Question 4: Got to be Christopher Luxon, although I'd love to add David Seymour to that list.
Question 5: Emmerdale, although when I first started watching this soap it was called Emmerdale Farm. Tragic, I know.
Question 6: The late Parekura Horomia.
Question 7: I fucking hope not. She scares the bejeezus out of me.
Question 8: Where are your fucking morals.
Question 10: I would have loved to have seen Kiri Allan as PM. That wāhine is strong, articulate and incredibly empathetic or Marama Davidson. Marama is another incredibly strong and brave wāhine who is also articulate and empathetic towards people, especially those who are struggling.
Question 2: “Something”, my best mate Robert wasn’t allowed sheet music for pop music so he listened and listened and then played it on the piano and sang - magic!
Question 4: Luxon is becoming deader wood by the day
Question 7: Like cockroaches after a nuclear holocaust you can never stamp out JC
Question 8: Those doubters’ lives are the ones that are worthless
Question 10: Keri Allan would be an excellent prime minister?
Something is a lovely song. I remember learning it on the guitar, such nice chords to play, descending through the Major, Major 7, to the 7. That and Here Comes the Sun were Harrison's best I reckon.
Luxon is, as you say, becoming Deadwood; question is do they see him across the line, viewing it as their best hope of winning and then knife him or do it sooner? I guess the polls will encourage the backbenchers one way or the other.
I think she would, even more so for what she has been through. I wonder if she'd ever come back.
So many questions! This is like School C all over again!
Question 1: Is it lying if you don’t understand the concept of “truth” but see things more fluidly than true or false?
I prefer the now archaic term "dissembling".
Question 2: Do you have a favourite Beatles song and a memory associated with it?
Revolution #9. An older cousin used it to convince me that interesting music didn't begin with Punk
Question 3: Is there a much-loved brand or product that isn’t sold any more that you miss?
Yes, Leed Lemonade. Probably diabetes in a bottle but I miss it.
Question 4: Which one MP in our current parliament, from any party, would you describe as “deadwood”?
Hon. Paul Goldsmith, still dangerous unfortunately but definitely a fossil.
Question 5: Can you think of another long-running series that is as consistently excellent as Call the Midwife?
Never watched that so might have to pass. Fans tell me Coro St has kept up with the times.
Question 6: Is a politician you admire who is no longer with us?
Rod Donald!!! A brief meeting when I first came back to this country planted a seed that saw me join that party 20 years later!
Question 7: If Luxon's numbers rapidly go pear-shaped, do you think a Collins comeback is on the cards?
Unlikely, if things get desperate and the top rankers are in a Mexican standoff they might decide to promote some relatively unknown talent. James Maeger?
Question 8: What would you say to those who question whether the lives saved during Covid were worth the cost?
I have concluded life is too short for conversations with people who hold reprehensible views.
Question 9: Where should it go if we were to move the capital from Wellington?
Levin. Still central, kind of under-rated and probably could do with a boost.
Question 10: Other than Helen, Jacinda, Carmel, and Chlöe, which woman would you like to see as our prime minister?
I have a bias but I really think Lan Pham, both one of the nicest and smartest people I've met, would set a fantastic tone.
Love your answer to Q8, Quentin! And Levin for Q9 would be very handy for us. I'm discovering it's not at all a bad place. The addition of a decent restaurant would perk it up no end.
In Dunedin, where I grew up, the two main lemonade brands were Lanes and Thompsons. They are both long gone, but a small producer of cordials from back then, Wests, is still going - their factory is not far from where I live.
The main thing on my mind today - Simeon (privatise health) Brown after Guyon let him completely off the hook on Q & A this morning ;where he owned up to his plans to privatise health. Then Guyon decided to have a crack at Chris Hipkins on tax. Sorry Nick, too angry to answer your Qs.
Question 1: Is it lying if you don’t understand the concept of “truth” but see things more fluidly than true or false?
It’s bending the truth.
Question 2: Do you have a favourite Beatles song and a memory associated with it?
I went through a phase as a teenager of listening to the Beatles. I loved Something, A Day in The Life, and I am the Walrus the best.
Question 3: Is there a much-loved brand or product that isn’t sold any more that you miss?
Question 4: Which one MP in our current parliament, from any party, would you describe as “deadwood”? You can’t pick Winston, Gerry, or Maureen Pugh to keep it interesting.
Luxon- no brainer.
Question 5: Can you think of another long-running series that is as consistently excellent as Call the Midwife?
Stranger Things has been great. Excellent for 80’s nostalgia. Can’t wait for the final season. There’s only been one episode that was sub par.
Question 6: Is a politician you admire who is no longer with us?
I wonder what National would be like if Nikki Kaye was still with us and in parliament. I somehow can’t see her endorsing completely what the current lot are doing.
