Yeah nah can't agree with you about Stanford Nick. She's as ideologically arrogant as Brown and as relentlessly 'won't be told' by people who actually know what they're doing. As a reality TV producer she may be a better communicator than the rest but she's wrecking the education system to no positive effect and lies through her teeth with the best of NACT. Aue.
Fair. Although, least-worst wasn't exactly high praise. She seems more human than Luxon, Willis, Brown, and co. Again, that's not saying a lot. I used to think Willis would become PM, but her current role has revealed such ineptitude and unpleasantness that it's hard to imagine. Slim pickings, and all you say is correct.
If Luxo did abdicate , I’m sure Nicola and Erica would both want the “power seat”. It would come down to who could outbitch who in the Parliamentary playground. Nicola is older which should suggest she’s a bit wiser, (the jury’s out on that), but Erica looks a lot more angry. That would be a great bout we could all enjoy! Bring it on!!👍😀
I could not agree more. There's a very hard, self-centered, arrogant air about her. Like the rest of the present lineup, there seems to be an almost total lack of compassion for anyone less fortunate than herself and a relentless desire to serve business over the people. Something next-time voters should consider.
One of the most incredible things about Erika Stanford is that she is in sync with early childhood people: i.e. Seymour wants to remove having qualified teachers in ece (to please business owners) and she wants to have qualified ECE teachers. Now that is incredible that she's happy to state that out loud. One good tick against the lack of others?
Yes, I absolutely agree. And she has a history of targetting female Labour MPs in parliament and using derogatory language e.g., calling Jan Tinetti a 'stupid bitch' last year. Teachers and the teachers union are very critical of what she says and what she does. Stanford is a very unpleasant person - and she's also Minister of Immigration. Will she help 18-year-old Daman Kumar - who awaits the outcome of an eleventh-hour appeal to Associate Immigration Minister Chris Penk against being deported to India? Kumar's case has highlighted a generation of New Zealand-born children who have always been overstayers. Kumar was born here to parents who did not have residence, and has never been to India, yet he may be deported to India. Looking at the entire lot of National MPs I cannot think of anyone who I think would be an effective leader. They are either completely unknown to me or all-too-familiarly-known and ghastly. Maybe National will once again bring someone in from outside politics. Peter Thiel has an interest in politics and is a NZ citizen. Lolololol.
If Stanford is a viable alternative it shows to me how little real talent National have.
She comes across as lightweight and brittle with a nasty streak. I think people would see through her and she would have the same problem Luxon has. Remember how we just had to get to know him?
How has that worked out? 2% drop in GDP, thousands voting with their feet, mad ideas from his other CoC leaders showing his lack of negotiating skill, desperate Tiktok memes, failure to attend as PM areas of difficulty of his own making, over 5% unemployed, blind blinkered thinking that less is more with fiddling the stats and books,(BMI of 35 anyone?) ..... We don't have to call him names or use more space listing the bad things, state what we want clearly. Tolerance, fairness, growing resilience, sharing, community strength and hope for the future.
The only thing saving Luxon is the lack of a credible replacement.
Erica is a better communicator but think she operates in an Atlas straight jacket for Education and doesn't listen. What she is implementing far too fast is straight DOGMA from her advisory group. Also Willis and Bishop will think they're more deserving and unlikely to give her the opportunity. Neither seem to have an insight into their own faults. As for little Simeon I think he is ruining Health at a faster rate than Reti was. The public will not want health privatised.
I think it will be the state of the Health system that does them in. No accusations of woke ideology are going to dissuade people from the fact that they need good medical services.
absolutely agree. Actually Herald ran a good front page day ago with the info that emergency services are in dire straits and that the upstairs administrators are not listening to the frontline clinical services. I think most people can see that the health situation is in absolute crisis - even on category 1 (life/death) people are not getting seen immediately in ED. I don't think this country has ever seen anything like that. So I agree with you that this will do them in - everyone needs reliable medical services.
That's a good term Mark, New Americans. Brave New Americans?. There are a lot of duds out there on the world stage, I had to laugh at the Johnny Dep lookalike from the Sth American country ....that I cant remember....that pulled the bitcoin or klepto deal and got stung for it. A leader with great hair, I kept thinking watching him on the news, there's something wrong here...........which of course brings us back to you know who, with no hair..........singing Moon River as his theme song while his coalition mates run riot.
