Two ‘releases’ is fine, especially with big stories breaking late.
I subscribed to Nick’s Kōrero using some of the money I saved by cancelling ‘The Post’. I cancelled because of what they (and this is Stuff remember) did to Kiri Alan and Tory Whanau - I hope they do better this time…
Nick things are moving at pace with little oversight, so your missives give us background to consider. That is even more important with truncated news and the loss of longer format programmes . You keep on trucking putting your magnifying glass on events.
I'm fine with your decisions on the amount of content you put out Nick, I am an avid reader whatever! I had a rnz interview on this today. There were very subdued comments about the number of jobs available for former NewsHub bods, i.e. maybe a handful? Stuff won't be doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, they will want to ensure its financially advantageous to them - fair enough probs given its private enterprise. Nicola will love it! My wish is for a non-partisan tax payer funded non-commercial channel. Having said that has the world actually moved on from a 6pm tv news show? Many of us get our news updates from a variety of online sources and I for one gave up on the slanted bias of TV news a long time ago.
I use Youtube for research, and pay a fee to get bugger all advertising, and I very often use the excellent information contained in the daily writings of David Slack and Nick Rockel to direct my researching on Youtube.
I listen to Radio NZ, read the Listener and follow Al Jazeera and other overseas channels on the internet. I try to get a wide range of unbiased perspectives.
Feedback - appreciated receiving you second item based on the current days NewsHub / Stuff events. Great to have a professional opinion. I would read all that comes my way from you.
Once again we have held similar views about NewsHub. It seemed every time I went on it they were doing some neoliberal dissertation. Particularly just prior to elections. In the long run I fear loss of good nz made documentaries. I would support a broadcasting fee to just get these and more..
I'd get rid of sports! They rarely show us equestrian despite having some great riders at international events. When I am watching the news (less these days as I get most of what I need from The Guardian [UK] and NY Times [US]), I do things in the kitchen and return to catch the weather (even tho' I have a weather app). It helps with knowing what's going on when there's a bad storm.
I despise writers like Malpass, Du Fresne, and Grant for their partiality, but whilst I enjoy Campbell I'm equally sure their are people who despise his position. The road to information has to be a personal journey. To rely on any journalist to narrate your truth is a very dangerous path to walk because the one thing all journos have in common is they want their truth to be read and liked. Whether you're Tova, Heather, Jack, John, Jenna, Paddy, or Jessica they have ALL demonstrated they will massage the truth to suit their target audiences. In the finish it matters little whether there is one, two, or three news channels because none of them present unfolding events in a non partisan way. Their narrative is always to preserve a eurocentric hegemony.
Two ‘releases’ is fine, especially with big stories breaking late.
I subscribed to Nick’s Kōrero using some of the money I saved by cancelling ‘The Post’. I cancelled because of what they (and this is Stuff remember) did to Kiri Alan and Tory Whanau - I hope they do better this time…
It's the best out of a bad situation, time for melissa lee to be'moved on'
Agree Nick it is as good a news as we could have expected.
Nick things are moving at pace with little oversight, so your missives give us background to consider. That is even more important with truncated news and the loss of longer format programmes . You keep on trucking putting your magnifying glass on events.
It's better than nothing. If we ended up with just the one state controlled media outlet we might as well be in China or Russia or North Korea.
I'm fine with your decisions on the amount of content you put out Nick, I am an avid reader whatever! I had a rnz interview on this today. There were very subdued comments about the number of jobs available for former NewsHub bods, i.e. maybe a handful? Stuff won't be doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, they will want to ensure its financially advantageous to them - fair enough probs given its private enterprise. Nicola will love it! My wish is for a non-partisan tax payer funded non-commercial channel. Having said that has the world actually moved on from a 6pm tv news show? Many of us get our news updates from a variety of online sources and I for one gave up on the slanted bias of TV news a long time ago.
Me too...don't watch TV unless it has been recorded at someone else's place and so can dodge the endless mindless excruciatingly boring advertising...
Can I ask please, if you don't watch TV, how do you get news and current affairs info?
I use Youtube for research, and pay a fee to get bugger all advertising, and I very often use the excellent information contained in the daily writings of David Slack and Nick Rockel to direct my researching on Youtube.
I listen to Radio NZ, read the Listener and follow Al Jazeera and other overseas channels on the internet. I try to get a wide range of unbiased perspectives.
Thanks for this post Nick which is very informative and hopefully points to positive news.
The more newsletters the better!
Feedback - appreciated receiving you second item based on the current days NewsHub / Stuff events. Great to have a professional opinion. I would read all that comes my way from you.
Once again we have held similar views about NewsHub. It seemed every time I went on it they were doing some neoliberal dissertation. Particularly just prior to elections. In the long run I fear loss of good nz made documentaries. I would support a broadcasting fee to just get these and more..
Yes, get rid of the weather. I dont watch the news for that.
Not so sure about sport, this is NZ "we like to think we punch above our weight" and its an Okympics year.
But defo the weather. That would put a solid 5 minutes back into what is going to be a much reduced news after all.
I'd get rid of sports! They rarely show us equestrian despite having some great riders at international events. When I am watching the news (less these days as I get most of what I need from The Guardian [UK] and NY Times [US]), I do things in the kitchen and return to catch the weather (even tho' I have a weather app). It helps with knowing what's going on when there's a bad storm.
I am pleased by this outcome. I wonder if Melissa Lee knew it was coming.
Why do we all ignore Prime news at 5.30?
I despise writers like Malpass, Du Fresne, and Grant for their partiality, but whilst I enjoy Campbell I'm equally sure their are people who despise his position. The road to information has to be a personal journey. To rely on any journalist to narrate your truth is a very dangerous path to walk because the one thing all journos have in common is they want their truth to be read and liked. Whether you're Tova, Heather, Jack, John, Jenna, Paddy, or Jessica they have ALL demonstrated they will massage the truth to suit their target audiences. In the finish it matters little whether there is one, two, or three news channels because none of them present unfolding events in a non partisan way. Their narrative is always to preserve a eurocentric hegemony.
Ps I watch the weather. I find it soothing.
Remember Augie Auer (sp?) in the early days of TV3, brought enthusiasm and expertise to weather.
I could live without weather or sports but thankgoodness for another news outlet