Aug 30, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

There are a couple of Facebook pages that I avoid. TVNZ and Jacinda's own page. I avoid them, or at least, put on emotional armour first, because the hate speech and misogyny scares me. I feel ashamed that this stuff from people in our privileged country with the best PM in any of their lifetimes.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

well said ! the anti women rhetoric is just disgusting , God alone knows how these scum treat the women in their lives....and History will show Jacinda as one of our very best PM's

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

What a truly good person Grant Robertson is, and yes those words could have been written yesterday, today or even tomorrow, yes I’m certain there will still be reason tomorrow to reflect on those very words. The trolls and Neanderthals who sadly can be recognised even in our families and neighbours are not going away anytime soon. It’s getting so I need to put on armour anytime I question them on their ugliness.

Thanks for writing The Daily Read Nick Rockel. You are among the great people who help us focus on the truth.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I agree that Jacinda Ardern is the best Prime Minister Aotearoa-nz has ever had.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Sometimes I read the ugly comments & have a bet with my daughters…

will their Facebook profile be

a) a man holding a snapper

b) a man with a boat

c) a man with a Holden or Ford

d) a man with a pig on his back

Sadly I have to remind them that not all NZ men are misogynists, racists & bullies… again very difficult to prove in the Bay of Plenty 🥲

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I've noticed that too, usually photos of gas-guzzling cars.

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Well said Nick. Have spent a long time interested in politics and agree absolutely that Jacinda is the best PM this country has had in my lifetime. Held in such high regard overseas and treated with a respect not afforded her in Aotearoa. The DF's, the politicians and the MSM that subject her to these types of belittling comment are truly diminished in vision, intelligence and an appreciation of a most capable, caring and hard working PM.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

They live amongst us, the dumb, the deluded and the downright nasty.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

A. very good piece, love your work, keep it up. Thank you.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Extension of their egos & penis

I hear Annie Lennox singing Missionary Man 😂🤣

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All Jacinda should receive is respect respect respect…that’s what she’s earned.

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I am daily sickened by the irrational Vitriol our PM has had to endure. It is a sick bullying which would have seen a lesser person walk away years ago. I feel ashamed at the ignorant levels my fellow countrymen are stooping to. The media have a great deal to answer for and I am concerned for the future well being of this country. Grant Robertson’s article is 7 years old. 7 years - this has been the organised destruction of a world class leader.

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US Dem senator Abright (recently stated) 'there is a special place in hell for women who diss other women'

Fire and Fury reference 'the three women, the cook, the knitter and the crocheter' giggling at the image of a green witch poster depicting our Prime Ministers face' as a male with an American accent zoomed in, 'have you seen the poster of Witch 2? hehe Claire Deeks being one of those three women, a lawyer, and an anti vaxxer, finding her fame through blogging, how to eat a lettuce. Another zoom of three women laughing when one stated a little girl voice 'can i go for a wee' (toilet talk) Seriously they showed themselves up to to shallow, childish and dumb. The article you have written Nick Rockel is excellent. I respect the Prime Minister, for all her attributes. I respect Grant Robertson for calling out the misogyny 7 years ago. So, nothing new, but, boy has it intensified. For a bit if lite relief and a good laugh, since i am recalling childish attention seeking fools, seeking attention. Recall the photo of the mock trial protest in Wellington recently. Brian Tamaki in a thousand dollar suit and a pink tutu. New name for him should be Bishop Tutu (no disrespect intended for the recently deceased real Bishop Tutu) In future the Gay Pride community and supporters should mock Bishop Tutu Tamaki

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022

from the many many new zealanders whose only source of information was the six oclock news and is now social media. their lives have been becoming tougher since the coup by the economics profession in the 80s neoliberal rampage. and the many who have had miserable lives. and all who feel better when a simple answer of who to blame is presented to them. lets acknowledge their anger and damn the presenters!

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So accurate once again. What worries me is how we counter the anti PM wave.the right is fuelling? We can't let money buy the next election and it sure is trying to having already bought most of the media

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