May 28·edited May 28Liked by Nick Rockel

Each day there's a new horror from the CoC and I'm reminded of the alternate universe we currently live in. Like when I see someone as poorly equipped as Nicola Willis as Minister of Finance. Unbelievable, but there she is.

I'll be turning out tomorrow.

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Me too Gavin, re turning out. Willis has me realising again what a brilliant mind and human Grant Robertson was...........have you noticed how Willis talks to you like we are dumb.........her tone is like a school teacher who hasn't really found who they are yet in their position, they don't have to put on a voice........I loved Grant...he was who he was and was comfortable in his own skin......Willis ain't that.

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May 28Liked by Nick Rockel

WHO!!!!! ? Voted these empty vessels into government? I hope you suffer🤬as much as the rest of us. Polished turds who lied lied lied. We have to get rid of them before they crash and burn Aotearoa. What does democracy mean?

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May 28·edited May 28Liked by Nick Rockel

My parents sold up in BC, Canada and emigrated to NZ with their three sons (I was the oldest, aged 13) in 1964, just to, as my Welsh father said, (and he didn't swear much, eh) "to get away from the f*****g Yanks". An American corporation had just moved into our little village (called 'Horsefly'!) and bought out the one source of employment, the local sawmill, because electricity had just arrived (in 1962, a year before) and they knew they could now run the mill all through winter by bubbling air up to keep the ice from forming around the log booms in the lake...so they started 3 shifts at the mill and proceeded to cut down all the trees for many miles around, and ship the lumber over the border as 'boxing' grade and then regrade it at a mill in the States as 'number one finishing', thereby dodging paying shitloads of tax to the Canadian government in BC. (Sound familiar, all you tax begrudging National voters?) Not long after we had moved to Auckland, I happened to read a newspaper that quoted something G. B. Shaw said about this little country when he visited it thirty years before, in the Depression Years of the 1930's: "FAR, FAR, FAR TOO MANY SHEEP", and my stomach dropped, because I knew there was no escaping "the f*****g Yanks", because this was a country of followers, not leaders. The new "leaders" of Aotearoa are now busy 'selling it's soul' to America, (which is exactly why Winston's Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the only government department to get MORE money, not less), to the billionaire fat cat 1%ers overseas, so: welcome to the new "Hawaii". And there is no where left to run to, eh.

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May 28Liked by Nick Rockel

...and just when exactly is the weekend now as so many workers are serving behind the counter in the shops and cafes, at Bunnings and at Pak'n'Save serving the countries needs. The weekend hasn't existed for so many for decades now. For many the weekend is maybe Thursday and Friday, like my son who is a chef. And then there is Sunday. Ye gods is that not the day of the Lord. Striking on a Sunday would surely earn you a thunderbolt from above. Luxon, ( said Marvin dolefully ) loathe him, or ignore him, you just can't like him. Go well on Thursday you lovely people.

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For a few days in early Covid National voters noticed what work was essential!

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And so the cycle repeats. Underfunded health system just like Jonathan Coleman left, underfunded education system except for charter schools, austerity for most except those on the rich side of town. Money before environment, climate change denial and corruption up the wazoo. Welcome to your people friendly Govt Aotearoa and its photo op PM. The phrase that comes to mind is as useless as …… on a bull.

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I expect the budget to be the bitterest of pills for the majority of people, to be swallowed, without the aid of a glass of water, whilst the privileged few celebrate with rivers of champagne.

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May 28Liked by Nick Rockel

Time to Vent! - I totally despair and can't believe the irresponsibility of this government. I struggle to see any justification for their actions and the sarcasm and arrogance they are delivered with. These Tax cuts remind of those standing for Mayoralty's (who haven't even been in Council) saying, ' Vote for me, I will stop all Rate rises!' Of course they can't, but fickle people believe them. I cannot see any good in anything this 3 headed Monster has done so far! Please let them be short-lived!

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Trish! My thoughts completely!!