We have a real issue in this country with differentiating between management and governance. While a lot of this doesn't matter widely because it's local (PTA etc), once we get to the highest offices it really starts to bite. When I raised the issue before the election that "CEO" and "PM" are not the same thing, some friends of mine reassured me that as a CEO "he will have seen governance in action" via the boards of the organisations he worked for. That's like saying I'm ready to perform operations because I've watched lots of "Shortland St".
If only Erica Stanford was making some dynamic changes in education from an evidence base that worked. She is doing stuff that educational academics know doesn't work, and hasn't worked overseas. I still struggle playing roll the dice with portfolios ministers have no established expertise in...............a wonderful read Nick. There are different styles of leadership, re Luxon, but in the end you are only a leader if you have followers.........and that's the kicker for Luxon..............the other coalition partners don't respect or follow him. And we have lost respect for his main backer ole John Key. Lost respect is an exaggeration....I never had any, but with backing Luxon and tRump.........he has fallen off the Humpty wall greatly in my book. Maybe all his wellywopping flights are not really helping his bigger picture...........just like Luxy is not helping Aotearoas, bigger picture.
Nick just read a disturbing comment on Bernard Hickeys page. That Chippy is talking to Winston! Do you know more, or could you make this a focus in a newsletter? I've emailed Chrus Hipkins to say Please, please do not! But this could erode all the trust the Labour team has built over the last 18months. They have a strong competent team, and honour and integrity are so so important. Especially since it will take decades to rebuild trust in our democracy. NOBODY on the left wants Peters and Jones in government and a Capital Gains tax is vital to begin levelling the economic playing field aue. I'm sure most of us are hoping for a values based ❤️💚🖤 coalition and this, if true, would be a major betrayal 😭
Matthew Hooton wrote similarly, believing that Winston will begin to distance himself from National and ACT and become more receptive to whichever way the wind blows.
I'm sure there will be a lot more said. It's difficult to see how anyone would want to work with Winston again, especially Labour, after these things he said about the last government, not to mention their experience of working with him as a handbrake on what they wanted to do.
Certainly, for many of us on the left, it would be a bitter pill to swallow and could result in Labour losing support to the Greens or TPM. I think I'll wait until I hear something from Chippy, he was clear last time that he ruled it out and I've seen nothing from Labour to suggest this is more than just the imaginations of some journalists, albeit informed by Peters' history.
It won't happen. This is stupid Hooten/media speculation. But it is inevitable that Winston will distance himself as his polls drop. The main thing we need to do it make sure Labour/Greens and perhaps TPM can form a government, Not worry about Winston. Our job is to vote him out. For good.
I'm afraid it could happen that Labour will turn to NZ First. He has done so in the past. I do recall him being very protective of Jacinda in Parliament when she was under attack. My real worry is if Winston takes a job offshore and Shane Jones inherits the country. He has nothing going for him - it would be a disaster as he's just so nasty.
I don't think the membership would ever entertain partnership with Shane Jones, who has shown himself to be very much an empty greedy pork barrel politician while positioning himself as the leader-in-waiting of NZF.
I'm pretty sure that taking CGT or something very like it off the table won't be happening, and it's just the hopeful imaginings of the right.
"credible replacement?" The Opposition please. Chippy will talk and listen, that does not mean he will lose sight of the agreed goals. He is a consensus politician imo.
Kirsty, I do not think the discussion is about a coalition as I seriously doubt that Labour will ever work with Peters again. Chippy made that very clear pre Oct 23.
Labour’s allies are Green & TPM.
I have listened; I think the Post stretches things a bit. Labour has clear bottom lines.
Yes I share your concerns - but apparently the Maori party has some pretty extreme policies and that's why Labour are wondering about NZ First. I think the Maori party should work well with Labour but they'll perhaps need to negotiate a bit at this point or they'll be left behind.
TPM know that at this stage it's not credible to partner with National and in their best interests to support other left wing parties. My hope is that the younger (and older left-er) Labour members will be able to stage a veer away from the center back to the party roots and refresh the whole party. Aotearoa must prepare to accept greater power sharing with Māori in the future because anything else is unrealistic given present and credible future Māori population increases. Māori party policies will reasonably tend to be more extreme after the sustained attack they've suffered.
Enjoy your offering today, Nick. Enjoyed.! but also have some sympathy for the two comments above. Time is running out for the government and my best wish to them is that it should be very soon.
I'm not sure that there is much that our current pm can do to save himself from being rolled. The national party are legendary at eating their own.
A good start would be for him to articulate an opinion that wasn't a grouping of sound bites and biz speak.
