You've got to live, lady live
Do the tongue roll
Give me joy
But don't kiss me too fast
Song: Th’ Dudes.
Good morning, all. After another heavy week of less-than-positive news, it’s time for something silly: the old standby of memories and questions.
I can’t face writing about any more terrible people this week. I usually look at Q&A on Sunday mornings, but today’s interview was with Simeon Brown, and I wrote about that little weasel yesterday.
So off we go. If you’re new around here, basically, I review “memories” from today, plus or minus a day or two, over the last decade and ask a question about each. The questions are repeated at the end of the newsletter, and you’re welcome to answer one, some, all, or none.
If you’re just here to read about how terrible our government is, come back next episode - I’m sure they won’t let you down.
10 year ago
Christopher Luxon, the first, was busy showing us how much he valued honesty and consistency…
Question 1: Is it lying if you don’t understand the concept of “truth” but see things more fluidly than true or false?
9 years ago
George Martin, the Beatles Producer, died aged 90, I wrote:
“Fi and I once got a guided tour of George Martin's studio in North London, wandering in by accident and meeting a very bored Kiwi security guard who was delighted to meet some fellow Kiwis and happy to show us around the place. It was quite a warren, lots of anecdotes of bands that had been through, but mainly he wanted to tell us what a pack of twats Oasis were.”
Please note that the original post didn’t say twats, but rather a word that, as some of you might recall, I don’t use here.
Question 2: Do you have a favourite Beatles song and a memory associated with it?
8 years ago
I shared a post about a long-forgotten brand - Leed lemonade, saying:
“People under 30 might find it surprising that the main lemonade brand was called 'Leed' and that there used to be a bottle opener hanging on the wall in dairies. I remember those bottles on the right in the inset—glass with a plastic covering—before there were plastic bottles. I'm not sure if it was for safety to stop glass from going everywhere when it broke or if it was cheaper to put the advertising on.”
Question 3: Is there a much-loved brand or product that isn’t sold any more that you miss?
7 years ago
The National Party were struggling to settle into opposition, and I wrote:
“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”.
So National’s key roles are filled by Simon Bridges, Amy Adams, and Paula Bennett. If I were a National supporter, I’d think this was all a bad joke, but I’m not - this is awesome! But who is that lurking in the shadows? Is that the glint of a blade and a raised eyebrow?
There is so much deadwood still to go – who is your money on to be next?
David Carter $1.09
Nick Smith $1.25
Gerry Brownlee $1.75
Anne Tolley $2.05
Nuk Korako $2.20
Unbelievably, seven years later, Gerry is still there!
Question 4: Which one MP in our current parliament, from any party, would you describe as “deadwood”? You can’t pick Winston, Gerry, or Maureen Pugh to keep it interesting.
6 years ago
I wrote: PSA: a new Call the Midwife series starts tonight.
Such a fabulous programme with wonderful characters and stories, the Christmas special has become a real tradition.
Question 5: Can you think of another long-running series that is as consistently excellent as Call the Midwife?
5 years ago
Former Green Party co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons had died, and I wrote:
“I dislike the ‘Third Way” political philosophy, the result of which in First Past the Post political systems is that the extent of our democracy is to select the lesser of two marginally different evils. A system that has restricted left-wing voters to such progressive options as Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, and, in all likelihood, soon Joe Biden.
Thank goodness we have MMP here in NZ. If you have values that are not centrist, be it ACT on the right or the Greens on the left, you can actually vote for what you want, knowing your vote won’t be wasted, as it would be in the UK, the US, or Australia.
I’ve been a Greens supporter and member for a good many years—truth be told, more for red reasons than green ones—but the green ones are important, too. They inspire me with their values and integrity. Some may say they are politically naïve because they don’t get down-and-dirty like other political parties—I quite like that.
The news that Jeanette Fitzsimons, the founder and matriarch of our party, has died is a shock. I feel grateful for all that she did and that those who have followed her are incredible people, but greatly saddened that they will no longer have her mentorship and that she has gone. I don’t think any person represented what the Greens stand for more than Jeanette.”
Question 6: Is a politician you admire who is no longer with us?
4 years ago
I was still tweeting from my now long-retired Natsleader account.
Question 7: If Luxon's numbers rapidly go pear-shaped, do you think a Collins comeback is on the cards?
3 years ago
That Natsleader account had transitioned, not for the first time:
That sentiment as to whether the lives saved were worth it has subsequently been echoed by Deputy Brooke von Vampire so:
Question 8: What would you say to those who question whether the lives saved during Covid were worth the cost?
2 years ago
I wrote a newsletter that I’d forgotten all about. With how things are going, it might be a bit of an antidote to imagine a more positive future:
Question 9: Where should it go if we were to move the capital from Wellington?
Last year
A year and a day ago, I posted an old memory:
Saying, “Seems like an appropriate message to share today. Goodness knows they'd do a better job than the three ballbags running things.
Just don't replace them with Nicola, Casey, and Brooke - give us Carmel, Chlöe, and Debbie!”
Question 10: Other than Helen, Jacinda, Carmel, and Chlöe, which woman would you like to see as our Prime Minister?
Ok, so here are those questions again:
Question 1: Is it lying if you don’t understand the concept of “truth” but see things more fluidly than true or false?
Question 2: Do you have a favourite Beatles song and a memory associated with it?
Question 3: Is there a much-loved brand or product that isn’t sold any more that you miss?
Question 4: Which one MP in our current parliament, from any party, would you describe as “deadwood”? You can’t pick Winston, Gerry, or Maureen Pugh to keep it interesting.
Question 5: Can you think of another long-running series that is as consistently excellent as Call the Midwife?
Question 6: Is a politician you admire who is no longer with us?
Question 7: If Luxon's numbers rapidly go pear-shaped, do you think a Collins comeback is on the cards?
Question 8: What would you say to those who question whether the lives saved during Covid were worth the cost?
Question 9: Where should it go if we were to move the capital from Wellington?
Question 10: Other than Helen, Jacinda, Carmel, and Chlöe, which woman would you like to see as our prime minister?
Since this was mostly old memories, it seemed a bit unreasonable to add a paywall; therefore, this is open to all. However, you will need to be a paying subscriber to participate in the comments. Have a good Sunday, all you lovely people. 🙂
To end, The Dudes - On Sunday…
Ata marie (Good morning) Nick.
Question 2: Too many to mention.
Question 4: Got to be Christopher Luxon, although I'd love to add David Seymour to that list.
Question 5: Emmerdale, although when I first started watching this soap it was called Emmerdale Farm. Tragic, I know.
Question 6: The late Parekura Horomia.
Question 7: I fucking hope not. She scares the bejeezus out of me.
Question 8: Where are your fucking morals.
Question 10: I would have loved to have seen Kiri Allan as PM. That wāhine is strong, articulate and incredibly empathetic or Marama Davidson. Marama is another incredibly strong and brave wāhine who is also articulate and empathetic towards people, especially those who are struggling.
Another Question : Where would David Seymour look best ?
Answer : At the end of a Gibbet.