
I've added the newsletter under Cr Lee's Facebook post about the event, with the suggestion that he be a bit more open minded.

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Mar 19Liked by Nick Rockel

Well said Nick! I'm so tired of pseudo-Conservative, pseudo-religious con-men (or women) using politics and religion to justify their hate-filled prejudices.

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This weird idea that gay men and trans are paedos is nuts. As a young straight man, a cop, I worked in Welly. In those days there was a largish trans community involved in entertainment. There was a strong but discreet gay community. As police we interacted with both groups. Both tended to be mostly victims. Both, in my experience, never, ever indulged in paedophilia. The usual paedo profile was a white, outwardly straight, man of some respectability. A creep. Not gay or trans men. Where the heck does that assumption come from.

This was the 70s so way less enlightened than now. A time when homesexuality was regarded as a crime. A crime most cops I knew ignored by then unless confronted with complaints.

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Mar 19Liked by Nick Rockel

As always a well written article.

What gets me is they , destiny church and their ilk, are absolutely fine with there children going to the theatre and I'm sure a pantomime or even a church service...bishops in robes come to mind....yet they object to 2 drag queens reading stories to children in drag... talk about contradictions!.

If I was in Rotorua I would be there forming a human barrier so the children don't have to see the hate coming from the church.

Signed from a proud mum of a Drag Queen

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Mar 19Liked by Nick Rockel

So if Tamaki and his thugs turn up to disrupt/ protest this event will we see the first instance of the police removing gang patches and impounding motor bikes? Well done any library that provides a means of instilling a love of reading in children.

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Thank you once again, Nick. Hasn't Tamaki advanced to self appointed Apostle these days? I would rather have drag queens reading to my grandchildren than have any like Tamaki and his ilk anywhere near them. Overly religious men of all denominations are scarier to me than a drag queen.

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Mar 19Liked by Nick Rockel

In the US there were big dramas about the very same issue... here we go again.

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I just do not understand why anyone, these days with all the info we have about nasty Paedo priests and respectable looking white men who abuse kids coz they can hide in plain sight, would consider these flamboyant fun and often hilarious readers of children's books to be in any way threatening. The reaction is totally bonkers as well as unfounded.

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Mar 19Liked by Nick Rockel

Another example of an old white powerful man trying to stop freedom of choice for everyone/ if you don’t like what’s on the event - don’t go! Leave others to make their own choice

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19Liked by Nick Rockel

Bring back Sesame Street and Play School.

I use to watch with my kids.

Loved Bruce Springsteens "Peace, Love and Understanding"

Tolerance. Acceptance. Understanding. Empathy. Peace and Love, definitely need to be the new Now Impact words.

Peace ✌️ Love ❤️ and Happiness Baby

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Mar 19Liked by Nick Rockel

A very young Elvis Costello. Good question Nick- whatis wrong with peace, love and happiness.?I love the idea of these guys taking the time to read to children.They will be fabulous and the children will love it .. I'm pretty sure it has already been happening at Dunedin Public Library,As a child I loved reading but also being read to. In those days it didn't happen in libraries but of course it did happen at school. It is fabulous that libraries these days are multifunctional . I always enjoy going into the Dunedin Public Library, for books but also for other events they run. Brian Tamaki is a narrow minded, hater. I agree with all your references about him-especially your reference to how he likes to pour himself into black leathers.

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Mar 19Liked by Nick Rockel

Good piece Nick. Well done Councillor Fisher Wang

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Nick, you always write stuff that prompt a response from me! Even the word "drag" is derogatory, why do some people have so much difficulty with difference? The same old - "people are different", if we don't understand some, we respond with fight or flight. Especially if there may be an inner feeling, perhaps inclination, that the people who protest most, are not quite comfortable in the skin they are born with or the skin they live in. I don't understand either, but I have no problem accepting people are different - I don't need to fight - or to run away, the problem is in "the eye of the beholder".

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Mar 20Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick you are so amazing at capturing these things - the RIDICUOUSLESS that there could be any negative reaction to Rainbow Storytime is beyond me. I bet the kids absolutely love it - in fact, I'm hoping to take my kids to one if I can find it! I love your comments to Tamaki and Cr Lee - just so succinct and perfect - keep keeping on e hoa!

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They've cancelled the event. The bigots from the Destiny Church, and the council, have stopped the children from hearing stories. So sorry for all those who wanted it to proceed.


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Mar 20Liked by Nick Rockel

You mean they let pirates into libraries!? What is the world coming to?

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