There is somethjng about women in the national party that scared the bijingos outta me. It's like their compassion has been extracted and replaced with an extreme nastiness.
I thought that the Bish was a contender, but he's kinda slippery.
Role on the 2026 election and chippy, no deal with Winnie. He's a kingmaker and deal-breaker
luxon should just step down into a puddle of shit preferably ...he can hike off to murikkka ..maybe shonkey could put him up at his mc mansion in hawaii or he could slink away to theils bought and paid for land in the sth island (thanks shonkey ya prostitute) and lick his self inflicted wounds..he never had a leadership bone in his pudgey wittle body.. theres very little the twat can do to redeeem himself at this point hes let the 2 weasels he sold himself to get away with far too for stanford having anything to offer other than supreme no no this coalition of ignorance has done far too much damage already to allow any of them any access to power ever again but they are still doing a great job of appealing to the racists the cookers(nzf) and the apathetic amongst us.. thre im all right jack crowd..ive got my rentals sorted..look at the states...couldnt wouldnt vote for an intelligent black no a con artist rapist a much better can and will happen here if we let it..the rich boys world wide are seeing to it..we have much work to do.. i say let the bald thumb carry on his bumbling for the next 18mths and let nz see who he really is empty slogan spitting big girls ugly blouse
Maybe Luxton has just done what Atlas required of him and his public persona is really him. His arrogance around being sorted etc. have certainly not endeared him to the majority of people in Aotearoa and he is not a leader by any stretch of the imagination. How about David Slack's suggestion that National could offer the PM role to Seymour. Now that would make for some good comment on here.
Takes us back to the PM role that was planned for Brash that didn't come off, due, in part at least, to good work by Nicky Hager. We need a Nicky Hager again.
I reckon the best thing Luxon could do right now to save his hairy arrrrs would be to sack Levy, fund and staff health properly and halt any talk of privatising health. A major chunk of NZ would immeadiately stop hurting. Many will see him as the second coming, well third after the orange turd.
I agree with the commenters re Stanford. I think Crusher is better than any other contender, but man I cannot stand that woman.
I think if the current government had some good people, then things would have changed by now. But they don't have such people, and that's keeping Luxon in his spot. I disagree regarding Erica Stanford. She's a bit brighter and capable than most in the team, but is somewhat arrogant and smug. I could add - lacks warmth, lacks humour...essential qualities!
It's difficult to think of who might even be good company for a coffee catch-up. Shane Reti? I'd like to meet Tama Potaka too. I was at Teachers College with both his parents, so I'm curious... (I don't imagine any CoC members are dying to go out for a coffee with me, either! Lol.)
So back to suggestions for a leader... I have none!
Not Erica Stanford, she’s wrecking education by introducing workbooks that we know don’t work for many children, and yesterday she sort of apologised for saying that Seymour had overstepped the mark with his comment on teacher only days. He had! Jacinda’s had him summed up.
It's possible that workbooks may work for some!!! I like the way she said clearly that Seymour was wrong!!! Don't often see that in the coalition. She seems straight up to me. But of course as a Labour voter I couldn't possibly comment (about her suitability as anything other than a National lackey).
Funny that i was listening to Billy Joel yesterday, first time in years - he is a great performer. So maybe Luxon should take piano lessons? Or to quote the great Kurt Vonnegut Luxon might "Go take a flying f*** at a rolling doughnut,"
Like Kirsty wrote so well of Ericas unsuitability, she is also a female and no way would National ever have females one (erica) and two (willarse) leading their party. A step too far for the conservative national party I feel.
Yeah nah can't agree with you about Stanford Nick. She's as ideologically arrogant as Brown and as relentlessly 'won't be told' by people who actually know what they're doing. As a reality TV producer she may be a better communicator than the rest but she's wrecking the education system to no positive effect and lies through her teeth with the best of NACT. Aue.
Fair. Although, least-worst wasn't exactly high praise. She seems more human than Luxon, Willis, Brown, and co. Again, that's not saying a lot. I used to think Willis would become PM, but her current role has revealed such ineptitude and unpleasantness that it's hard to imagine. Slim pickings, and all you say is correct.