Question 7: If Luxon's numbers rapidly go pear-shaped, do you think a Collins comeback is on the cards?
Question 8: What would you say to those who question whether the lives saved during Covid were worth the cost?
From a biblical perspective, it is better to leave the 99 and save the one, so I’m pretty much saying that every life saved was important. It showed who we are as a nation. Anyone bemoaning the number of lives saved is showing their true character. Covid taught me who would watch out for me if I ever needed help.
Question 9: Where should it go if we were to move the capital from Wellington?
Invercargill. Swap one windy, cold city for another. Hahaha.
Question 10: Other than Helen, Jacinda, Carmel, and Chlöe, which woman would you like to see as our prime minister?
I think Barbara Edmonds is doing a fantastic job and can certainly hold her own.
Yeah, I really enjoyed Stranger Things - I was a D&D nerd in the 80s, so yeah. Do like a Snifter, too. Cool Mints were good too if you remember those - they came in a tub like Tangy Fruit.
Q9: Back in the early 90s, when I had a bit of business lobby influence, I started a rumour that the Capital was moving to Napier (because that is where I wanted to live rather than Wellington)! Eventually, someone confirmed it was a rumour, not true. These days they'd cry, "Fake news"!!!!!
I've always thought we need a great rail service over to the East Coast, Gisborne & Napier. It would open up so many opportunities, instead of trying to shoehorn everything into Auckland (which has happened since I had my great idea). Remember when most head offices were in Wellington? Starting from scratch, we could build rail lines that take high-speed trains. I haven't tried Japanese or Chinese bullet trains, but I love continental Europe's intercity trains. We could do so much better here, without all the roading angst. And offer better value than expressways.
Q1. If you live in a world of “alternative facts” as some Americans do, you could never be accused of lying.
Q2. Paperback writer. Somehow seems the most “complete” Beatles song to me. Also love hearing a few lines of “Frere Jacque” slipped in toward the end. Reminds me of singing it in junior school.
Q4. Luxon, hands down.
Q7. Judith is like a shark circling in a cesspool of festering egos, waiting to eliminate them one by one until she’s the only one left.
Q8. What price do you put on your children, siblings, parents and other family members?
Q9. Hauraki Plains, so Shane Jones and his supporters can watch their country and future disappear before their eyes.
Q10. Marama Davidson. A woman of integrity, strength and a love for her country and those who live here.
Re Question 2: Not a Beatles memory, a George one. Was watching a doco on the making of The Glory of Gershwin, a 1994 tribute album by various singers and performers in celebration of American musician Larry Adler's 80th birthday (who played on all the tunes). George was producing and coaching Lisa Stansfield as she sang "They Can't Take That Away from Me". She started doing that wavy extra notes vocal thing and George gentley said (from memory): 'You don't need to do that, if Mr Gershwin had wanted extra notes he'd have written them'.
I think the Beatles would have been a good band, maybe even a great band, without George. But they would not have been the Beatles we know. They knew the sound they wanted, but he knew how to create and capture it.
Interesting question you’ve asked. I wonder, is it possible to not understand the concept of truth? Certainly a person must know whether or not they did or didn’t do, see or hear something, but if they don’t understand the concept of truth, they wouldn’t understand lies either, so could they lie?
Question 2:
Hey Jude. My cousin got the single as soon as it was available and we listened to it repeatedly. It always makes me think of that day. Many years later we were talking about it and he said the same thing.
Question 3:
Picka-Berry clothing, their tops and tee shirts lasted for ages.
Question 4: I think it has to be the PM, I struggle to see how he can justify his salary and extensive travel budget.
Question 7: Highly unlikely.
Question 8: Is money really worth more than your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Question 9: Would any other city or town want them?
Ata marie (Good morning) Nick.
Question 2: Too many to mention.
Question 4: Got to be Christopher Luxon, although I'd love to add David Seymour to that list.
Question 5: Emmerdale, although when I first started watching this soap it was called Emmerdale Farm. Tragic, I know.
Question 6: The late Parekura Horomia.
Question 7: I fucking hope not. She scares the bejeezus out of me.
Question 8: Where are your fucking morals.
Question 10: I would have loved to have seen Kiri Allan as PM. That wāhine is strong, articulate and incredibly empathetic or Marama Davidson. Marama is another incredibly strong and brave wāhine who is also articulate and empathetic towards people, especially those who are struggling.
Another Question : Where would David Seymour look best ?
Answer : At the end of a Gibbet.
q i..i suspect cur shonkey is a rabid fan of kelly ann conartist\way..alternative facts
q6..norman kirk no no a million times no to judas collins
q10 julie ann genter
I forgot about Norman Kirk!
Question 2: “Something”, my best mate Robert wasn’t allowed sheet music for pop music so he listened and listened and then played it on the piano and sang - magic!
