Dec 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Yep this is a, not particularly thin, end of a wedge to privatisation of our human rights to necessities of life. Water is a precious taonga and must be protected and preserved as such. Judith Collins and her Oravida husband, among others, already selling our precious wai [in single use plastic!] to China.

Casey Costello, and Taxpayer Union cronies up to their ears in tobacco money. Willis and her father ready to sell us off to fossil fuel industry.

Reti and his family investments in private healthcare will be next axe to fall.

They are immoral and corrupt as their use of Castalia makes clear.

Our collective strength in resistance is all we have to try and hold the line before the next election 😪

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Nope, and nope. Watercare, although not the same, still exhibited the kind of conflict that comes from earning money from selling water for profit and managing the resource. The great Auckland drought was a prime example where they should have kicked in water conservation measures way earlier than they did. The modelling, the data, the forecasts were obvious that months before summer, they were nowhere near capacity in the dams to cope. But they had to SELL water as well as manage the resource. It was clunky and ugly and stupid. Council should have been onto it as well, ffs, we had three years of drought. It was dire. The mayors are an embarrassment - stupid is what stupid does, and they made it political. Now they bleat. Pity they didn't actually think

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Almost every day now we hear some more heartbreaking stuff. I can't believe we've ended up with these awful people running (ruining?) the country.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick today’s epistle is a sombre warning for Kiwis. Drinkable water in rivers and streams was once our proud boast! How can we stand by and let that be ruined??

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Private control of water makes for the plot of a dire dystopian novel. On Public/Private delivery: remember Transmission Gully anyone? Great now we've got it. ...BUT: Years and years, and more years to build it. Government held hostage by the private partner (still is) in its final phase. Government (aka Waka Kotahi) having to take ownership of putting right the poor/unsuitable-for-the-terrain build (ongoing). Yeah right! Let's hand water delivery over. I foresee that going brilliantly, not.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Yep Nick, National ACT all about the money , too bad about the people. Rogernomics all over again.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Well said Nick, I don't think that some people who were so against 3 waters realise just how much it going to cost, or how the quality of of our drinking water could be at risk.

I was amused last week, while in Queenstown to see a "Stop three waters" sign still on display - rather ironic given their recent outbreak of cryptosporidiosis cases.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

privatise the profit and socialise the losses. i cant remember who said that. Corporate capitalists have had a long time to perfect their processes of convincing the general public that capital should be free to make profit out of anything including the water that comes out of the ground and the air. And pay their executives millions of dollars. Soon we will be approaching the point where the only way to have a liveable society will be to nationalise everything, kick the global corporations out, join the BRICS economic block and wait for the Us to invade us to get their hands on our oil and gas. It is hard to imagine being able to take our collective power back from corporate capital when they have all the bombs.

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More than thirty years on this is what privatisation looks like.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Sounds just like Michel Moores water issues in Flint Michigan.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Agree totally with you Nick re privatisation. Didn't Wormald, or someone, run a prison at some stage and this also proved a disaster. Thought the Rogernomics era would have proved that privatisation is all about privatising the profits and socialising the losses. NZ Rail anybody bought back by Govt to save what is still an apology for a transport option.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Excellent information - thank you Nick. Can the government privatise water management without huge consultation and agreement with manu whenua? It's seems like a total abdication of government responsibility to even consider it, putting the profits of corporations ahead of the wellbeing and rights of our people. Farmers and big business have already wrecked our waterways for profit, and now the government not only wants to allow them to keep polluting, but to put them in charge of the waters to which they have done so much harm. Outrageous.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

What about the privatisation of water in the U.K. ? It's a while since I read that story but from memory, at one stage water services in London were owned by a multi-national corporation based in Australia. I will do some research, and check my memory.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel


Privatising water, health, schools....whatever will they not privatise?

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

"That’s the reality of having corporations provide things that ought to be a public service. They aren’t doing it to help, but they will take away a headache from politicians who find the provision of public services a goal that is not aligned well with their other commitments to voters."

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

This has been recommended on the Standard by ianmac. Excellent explanation Nick.

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