If Luxo did abdicate , I’m sure Nicola and Erica would both want the “power seat”. It would come down to who could outbitch who in the Parliamentary playground. Nicola is older which should suggest she’s a bit wiser, (the jury’s out on that), but Erica looks a lot more angry. That would be a great bout we could all enjoy! Bring it on!!👍😀
Our media has been promoting E-wrecker for quite a while, we have had glimpses of the real ‘mean girl’ when she has been pressed in parliament
I could not agree more. There's a very hard, self-centered, arrogant air about her. Like the rest of the present lineup, there seems to be an almost total lack of compassion for anyone less fortunate than herself and a relentless desire to serve business over the people. Something next-time voters should consider.
One of the most incredible things about Erika Stanford is that she is in sync with early childhood people: i.e. Seymour wants to remove having qualified teachers in ece (to please business owners) and she wants to have qualified ECE teachers. Now that is incredible that she's happy to state that out loud. One good tick against the lack of others?
There are many teachers who are not happy with her.
Erica was mentored by Murray McCully She can be very rude and abusive and us getting worse at hiding it.
Yes, I absolutely agree. And she has a history of targetting female Labour MPs in parliament and using derogatory language e.g., calling Jan Tinetti a 'stupid bitch' last year. Teachers and the teachers union are very critical of what she says and what she does. Stanford is a very unpleasant person - and she's also Minister of Immigration. Will she help 18-year-old Daman Kumar - who awaits the outcome of an eleventh-hour appeal to Associate Immigration Minister Chris Penk against being deported to India? Kumar's case has highlighted a generation of New Zealand-born children who have always been overstayers. Kumar was born here to parents who did not have residence, and has never been to India, yet he may be deported to India. Looking at the entire lot of National MPs I cannot think of anyone who I think would be an effective leader. They are either completely unknown to me or all-too-familiarly-known and ghastly. Maybe National will once again bring someone in from outside politics. Peter Thiel has an interest in politics and is a NZ citizen. Lolololol.
If Stanford is a viable alternative it shows to me how little real talent National have.
She comes across as lightweight and brittle with a nasty streak. I think people would see through her and she would have the same problem Luxon has. Remember how we just had to get to know him?
How has that worked out? 2% drop in GDP, thousands voting with their feet, mad ideas from his other CoC leaders showing his lack of negotiating skill, desperate Tiktok memes, failure to attend as PM areas of difficulty of his own making, over 5% unemployed, blind blinkered thinking that less is more with fiddling the stats and books,(BMI of 35 anyone?) ..... We don't have to call him names or use more space listing the bad things, state what we want clearly. Tolerance, fairness, growing resilience, sharing, community strength and hope for the future.
The only thing saving Luxon is the lack of a credible replacement.
Erica is a better communicator but think she operates in an Atlas straight jacket for Education and doesn't listen. What she is implementing far too fast is straight DOGMA from her advisory group. Also Willis and Bishop will think they're more deserving and unlikely to give her the opportunity. Neither seem to have an insight into their own faults. As for little Simeon I think he is ruining Health at a faster rate than Reti was. The public will not want health privatised.
I think it will be the state of the Health system that does them in. No accusations of woke ideology are going to dissuade people from the fact that they need good medical services.
absolutely agree. Actually Herald ran a good front page day ago with the info that emergency services are in dire straits and that the upstairs administrators are not listening to the frontline clinical services. I think most people can see that the health situation is in absolute crisis - even on category 1 (life/death) people are not getting seen immediately in ED. I don't think this country has ever seen anything like that. So I agree with you that this will do them in - everyone needs reliable medical services.
Well, if those voters are anything like the New Americans, the LAST thing they will do is admit they’ve backed a dud.
In fact, they’ll double-down.
That's a good term Mark, New Americans. Brave New Americans?. There are a lot of duds out there on the world stage, I had to laugh at the Johnny Dep lookalike from the Sth American country ....that I cant remember....that pulled the bitcoin or klepto deal and got stung for it. A leader with great hair, I kept thinking watching him on the news, there's something wrong here...........which of course brings us back to you know who, with no hair..........singing Moon River as his theme song while his coalition mates run riot.
We have a real issue in this country with differentiating between management and governance. While a lot of this doesn't matter widely because it's local (PTA etc), once we get to the highest offices it really starts to bite. When I raised the issue before the election that "CEO" and "PM" are not the same thing, some friends of mine reassured me that as a CEO "he will have seen governance in action" via the boards of the organisations he worked for. That's like saying I'm ready to perform operations because I've watched lots of "Shortland St".