Question 4: Luxon is becoming deader wood by the day
Question 7: Like cockroaches after a nuclear holocaust you can never stamp out JC
Question 8: Those doubters’ lives are the ones that are worthless
Question 10: Keri Allan would be an excellent prime minister?
Something is a lovely song. I remember learning it on the guitar, such nice chords to play, descending through the Major, Major 7, to the 7. That and Here Comes the Sun were Harrison's best I reckon.
Luxon is, as you say, becoming Deadwood; question is do they see him across the line, viewing it as their best hope of winning and then knife him or do it sooner? I guess the polls will encourage the backbenchers one way or the other.
I think she would, even more so for what she has been through. I wonder if she'd ever come back.
So many questions! This is like School C all over again!
Question 1: Is it lying if you don’t understand the concept of “truth” but see things more fluidly than true or false?
I prefer the now archaic term "dissembling".
Question 2: Do you have a favourite Beatles song and a memory associated with it?
Revolution #9. An older cousin used it to convince me that interesting music didn't begin with Punk
Question 3: Is there a much-loved brand or product that isn’t sold any more that you miss?
Yes, Leed Lemonade. Probably diabetes in a bottle but I miss it.
Question 4: Which one MP in our current parliament, from any party, would you describe as “deadwood”?
Hon. Paul Goldsmith, still dangerous unfortunately but definitely a fossil.
Question 5: Can you think of another long-running series that is as consistently excellent as Call the Midwife?
Never watched that so might have to pass. Fans tell me Coro St has kept up with the times.
Question 6: Is a politician you admire who is no longer with us?
Rod Donald!!! A brief meeting when I first came back to this country planted a seed that saw me join that party 20 years later!
Question 7: If Luxon's numbers rapidly go pear-shaped, do you think a Collins comeback is on the cards?
Unlikely, if things get desperate and the top rankers are in a Mexican standoff they might decide to promote some relatively unknown talent. James Maeger?
Question 8: What would you say to those who question whether the lives saved during Covid were worth the cost?
I have concluded life is too short for conversations with people who hold reprehensible views.
Question 9: Where should it go if we were to move the capital from Wellington?
Levin. Still central, kind of under-rated and probably could do with a boost.
Question 10: Other than Helen, Jacinda, Carmel, and Chlöe, which woman would you like to see as our prime minister?
I have a bias but I really think Lan Pham, both one of the nicest and smartest people I've met, would set a fantastic tone.
Great term, "dissembling". Good call on Goldsmith, and with Rod Donald, such a wonderful man.
Lan Pham is another good call, wicked smart; it's embarrassing seeing National MPs failing to answer her questions.
Love your answer to Q8, Quentin! And Levin for Q9 would be very handy for us. I'm discovering it's not at all a bad place. The addition of a decent restaurant would perk it up no end.
Good call on goldsmith 👍
In Dunedin, where I grew up, the two main lemonade brands were Lanes and Thompsons. They are both long gone, but a small producer of cordials from back then, Wests, is still going - their factory is not far from where I live.
Just discovered by accident I can have your Korero in audio, great.
The main thing on my mind today - Simeon (privatise health) Brown after Guyon let him completely off the hook on Q & A this morning ;where he owned up to his plans to privatise health. Then Guyon decided to have a crack at Chris Hipkins on tax. Sorry Nick, too angry to answer your Qs.
That's ok, I'm not a fan of Guyon or Simeon either. Hope your day improved.
Question 1: Is it lying if you don’t understand the concept of “truth” but see things more fluidly than true or false?
It’s bending the truth.
Question 2: Do you have a favourite Beatles song and a memory associated with it?
I went through a phase as a teenager of listening to the Beatles. I loved Something, A Day in The Life, and I am the Walrus the best.
Question 3: Is there a much-loved brand or product that isn’t sold any more that you miss?
Question 4: Which one MP in our current parliament, from any party, would you describe as “deadwood”? You can’t pick Winston, Gerry, or Maureen Pugh to keep it interesting.
Luxon- no brainer.
Question 5: Can you think of another long-running series that is as consistently excellent as Call the Midwife?
Stranger Things has been great. Excellent for 80’s nostalgia. Can’t wait for the final season. There’s only been one episode that was sub par.
Question 6: Is a politician you admire who is no longer with us?
I wonder what National would be like if Nikki Kaye was still with us and in parliament. I somehow can’t see her endorsing completely what the current lot are doing.
Question 7: If Luxon's numbers rapidly go pear-shaped, do you think a Collins comeback is on the cards?
Question 8: What would you say to those who question whether the lives saved during Covid were worth the cost?
