Aug 23, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you Nick for your look back at those days. As an old gal I am grateful for the steps our leaders took to keep us safe. Who knows how many lives could have been lost without the lockdown- many people even enjoyed the 'time out. And here we all are, getting on with it. Hooray for us, boo to the moaners and whingers.

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Really enjoy your writing Nick. We, in our house, are very happy with Jacinda and her team and Ashley and his team. What an amazing job they did tackling the unknown on a daily basis, and without a script to follow. I'm sure this enabled lots more people to still be around who just might not have been if "the knockers"had been listened to after every slight hiccup.

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Amazing, that was only a year ago. We (from Whangarei) spent the lockdown in our camper in Twizel. We rode our ebikes everywhere and I had a 70th birthday wine with a handful of fellow campers around the outdoor picnic table. The coldest it got at night was minus six.

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Yeh it’s tough but rather here in NZ than anywhere else and being led by anyone else .

Thanks Nick , great memories from lockdowns .

Sad to hear of Margeret Urlich today as well .

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

That's really lovely writing Nick.

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

We were all set to catch the train to Wellington and spend a weekend down there and fly back , lockdown was the day before we were to depart... KiwiRail refunded the fares immediately , the Air BNB refunded immediately - but air nz no refund just a credit which has now expired I am told.....

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thanks for that walk down memory lane. Its good to take stock. and it made me remember how lucky we were for the leadership that did so much to keep us safe

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