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May 28Liked by Nick Rockel

Presently down in the Waikato with family celebrating the arrival of new members to the family. We were going to travel back home to Tai Tokerau tomorrow but would rather support the protests from the sidelines than deal with the angry (& probably the SAME dorks on tractors at the Groundswell protests) motorists who will be blaming the poor buggers affected by this lot's policies rather than blaming THE REASON THEY'RE PROTESTING!

If I was religious in any way I'd be saying 'God save us all from Nicola & her heartless budget!!'

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I will march tomorrow, in Whangaz. I will watch out for tractors. Congrats on new whanau...

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Good on you!

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Enjoy your Whanau, congratulations

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Well said FEbes.

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May 28Liked by Nick Rockel

So while we wait for the protests (and the budget) only one more sleep, it is worth reminding the people who thought they needed a change and voted National:

It was your party and they were your friends,

I see you got a nice new (nonEV) car and a she got a brand new pant suit

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May 29Liked by Nick Rockel

Keith, some are quietly horrified, and realise they were played. That will be confirmed tomorrow.

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May 28Liked by Nick Rockel

I hope, after the release of the budget, that someone goes through everything and lays out, in a handy one page A4 brochure (as Nicola likes), exactly how much worse off people are. I imagine the tax-cut cancan will dominate the stage, but I hope people notice the hidden knives on their feet, eviscerating at every high kick of the performance.

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May 28Liked by Nick Rockel

I was in Wellington Accident & Emergency last night for several hours and it was absolutely ridiculous how busy and crowded it is. Every cubicle was busy and Patients on beds were queued and crammed up all around the staff's working area. I have total admiration and appreciation for the Staff that work there under those awful over-crowded and undoubtedly stressful conditions. It is so obvious that substantial increases are required across the board and it is actually unbelievable and disgusting that instead Health is being forced to find savings and cuts.

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Totally agree!

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Thanks Nick, you've done it again, nailed them (CoC) to the wall! Such a shame we can't literally do that to Cluxon, Willis and the rest of the gang. I call them a gang because that is exactly how they are behaving. Taking what they want from those who can't stop them, sharing it with their mates without a thought for those they harm. Perhaps someone can come up with a name for them, something short and sharp, and easily identifiable. Oh I know, we already have one and a symbol that fits them, it's Fascism and the symbol associated with that word is a swastika! I will be in at Aotea Square tomorrow at 11:00 am, probably around the edges, as at 79 I can't afford to get jostled and possibly fall. I really do wish I was 30 years younger so that I could do more. Although as a woman and a Lesbian I feel like I and my Sisters have been protesting against something forever! Kia kaha everyone!

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Time to stand against this BS. Catching train to Wellington tomorrow.

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awesome Anna. Me too, up North here

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Here’s hoping it’s huge. And peaceful. If not I won’t be hanging around for the selfies.

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Another superb article Nick! Yes the smug arrogance of spin delivered in Parliament, or any interview, has become so intolerable I have remote control in hand permanently whilst watching parliamentary question time. I was thinking my fitness level may stretch to a short walk around WAIHI, but they have said all groups will meet up in Thames, signalling they are walking there. I have asked for clarification.. So good of you to provide the info for the various group marches. Which has clarified somewhat that people will drive to Thames. Hope this weather dissipates for tomorrow… Thanks.

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My life has been scarred by a weta in my gumboot as a kid.

I don't want my moko scarred by this government.

I will be marching in Whangarei tomorrow.

I better sew a flag to wave.

I think I might just sew E Tū on it,

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May 29Liked by Nick Rockel

i dont know what mainstream media will be up to tomorrow but there will be livestreams on maori media outlets. https://www.facebook.com/TeAoMaoriNews/posts/pfbid02pmhMqcgiHVpNuUmSDqBSKkAuRZeNdchgMwXJ6vQYYnLZYo2xhYow7X1Nm1X7Z3syl?rdid=TV5JCWITepaJ9qc7 I am looking forward to what comes from the kotahitanga hui on friday which is a follow on from the kingitanga, ratana and waitangi ones. livestreamed to boot. tomorrow could be big enough to put a worry among the pigeons in the coalition.

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Hope so Cushla!

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