From a biblical perspective, it is better to leave the 99 and save the one, so I’m pretty much saying that every life saved was important. It showed who we are as a nation. Anyone bemoaning the number of lives saved is showing their true character. Covid taught me who would watch out for me if I ever needed help.
Question 9: Where should it go if we were to move the capital from Wellington?
Invercargill. Swap one windy, cold city for another. Hahaha.
Question 10: Other than Helen, Jacinda, Carmel, and Chlöe, which woman would you like to see as our prime minister?
I think Barbara Edmonds is doing a fantastic job and can certainly hold her own.
Yeah, I really enjoyed Stranger Things - I was a D&D nerd in the 80s, so yeah. Do like a Snifter, too. Cool Mints were good too if you remember those - they came in a tub like Tangy Fruit.
“accidentally wandering in…” haha
Q.6 Efeso Collins
Q.2 Blackbird but that’s just todays fave
Q.4 was going to pick winny then Gerry then maureen but oh well…let’s go with Judy
Q.5 No. makes me cry every time
Q.6 Jim Anderton. Man of principle
Q.7 see Q.4
Q.8 Mum would wash my mouth out
Q.10 Marama
Makes me cry every time, too. Sometimes with joy.
Q9: Back in the early 90s, when I had a bit of business lobby influence, I started a rumour that the Capital was moving to Napier (because that is where I wanted to live rather than Wellington)! Eventually, someone confirmed it was a rumour, not true. These days they'd cry, "Fake news"!!!!!
Certainly have better weather there; they would need a fast rail or something.
I've always thought we need a great rail service over to the East Coast, Gisborne & Napier. It would open up so many opportunities, instead of trying to shoehorn everything into Auckland (which has happened since I had my great idea). Remember when most head offices were in Wellington? Starting from scratch, we could build rail lines that take high-speed trains. I haven't tried Japanese or Chinese bullet trains, but I love continental Europe's intercity trains. We could do so much better here, without all the roading angst. And offer better value than expressways.
Napier sounds good. The Art Deco buildings would match the Coalition’s policies of about the same era.
Q1. If you live in a world of “alternative facts” as some Americans do, you could never be accused of lying.
Q2. Paperback writer. Somehow seems the most “complete” Beatles song to me. Also love hearing a few lines of “Frere Jacque” slipped in toward the end. Reminds me of singing it in junior school.
Q4. Luxon, hands down.
Q7. Judith is like a shark circling in a cesspool of festering egos, waiting to eliminate them one by one until she’s the only one left.
Q8. What price do you put on your children, siblings, parents and other family members?
Q9. Hauraki Plains, so Shane Jones and his supporters can watch their country and future disappear before their eyes.
Q10. Marama Davidson. A woman of integrity, strength and a love for her country and those who live here.
I agree, Marama would be fabulous. I did enjoy "festering egos" 😂
Re Question 2: Not a Beatles memory, a George one. Was watching a doco on the making of The Glory of Gershwin, a 1994 tribute album by various singers and performers in celebration of American musician Larry Adler's 80th birthday (who played on all the tunes). George was producing and coaching Lisa Stansfield as she sang "They Can't Take That Away from Me". She started doing that wavy extra notes vocal thing and George gentley said (from memory): 'You don't need to do that, if Mr Gershwin had wanted extra notes he'd have written them'.
I think the Beatles would have been a good band, maybe even a great band, without George. But they would not have been the Beatles we know. They knew the sound they wanted, but he knew how to create and capture it.
Loved the story about Kiri Allen
1, Yes, it’s is lying.
2, In My Life
3, old fashioned raspberry licorice (the package stuff is crap)
4, there are WAY to many!! Shane Jones
5, can’t think of one atm
6, not sure I’ve ever admired any lol. Before my time, but MJ Savage perhaps?
7, God, I hope not!!
8, it’s a shame it didn’t take out all the people with that mentality…
9, not sure. I like the idea of Taumaranui though.
10, I was saddened by all that happened to Kiri Allan. I thought she had a lot of potential.
Oh yes, proper raspberry liquorice that came in a paper bag. Shane Jones is definitely past his Best Before date.
Question 1:
Interesting question you’ve asked. I wonder, is it possible to not understand the concept of truth? Certainly a person must know whether or not they did or didn’t do, see or hear something, but if they don’t understand the concept of truth, they wouldn’t understand lies either, so could they lie?
Question 2:
Hey Jude. My cousin got the single as soon as it was available and we listened to it repeatedly. It always makes me think of that day. Many years later we were talking about it and he said the same thing.
Question 3:
Picka-Berry clothing, their tops and tee shirts lasted for ages.
Question 4: I think it has to be the PM, I struggle to see how he can justify his salary and extensive travel budget.
Question 7: Highly unlikely.
Question 8: Is money really worth more than your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Question 9: Would any other city or town want them?
Question 10: Ayesha Verrall.