on, talk over him and he was ill prepared. He tried a couple of political hits which fell flat, when he really should have been much more across the detail of the Nats new imposed education changes and the change in philosophical direction. I could see the teachers going ballistic on Twitter. It was just all gobbledegook and I learned nothing except Erica Stanford is a dangerous Minister and Jack Tame is not up to challenging her.

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Sorry Erica. Erica/Nicola interchangeable.

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Mauri Ora! Lovely news, enjoy basking in that glow. We had a family wedding yesterday and it’s just so good for the soul to be around all that love 🧡

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Yay for family and good news - can keep things in some kind of perspective. Remembering Gerard’s piece on corruption yesterday it is worth looking at Gordon Campbell (a real journalist) on Scoop, he touches on similar issues…

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Congratulations and thank you for sharing your uplifting news. Another problem with this government continuing to falsely blame all the ills of the world on the previous administration is that it undermines our confidence in all government, including this one. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

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What marvelous news Nick, congratulations.

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I note Gerard has taken a look at the Erica interview and provided a highlights package here:


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Great news for you Nick, congrats!

Circling back to the power issue, that's an iceberg. It's scary how much we rely on the mostly hidden grid for our society. Yes, individually a few will quite happily survive without power, but the size of our population and the corresponding overall needs means that without power for more than a few days and we are in serious trouble. The gorgeous Aurora displays of the other weekend reminded me of just how susceptible we are to another Carrington Event: not just loss of GPS satellites, but power grid infrastructure globally. Power off for a few days while transformers replaced in a couple of local sub-stations no biggie. Power off for a month or two as all the replacement parts were used up world-wide and need to be manufactured - that's the true hidden danger. So, have your 3 days of water, but just as importantly how's that vege garden looking?

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I've often wondered what would happen if we lost the power and the oil ran out worldwide. I bet within a week most of NZ would be begging our "lazy and useless" Maori and Pasifika brothers and sisters to show us how to survive off the land and the resources therein. Perhaps a little more engagement with those who have that knowledge would be a good idea for Erica to consider as part of any schools curriculum. As G says, the day to need the skills could just be today or tomorrow. We should be prepared, not "useless"

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Reminds of carless days I'd have to teach my pony to pull a cart might come in handy 😁😁😁

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That's so sweet. Proud dad and rightly so.

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That's great family news Nick. You'd better get stuck into your passport application, there's an 8 week wait. The expiry of 5 year passports has caught up with Internal Affairs - apparently nobody thought to plan for it.

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Good morning Nick. A nice bundle of Sunday reflections on last week and the dreaded budget week to come...time feels right for a coffee and a piece of toast and a single poached egg...finally, congrats to your son and soon to be daughter-in-law, they look like a lovely lively pair, eh

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Lovely news Nick!🌹Glad you mentioned Sharon Murdoch - my favourite too!

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If you pause or turn off the faffle and empty dialogue that we’re being constantly hit with you must see that the government is the people’s enemy. We must as individuals think critically and endeavour to be more independent or we will lose all our freedoms I for one don’t want to be part of the propaganda and mass formation. There are some who risk speaking the truth but they are few and far between. Greed and government ARE our enemy

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Be a good feeling about your son & daughter -in -law to be Nick. I would like to see Jack Tame put Winnie through the wringer about why NZ should jeopardize our free trade agreement with China by signing that AUKUS agreement.

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I don't think Jack would be able to match Winston's snide remarks it would have to be somebody who could shut that down not sure who?

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John Campbell, but Winston would be "Busy"

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Do you think I really like him but is he hard arse enough 🤣😂

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