What an incredible experience, Nick. I wish I could have been there. And according to the opinion piece written by Luxon in the Herald this morning, he would have been there but it was more important for him to have a wonderful holiday in Akaroa, sauntering down memory lane where he and his brothers used to play as entitled children. But in his piece, he does mention that the treaty bill will never go through. So in short, he acknowledges that this whole fiasco has been a massive waste of our time and money. What an enormous twat.
A fair summation indeed! One I suspect he’s beginning to realise, leading to his absence from Waitangi. Worse than Luxo’s absence though, was that of our Governor General, Dame Cindy Kiro, whose position as Crown representative demands her attendance at such events. On that basis I penned, ( or typed) another letter to the Herald which may or not appear at some time. It’s at the end of this comment.
I hope there’s been lessons learnt by those who want to tear up the Treaty and start again, the Atlas way. Seymour and Jones just confirmed what vile creatures they are. Marama looked and spoke well on the news last night. Glad you and Fi are having a great time, just don’t eat too many of the burgers! They look bloody huge! All the best for your trip home. Letter below
While for whatever reason our PM has chosen not to attend Te Tiriti o Waitangi celebrations at Waitangi this year, it is disgraceful that our Governor General, Dame Cindy Kiro, has chosen to accompany Mr Luxon to Akaroa instead of Waitangi. Surely, as the Crown’s representative in AotearoaNZ, it is incumbent upon her to attend the ceremony at the Treaty grounds? This should be regarded as the most significant event of the year for our country’s calendar. It was disrespectful enough that the PM felt he wanted to be somewhere else, possibly to avoid protests, but for the two highest appointed representatives of our nation to ignore the event at the place of it’s genesis is beyond contempt. We expect much better from them. If, however, Luxon invited Dame Cindy to join him at Akaroa so he could offer his resignation as PM away from public scrutiny, I’m sure her non-attendance at Waitangi would be forgiven.
Morena koutou, Ive just watched the Dawn ceremony, some lovely messages from the variety of speakers. Of Kotahitanga, unity, The kaupapa of Ka hao te rangatahi, brings to mind the whakatauaki, Ka pu te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi. Loosely translated as Cast the old net aside, and let the new net go fishing. The inter-generational shift in leadership.
Mr Seymour, I have to agree with you Nick, despite being told by his iwi that he wasn't welcome, he had the ballz to show up, unlike the Crowns Govt representative. Seymour knows that Maori tikanga is such that he can choose to front or not. Tikanga was the crowds response to Seymour, in their waiata, in their turning backs to his speech. Showing in their quiet and demonstrative way, their opposition to him.
Jones being his usual beligerent and bombastic self, threw out threats as if he was talking about his own personal funding for Waitangi celebrations. Talking about cheap stunts!! Accusing others of not following tikanga, and yet, rudely (again) shouting to get on with it! He sure has a high opinion of himself! Jones knows well Te Ao Maori, yet he wants to spout, do as I say, not as I choose to do! Nga mihi Nick.
Great observations re Jones. The worst kind of politician. I have more respect for Seymour (which is close to zero!) At least Seymour is consistent, with Jones his koreros are a moveable feasts dictated by rhetoric and how much turps he's been on the night before
Kia ora Mike, had to giggle, Having more respect for Seymour, close to zero. lol.
Mr Jones, he who hunts with the wolves (Hounds) and runs with the hares. A once upon a time radical protester. He who loves to pontificate, rolling in his Taha Maori, alongside his time at Harvard, which (perhaps) in his mind, makes him a supreme authority.
I’m reading this on Waitangi Day morning as I listen to the RNZ coverage and try not to doom scroll on the rise of the Robber Barons worldwide, while hoping their extreme and unhinged behaviour may be the final straw for many. That the obvious greed and disregard for anyone “other” may lead to their downfall if we unite.
Refuse to submit, refuse to normalise the gaslighting of Atlas puppets such as Seymour.
Refuse to play their blame game and demand accountability from the people WE PAY to represent us all, not just the dragons hoarding their gold and selling our whenua and awa to the highest bidders.
Ngā mihi Nick. So very glad that you were/are there, both for you and us who ‘get it’ much better through your reporting. Right where we belong is a wonderful song to cauterise the vitriol from some parties!
Kā nui te mihi ki a korua. I acknowledge you both for all your updates, photos and videos, not only for this newsletter but during the whole time you have been at Waitangi.