If only Erica Stanford was making some dynamic changes in education from an evidence base that worked. She is doing stuff that educational academics know doesn't work, and hasn't worked overseas. I still struggle playing roll the dice with portfolios ministers have no established expertise in...............a wonderful read Nick. There are different styles of leadership, re Luxon, but in the end you are only a leader if you have followers.........and that's the kicker for Luxon..............the other coalition partners don't respect or follow him. And we have lost respect for his main backer ole John Key. Lost respect is an exaggeration....I never had any, but with backing Luxon and tRump.........he has fallen off the Humpty wall greatly in my book. Maybe all his wellywopping flights are not really helping his bigger picture...........just like Luxy is not helping Aotearoas, bigger picture.
Yes education and health deserve better than ministers with no experience in these fields.
Yes but I don’t think penny Simmonds is doing the tertiary education sector any favours
Nick just read a disturbing comment on Bernard Hickeys page. That Chippy is talking to Winston! Do you know more, or could you make this a focus in a newsletter? I've emailed Chrus Hipkins to say Please, please do not! But this could erode all the trust the Labour team has built over the last 18months. They have a strong competent team, and honour and integrity are so so important. Especially since it will take decades to rebuild trust in our democracy. NOBODY on the left wants Peters and Jones in government and a Capital Gains tax is vital to begin levelling the economic playing field aue. I'm sure most of us are hoping for a values based ❤️💚🖤 coalition and this, if true, would be a major betrayal 😭
Matthew Hooton wrote similarly, believing that Winston will begin to distance himself from National and ACT and become more receptive to whichever way the wind blows.
I'm sure there will be a lot more said. It's difficult to see how anyone would want to work with Winston again, especially Labour, after these things he said about the last government, not to mention their experience of working with him as a handbrake on what they wanted to do.
Certainly, for many of us on the left, it would be a bitter pill to swallow and could result in Labour losing support to the Greens or TPM. I think I'll wait until I hear something from Chippy, he was clear last time that he ruled it out and I've seen nothing from Labour to suggest this is more than just the imaginations of some journalists, albeit informed by Peters' history.
It won't happen. This is stupid Hooten/media speculation. But it is inevitable that Winston will distance himself as his polls drop. The main thing we need to do it make sure Labour/Greens and perhaps TPM can form a government, Not worry about Winston. Our job is to vote him out. For good.
The prospect of being coupled with the creature Jones has become in the near future should be enough to put any party off NZF
Don't think there will be enough support for a Labour Greens and I think Labour will need to get help from somewhere. Hope it is the Maori Party.
The three.
I'm afraid it could happen that Labour will turn to NZ First. He has done so in the past. I do recall him being very protective of Jacinda in Parliament when she was under attack. My real worry is if Winston takes a job offshore and Shane Jones inherits the country. He has nothing going for him - it would be a disaster as he's just so nasty.
so sorry - my earlier message was not clear. Winston has worked with Labour in the past .... he was protective et al.
I don't think the membership would ever entertain partnership with Shane Jones, who has shown himself to be very much an empty greedy pork barrel politician while positioning himself as the leader-in-waiting of NZF.
I'm pretty sure that taking CGT or something very like it off the table won't be happening, and it's just the hopeful imaginings of the right.
Chippy is finding the areas of agreement, and the areas of weakness, as any Opposition Leader should do.
"credible replacement?" The Opposition please. Chippy will talk and listen, that does not mean he will lose sight of the agreed goals. He is a consensus politician imo.
Thomas Manch story - be very suspicious…
Kirsty, I do not think the discussion is about a coalition as I seriously doubt that Labour will ever work with Peters again. Chippy made that very clear pre Oct 23.
Labour’s allies are Green & TPM.
I have listened; I think the Post stretches things a bit. Labour has clear bottom lines.
Yes I share your concerns - but apparently the Maori party has some pretty extreme policies and that's why Labour are wondering about NZ First. I think the Maori party should work well with Labour but they'll perhaps need to negotiate a bit at this point or they'll be left behind.
TPM know that at this stage it's not credible to partner with National and in their best interests to support other left wing parties. My hope is that the younger (and older left-er) Labour members will be able to stage a veer away from the center back to the party roots and refresh the whole party. Aotearoa must prepare to accept greater power sharing with Māori in the future because anything else is unrealistic given present and credible future Māori population increases. Māori party policies will reasonably tend to be more extreme after the sustained attack they've suffered.
Ka tautoko! ❤️💚🖤
Enjoy your offering today, Nick. Enjoyed.! but also have some sympathy for the two comments above. Time is running out for the government and my best wish to them is that it should be very soon.
I'm not sure that there is much that our current pm can do to save himself from being rolled. The national party are legendary at eating their own.
