A more interesting interview with ‘Chickenman” would be with the boys from BHN, you know that they wouldn’t shy away from the hard fricken questions. The scripted question and answer routine doesn’t tell the public what they want/need to know.

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That would be so great!!!

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That would be so good, they would eat him alive and spit him out.

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Oooh! I'd love to be writing the Q&A questions. I'd haul it all back to the origins of the shit-show that has emerged, and ask Luxon why. Why he agreed to coalition conditions. Why agree to the Treaty Principles bill - did he really not consider the consequences? Why did he agree to tobacco and gun lobbyists to become ministers responsible for their 'specialties'. Why was it so important to give landlords $$ and take $$ away from programs and organisations that actually help people? Does he really believe stating "it's the coalition agreement" precludes him from culpability or complicity? If so, why? It's no longer the pre-election smoke & mirrors diversion show "it's all Labour's fault". The consequences of the coalition's policies are already in play. Why did he think they'd work? Where did they come from? UK tories or Atlas? Why? But, yeh, I'm dreaming. It will be a big word salad of corporate speak, laser focus and "listen" nothingness.

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Beautifully written and spot on Lynette.

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His entitled cowardice on the taxpayer $ is not your fault Nick. Everything, including your [sadly erroneous] posts, lol keeps the spotlight where it should be; on the total lack of accountability for this destructive racist 'government' [drips irony 🙄] Aue

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😱🐔Well I'm seldom on X-crement & don't watch TV live, so I enjoyed your "embarassment" dissertation for it's own sake. And BTW - can we give Lux-flakes SOME credit for raising the mood of the nation by introducing "fricken" as a multi-faceted expletive surrogate that both allows us in the know to give vent to deep emotions & ties them to our disdain for the weakness of the current PM simultaneously? Not often we get a positive two-fer from a chicken 🤷🐔🐣🐥🐤🧆🍗

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To me Q and A is a must see, it's the only thing I turn the TV on for. So, I would've watched cluxon. But bloody hell it would be a hard thing to do on a Sunday morning, enough to ruin your day.

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That's the first thing I said when he was a no show at least our day isn't ruined.

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Not to worry Nick - we were all mislead in much greater fashion by thinking we have a prime minister! instead we are enduring this beige and hollow man - this spineless ball-less embarrassment, this thin skinned destroyer of all that is good about our country through his cowardly concessions to his radical minor partners all for his narcissistic need to be top dog, a handsy leader chasing a knighthood - he's by far the worst PM we've ever had!

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Will Jack be nimble, will Jack be quick or will Jack be Tame. I think the latter - he has a salary and a job and likely a family to look after. Look what happened to John Campbell ( who??? ) when he tackled John Key. Remember the " I want that Left Wing Bastard gone " and lo and behold John just seemed to disappear, for years. Not holding my breath but would be ecstatic to be proved wrong.

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??? John Campbell hasn't "disappeared"??? He's doing important in depth reporting & behind the scenes stuff - can't keep a good man down!

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He is now but it’s taken many years for him to get back to that after the JK incident.

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He certainly was disappeared from frontline T.V. for quite some time. I did see " one " fascinating and insightful doco he did on rural town water recently, and some interviews from the day of Kingi Tuheitia's Tangi and the newly crowned Kuini Nga Wai, beyond that maybe he is very behind the scenes these days...pity as he is a great man and great interviewer/ broadcaster.

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I exclude anything he did for Breakfast TV as fluff and not the real John Campbell. Probably some lookalike or imposter?

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Not to worry Nick, RNZ should’ve been a reliable source. When it comes to this government I’m sceptical about everything. I don’t watch Q&A, my tolerance level for listening to anyone in this government is extremely low these days.

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No apology necessary Nick, and call me cynical but I find it hard to believe he will agree to front up on Q & A to be sliced and diced by Jack.

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What a bizarre replacement for Luxon. I enjoyed this newsletter, always a reminder that there is so little accountability from this coalition govt. I'm really surprised they haven't been kicked out yet, but I think most NZers are too busy suffering to get loud. What a week - so very sad about the Mills closing. So many people will be devastated to lose their working life. I guess each generation has stuff to worry about, but I do worry about the next generation. I am always pleased to see protests - very encouraging that people have their say. Thanks Nick for having your say.

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...perhaps his minders put him through his paces and realised they were working with a dud."

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Hey Nick. I love what you write. To your high credit, your quality writing doesn’t actually depend on some bald guy fronting. I had a plumber once who was bald and we called him a ballcock. We'd then all burst into hysterical laughter. Maybe same here. Can't help it😂😂

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‘Fricken’ chicken!! - yes used before but felt I needed to vent it again!

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Too bad. I was hoping it would happen. Guess he’s a scardy cat.

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My first question to Luxo, given the chance, because of his love for foreign diplomats, disdain of his fellow citizens, and his attacks on anything and anybody who takes him to task would be, "Tell me Christopher, how did you become such a nit picken', butt licken', culture kicken', fricken' chicken?" Did someone call you a boiled egghead when you were a child, or because you suddenly realised the letters PM, stand in your case, for post mortem, on being the boss of everything but now having to answer for your own actions instead of demanding action from others, to cover your ineptitude at most things, particularly governing a country?"

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I felt actually quite relieved not to have to listen to 'what I would say to you....'

He wa probably home complaining to Amanda about all the shit he has to go through to get that fricken knighthood.

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