Watching although online the pōwhiri for the Kingitanga and yesterday for the politicians has been truly special. It was really a sight to behold.
Although I'm not the biggest fan of Tama Potaka or Shane Reti, I felt that both of them were hung out to dry. Yes Paul Goldsmith was in attendance and I'm sure other National Party MP's were there like Erica Stanford, but not only was Christopher Luxon absent so was Nicola Willis, Chris Bishop and Simeon Brown. That's shameful to me and it shows just what the National Party think of Māori and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Teanau Tuiono spoke well on behalf of Te Pāti Kākariki, but the kōrero of the day for me was from Chippy. Not a note or cue card in sight. Chippy was thoughtful, genuine and humble on the paepae and his kōrero seemed to be well received by the haukāinga and others.
On to David Seymour who was asked respectfully by his own Iwi not to attend these Waitangi celebrations. Ordinarily I would say, good on him for having the balls to front up, but to me he was there just to antagonize and to play the victim.
I was so proud to see the haukāinga and others turn their backs on him and to see his microphone taken from him twice. That was awesome.
Shane Jones and Winston Peters were just disrespectful and arrogant and they both should be ashamed considering they both whakapapa to Te Tai Tokerau.
The last thing from me. Being from Ngāti Kahu, I'm so very proud of Te Tai Tokerau and the manaakitanga that has been shown to all throughout this very special week.
An excellent summary, kia ora Josephine. I think Seymour only fronted up so he could speak to his followers: he wasn't there to kōrero to the haukāinga. Looking at his FB page today (holding my nose) he says he challenged Act's critics ... his post has over 1.7K comments, most of them posted by his acolytes dissing the haukāinga and praising poor little David. A bunch of apalling racists in the long comment thread, although there are some comments disagreeing with him. Ugh.
Seymour doesn't have balls. It's all ego and arrogance. His unshakeable belief that he is right meant that he didn’t go to listen, just to strut and spew his talking points - even during what was meant to be a prayer.
By 1840 the missionaries and their families had been here for over 20 years, their children had grown up with the local kids, and te reo was the language of conversation. Hone Heke went to a mission school with missionary children. They understood each other. It was the British businessmen, such as the NZ company, and their desire for land , that caused the subsequent problems.
How fabulous, thanks for sharing your wonderful experience and Fi's amazing photos and videos.
I don't completely agree with the comment you made about Seymour at least showing up. I see a few people grudgingly admitting respect for his "courage". He is a very cunning person in my opinion, a "political animal" and he knew that some would see his actions as showing he has the courage of his convictions and give him credit for it, so he gains political capital while making those who turned their backs look like they are in the wrong for not listening.
I do agree there was little value in Seymour being there other than for him to rark up his redneck supporters with outrage that people didn't want to listen to him. My comment about having the courage was more about Luxon's lack of courage. I mean, turning up is the least he could do.
Looks like a wonderful day for you & Fi Nick. The collective emotionalism in this sort of gathering is a very real-life experience. how can Seymour not feel it?
Chippy fits right in, very much of a 'what you see is what you get' no artificial put on. He is easy to chat to which is something I certainly couldn't do with 'snob' Luxton! Yes, better book your accommodation for next year now!
Thank you Nick and Fi for being there for me. Enjoying watching this day playing out live. Gets emotional at times as I am so proud of our people who have been so resilient and strong throughout these many many years. And here we still stand today stronger and for some more educated than our supposed leaders of today. Ka whawhai tonu matou. NGA mihi kia koutou katoa.
Best ever to read on Waitangi Day! It is truly an amazing thing to be there. While the media focus on division, there is love, unity, generosity and the sheer beauty of that (our) place. It is good to go for several days as you and Fi have Nick. I remember when Jacinda became PM she spent a week at Waitangi and it seems Chippy is following that tradition. I have had the privilege of doing the same in the past. And yes, book your accommodation for next year now! Oh and Tau Henare, a former political adversary, but turns out we are cuzzies. In Aotearoa it's one degree of separation, and we are all bound together if only people pause to consider.
The TPB and the RSB - that there is any discussion seems so completely irrelevant! Surely the whole point of the Treaty was to structure an agreement between the Crown and the indigenous people of Aotearoa - what the Maori chiefs signed on behalf of all Maori was the version in Maori! That is the only one they could relate to. That must be the founding document - as signed by the majority at that time! Any subsequent translation is a poor substitute for the intent of the original version - in Maori! That the White Crown privileged representatives at the time misconstrued or misinterpreted some other version must be unintentional - or intentional for reasons of blatant self interest. How can we logically consider any other version than the original Maori signed document. That seemore wants to re-write history to suit his political ambitions is his failure - it should not be ours!