A good start would be for him to articulate an opinion that wasn't a grouping of sound bites and biz speak.
There is somethjng about women in the national party that scared the bijingos outta me. It's like their compassion has been extracted and replaced with an extreme nastiness.
I thought that the Bish was a contender, but he's kinda slippery.
Role on the 2026 election and chippy, no deal with Winnie. He's a kingmaker and deal-breaker
luxon should just step down into a puddle of shit preferably ...he can hike off to murikkka ..maybe shonkey could put him up at his mc mansion in hawaii or he could slink away to theils bought and paid for land in the sth island (thanks shonkey ya prostitute) and lick his self inflicted wounds..he never had a leadership bone in his pudgey wittle body.. theres very little the twat can do to redeeem himself at this point hes let the 2 weasels he sold himself to get away with far too for stanford having anything to offer other than supreme no no this coalition of ignorance has done far too much damage already to allow any of them any access to power ever again but they are still doing a great job of appealing to the racists the cookers(nzf) and the apathetic amongst us.. thre im all right jack crowd..ive got my rentals sorted..look at the states...couldnt wouldnt vote for an intelligent black no a con artist rapist a much better can and will happen here if we let it..the rich boys world wide are seeing to it..we have much work to do.. i say let the bald thumb carry on his bumbling for the next 18mths and let nz see who he really is empty slogan spitting big girls ugly blouse
Like your style Brenda, I’m sure you can rap what you just said…be NZs answer to Kendrick Lamar and a finger to the aholes in charge!
I agree. Let him remain a rotting albatross corpse around their corrupt necks.
Maybe Luxton has just done what Atlas required of him and his public persona is really him. His arrogance around being sorted etc. have certainly not endeared him to the majority of people in Aotearoa and he is not a leader by any stretch of the imagination. How about David Slack's suggestion that National could offer the PM role to Seymour. Now that would make for some good comment on here.
I haven't read that yet, an interesting idea. Winston would have a meltdown.
Winston wouldn’t be alone…….
I think you could be right(god help us). David has a fiance now(thanks to the atlas network/PR dept)
He will be all out promoting himself come May'. He will see himself as the future PM with Atlas Network backing
Takes us back to the PM role that was planned for Brash that didn't come off, due, in part at least, to good work by Nicky Hager. We need a Nicky Hager again.
I reckon the best thing Luxon could do right now to save his hairy arrrrs would be to sack Levy, fund and staff health properly and halt any talk of privatising health. A major chunk of NZ would immeadiately stop hurting. Many will see him as the second coming, well third after the orange turd.
I agree with the commenters re Stanford. I think Crusher is better than any other contender, but man I cannot stand that woman.
I think if the current government had some good people, then things would have changed by now. But they don't have such people, and that's keeping Luxon in his spot. I disagree regarding Erica Stanford. She's a bit brighter and capable than most in the team, but is somewhat arrogant and smug. I could add - lacks warmth, lacks humour...essential qualities!
It's difficult to think of who might even be good company for a coffee catch-up. Shane Reti? I'd like to meet Tama Potaka too. I was at Teachers College with both his parents, so I'm curious... (I don't imagine any CoC members are dying to go out for a coffee with me, either! Lol.)
So back to suggestions for a leader... I have none!
Alison, I saw Potaka lie about his clean car rebate, I don’t trust him now.
So, lying now? It's unbelievable really.
Not Erica Stanford, she’s wrecking education by introducing workbooks that we know don’t work for many children, and yesterday she sort of apologised for saying that Seymour had overstepped the mark with his comment on teacher only days. He had! Jacinda’s had him summed up.
It's possible that workbooks may work for some!!! I like the way she said clearly that Seymour was wrong!!! Don't often see that in the coalition. She seems straight up to me. But of course as a Labour voter I couldn't possibly comment (about her suitability as anything other than a National lackey).
Funny that i was listening to Billy Joel yesterday, first time in years - he is a great performer. So maybe Luxon should take piano lessons? Or to quote the great Kurt Vonnegut Luxon might "Go take a flying f*** at a rolling doughnut,"
Love the quote. 😂
Like Kirsty wrote so well of Ericas unsuitability, she is also a female and no way would National ever have females one (erica) and two (willarse) leading their party. A step too far for the conservative national party I feel.
Jenny Shipley
Nooʻoooooo no no no no nope
I work with someone who Loves Shitley and acts like her as well.!!!!!!!!
Thinks Jenny was the best PM we ever had.