Let me just reword slightly your theory that Nats and Act are better at publicly showing loyalty to the party. And say that perhaps the left parties have far more individuals with integrity who will speak out if they disagree. I would absolutely prefer to vote for someone I know has that integrity than any of the forelock tugging nonentities from the right.

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Aug 20Liked by Nick Rockel

Tana was NOT elected by the people as she's still falsly claiming. As a List MP she was selected by the Greens to represent the party. If she is no longer in the Party she is no longer in Parliament, simple as that. (Good morning Choir, please enjoy this short bit of preaching ;-) ). As for Greg O'Connor, if he campaigned on principles up front he was saying to the Electorate "I follow Labour, and my personal views which are these ..." and got elected on those sentiments, then yes there should be some leeway for him to express them now - jsut as long as he's been consistent. However, he's still part of Labour so if this isn't a conscience issue and not a local Electoral promise then time to pull his head in.

p.s. so 2 days of Cake for Nick & whanau!

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Like you, I have no time for party disloyalty. MPs have plenty of chance to express their views in caucus meetings (or at least in Labour they do) and party processes. They are there because of their association with that party, not because of their own particular brilliance they imagine they have. I will listen to the Greg O'Connor pieces - it's a huge ask to do so with the Working Group and Newstalk ZB! I think saying he "broke ranks" is a bit over the top. Chippy was asked this question on Breakfast this morning and said O'Connor actually confirmed Labour policy and then said the thing about under 21 y.o's. The lesson is you NEVER go on those shows unless you are well briefed and given the go ahead to do so. That is the first lesson about party loyalty and discipline because anything you say will be escalated and used against your Party. Ask me about the Mad Butcher sometime. The second is that Greg O'Connor is an assistant speaker. He has been good in that role. If he jumps ship, he will not be in that role anymore. He has nothing to gain and everything to lose. As for Tana. what can I say? First term MP, only there because of GP List. She needs to fek off.

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So appreciate the earthed experience you share Darien.

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Aug 20Liked by Nick Rockel

O’Connor is one of those MP’s, like Nash before him, who seems a natural fit for the other side. Please don’t let him turn into Peter, been there Dunne that…

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Aug 20Liked by Nick Rockel

Speaking of ructions in the ranks one news item last night made me smile (and swear out loud) - that of the puffed up twerking twerp Seymour having a tantrum saying Luxon was being disrespectful and undemocratic over his Treaty Principles Bill - oh the irony from that odious little man! Happy birthday to you and your lad Nick.

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Aug 20Liked by Nick Rockel

Good to hear I wasn't the only one swearing at that particular clip on TV last night!

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Yes, I loved that wee tanty.

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Happy, happy birthday for tomorrow Nick - and, for one day, I hope you can forget the bad things in our world and think about the good things you've shared along the way. We'll still be here, weeping for the bad and hoping for the good to return, one day, soon, please, (whichever) God (you and other readers pray to). xx

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Aug 20Liked by Nick Rockel

Greg is a very popular and hard working local MP, that is why he has outpolled Nicola and her well-resourced campaigns twice. He is everywhere around the electorate and everyone knows him. He is on the conservative side of the Labour Party "broad church" on several issues, but that almost makes him more popular with some constituents. He is a very good assistant speaker and seems to have good relationships with MPs across the House. Nothing like Peter Dunne.

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I like that he drives a 50+ year old car.

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I heartily agree.

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Aug 20Liked by Nick Rockel

Love the photo of Johnny and his cousins!

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Aug 20Liked by Nick Rockel

Happy birthdays to you and your boy, shut out the crap tomorrow and just relax and enjoy the day

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Thanks Steph.

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Aug 20Liked by Nick Rockel

Hi Nick, first Happy Birthday to your boy. We loved the photo. Happy healthy kids. Yes, if ever we needed politicians to look at the big picture it is now. People who concentrate on their own whaka while rocking the main whaka are truly selfish.

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O'Conner should be sacked forthwith. The thought that we are going to have suffer yet another Dunne in O'Hariu-Belmont is just too awful to consider. Hipkins needs to step up to the plate immediately on this.

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Have a great day tomorrow Nick, you have certainly earned an extra slice of birthday cake. Agree with your thoughts today it would be great to see a unified voice across the opposition parties as well.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Nick Rockel

I don't mind MP's expressing a personal opinion. O'Connor is a centrist and probably wouldn't fit in today's National Party. He's expressing the view that a school leaver should maybe be held to some account about going through the motions of getting a job - it's good practice. I'm in two minds about it, but it's not as abhorrent as the Nats, penalising someone who's been made redundant in middle age and is trying to get themselves back on track or someone living in a community where there are no jobs.

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Aug 20Liked by Nick Rockel

Best wishes for you and your sons birthdays. From another August (that's of the "majestic dignity" kind) mine was on the 6th. Travel well.

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Happy belated Birthday wishes John.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Nick Rockel

Hi Johnny and Nick. A very happy birthday to each of you from one whose birthday is today as well. I like to imagine we are all products of jolly times had at cheerful Christmas parties some years ago. I'll raise a glass to you tonight at dinner and hope you have a great time celebrating your own.

No politics today, let's just share a happy day for a change. Cheers!

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Thanks Jeremy, a very happy to you too and cheers for the Xmas thoughts. 😂

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Aug 20Liked by Nick Rockel

Actually I am extremely disappointed in how the GP has handled the whole affair. It's way too easy to destroy a person in Aotearoa with a waffly report that alleges things and says "seems" or "seemed" a lot. That deadly phrase 'migrant exploitation 'has been used over and over again and those of us who know these people and the complainants know that it's so not migrant exploitation. But that was Chris's business anyway not Darleens. Darleen worked so hard for the Greens and has an excellent skill set with a science background and we on Waiheke have seen her mahi in all things environmental from protesting against unneeeded marinas to working in the kina barrens. There's a huge amount of real migrant exploitation going on (check out that story about the Chorus contractors and the RSE workers - that work visa attached to a sole employer is absolutely dreadful. It's time to get on with the real work and attack the current govt and their crazy non research based legislation.

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I appreciate there may be another perspective but it seems to me that the Greens have been through a long independent process. This no doubt feels unfair to Darleen, but it's hard to see whose interests she serves by remaining there.

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Darleen votes with the Green Party, shares the values of the Party and has the opportunity to ask some questions in the house. I am not sure how many. It's a question I believe of Proportionality that's at stake.

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She was a joint owner not so long ago. I trust the leadership on this issue as they would be risking quite a lot if they were incorrect as she would be suing. There was more than one employee.

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Chris actually had around 180 employees over 10 years. We met a lot of them in various locations particularly in New Market and on Waiheke. Most of them seemed pretty happy actually, even socialising with Chris after work. He helped many of them get visas and some have stayed on. Darleen left the ebike business in 2019 to campaign for the Greens and do environmental work. Bio diversity and the health of the moana is her particular interest. Winston would clearly be suing left, right and centre. But then we are not all Winstons. There was no migrant exploitation. That is simply wrong. I have worked on both sides of the media. It's good to have some healthy skepticism.

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