Another great column Nick as I would expect from a Man U supporter. Agree re the greatest PM we have ever had and as someone who has voted at least 20 times this comment is made with same background of comparison. Have always voted Labour and regretted it only once when Douglas and Prebble took us into the neo Lib period from which it seems we find it hard to escape. Let's hope the people of Aotearoa realise the choices to be made next year and focus on the policies that will make a difference for everyone not just the select few.

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"I get plenty of derogatory messages for being positive about our government and people tell me I’m such a one-eyed Labour supporter. Funny thing is I don’t even vote for the Labour Party, I’m a member and supporter of a different party altogether – I just know a good government when I see one. Not perfect by any means, but better than any other I can remember." Never a truer word.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks for another great read Nick. No matter what political party we support Labour with Jacinda at the helm is a huge force for the good for our country ...the very reason why they’re facing constant vitriol from an impotent opposition. Love this version of the great Talking Heads classic ...so apt

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Yeah, it is a nice version, I heard it for the first time this morning.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I do like this piece Nick. I got a tear in my eye (obviously I have only one).

I love how they reference earlier PMs. Thank you for this.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Perfect expresses how I'm feeling on this glorious Monday morning. Holding on to that feeling as long as I can because everyday is one we will experience only once in our lifetime - and it's true ...

"There has not been a NZ PM as good as Jacinda Ardern".

I too completely agree there will not be another like her.

Jacinda's as good as it gets and we might as well enjoy it.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Well my brother, who is a year older than you, and I only remember Norman Kirk because we were there when he opened the Catholiic high school that our oldest sister was a first day pupil of, which we also attended some years later. And we only remember him because it was his last public engagement before he passed away. It is possible Simon Power was also there too but I don't remember that but I do remember he ran a campaign to become head boy from when he was in form one, which failed. He put down in the school magazine under his photo PM in 1999 and I do credit him for becoming a backbencher National MP in that year. But Jacinda Ardern was not so presumptuous. Someone else wrote in her school magazine that she was the one in her year that was most likely to become PM.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

A great read,

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Another insightful piece Nick.

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Great read

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes- I agree Nick. Jacinda Ardern is an exceptional prime minister. It was good to hear her talk about previous Labour PMs and some of their achievements, putting her governmenI's policies into a context. I do remember Norman Kirk very well. He was an impressive presence and a good speaker. Previously a boiler maker ,he came to politics through the union movement. I was a young mother when he was PM. I was shocked when he died so young even though I knew he had been unwell. I remember well watching his state funeral on television. I am a Labour supporter, but in my voting lifetime I have voted National (once ,a long time ago) and the Greens several time,splitting my vote. In my older age I have now joined the Labour party. I did so as a gesture of support because I have been so shocked at the appalling ,abusive , campaign against Jacinda Ardern from the likes of the Young Nationals and others. This has to be seen in the context of the abuse aimed at many women in public life, and women who dare to have a voice. I agree with your observations about Benedict Collins Nick. I have made a similar observation. And this morning on the Breakfast program Jenny May was rattling on asking why the PM is not at the COPF conference. with James Shaw. The PM answered that question in her interview with John Campbell , but it seems Jenny May hadn't bothered to check that out. I thought Matty''s interview with Jacinda this morning was borderline disrespectful. Of course he honed in on the two measures she announced yesterday A woman Jenny May interviewed had already negated them. He played a clip of Luxon's negation as well, and asked Jacinda about people who would not benefit from the increased subsidies. So- no positive feedback- no acknowledgement that the govt.is trying to help with cost of living in ways that will not feed inflation. Breakfast also led their news reports over and over again with a Reid research poll which gives NACT the chance to form a government. Interesting- since when have TVNZ ever mentioned Reid Research polls. They are the polling company employed by Newshub.! !Jacinda's response to Matty asking if she had seen the Reid Research poll was to say that it was the first poll Reid Research had done since August, while the Labour party does regular internal polls which show Labour and National to be neck and neck. Such energy she has to expend to negate the narrative of negativity coming from the media.

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All well thought out and insightful. But it will all be for nought if people do not vote

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Thanks Nick. You're keeping me in the loop whilst I holiday in the warm weather! Here in Australia with my son, we had a think about our golden sporting moment. Both of us went with the 2011 Rugby World Cup.

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We really do not know how lucky we are , Luxon and the Cats Bum vs Ardern and Robertson, God give me strength , WTF is wrong with this Country ?

Go Arsenal !!

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