What an incredible experience, Nick. I wish I could have been there. And according to the opinion piece written by Luxon in the Herald this morning, he would have been there but it was more important for him to have a wonderful holiday in Akaroa, sauntering down memory lane where he and his brothers used to play as entitled children. But in his piece, he does mention that the treaty bill will never go through. So in short, he acknowledges that this whole fiasco has been a massive waste of our time and money. What an enormous twat.
"An enormous twat" is a fair summation, he most definitely doesn't "get it".
and never will
A fair summation indeed! One I suspect he’s beginning to realise, leading to his absence from Waitangi. Worse than Luxo’s absence though, was that of our Governor General, Dame Cindy Kiro, whose position as Crown representative demands her attendance at such events. On that basis I penned, ( or typed) another letter to the Herald which may or not appear at some time. It’s at the end of this comment.
I hope there’s been lessons learnt by those who want to tear up the Treaty and start again, the Atlas way. Seymour and Jones just confirmed what vile creatures they are. Marama looked and spoke well on the news last night. Glad you and Fi are having a great time, just don’t eat too many of the burgers! They look bloody huge! All the best for your trip home. Letter below
While for whatever reason our PM has chosen not to attend Te Tiriti o Waitangi celebrations at Waitangi this year, it is disgraceful that our Governor General, Dame Cindy Kiro, has chosen to accompany Mr Luxon to Akaroa instead of Waitangi. Surely, as the Crown’s representative in AotearoaNZ, it is incumbent upon her to attend the ceremony at the Treaty grounds? This should be regarded as the most significant event of the year for our country’s calendar. It was disrespectful enough that the PM felt he wanted to be somewhere else, possibly to avoid protests, but for the two highest appointed representatives of our nation to ignore the event at the place of it’s genesis is beyond contempt. We expect much better from them. If, however, Luxon invited Dame Cindy to join him at Akaroa so he could offer his resignation as PM away from public scrutiny, I’m sure her non-attendance at Waitangi would be forgiven.
Love this, Nick. Poignant, heartfelt, perceptive and brimming with the magic of the occasion. Toitu te tiriti!
Yes, me too!
Morena koutou, Ive just watched the Dawn ceremony, some lovely messages from the variety of speakers. Of Kotahitanga, unity, The kaupapa of Ka hao te rangatahi, brings to mind the whakatauaki, Ka pu te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi. Loosely translated as Cast the old net aside, and let the new net go fishing. The inter-generational shift in leadership.
Mr Seymour, I have to agree with you Nick, despite being told by his iwi that he wasn't welcome, he had the ballz to show up, unlike the Crowns Govt representative. Seymour knows that Maori tikanga is such that he can choose to front or not. Tikanga was the crowds response to Seymour, in their waiata, in their turning backs to his speech. Showing in their quiet and demonstrative way, their opposition to him.
Jones being his usual beligerent and bombastic self, threw out threats as if he was talking about his own personal funding for Waitangi celebrations. Talking about cheap stunts!! Accusing others of not following tikanga, and yet, rudely (again) shouting to get on with it! He sure has a high opinion of himself! Jones knows well Te Ao Maori, yet he wants to spout, do as I say, not as I choose to do! Nga mihi Nick.
Great observations re Jones. The worst kind of politician. I have more respect for Seymour (which is close to zero!) At least Seymour is consistent, with Jones his koreros are a moveable feasts dictated by rhetoric and how much turps he's been on the night before
Kia ora Mike, had to giggle, Having more respect for Seymour, close to zero. lol.
Mr Jones, he who hunts with the wolves (Hounds) and runs with the hares. A once upon a time radical protester. He who loves to pontificate, rolling in his Taha Maori, alongside his time at Harvard, which (perhaps) in his mind, makes him a supreme authority.
Well said Wikitoria!!
Tena koe Judith.
You really took us there, Nick, thank you.
Ngā mihi Nick, and Morena,
I’m reading this on Waitangi Day morning as I listen to the RNZ coverage and try not to doom scroll on the rise of the Robber Barons worldwide, while hoping their extreme and unhinged behaviour may be the final straw for many. That the obvious greed and disregard for anyone “other” may lead to their downfall if we unite.
Refuse to submit, refuse to normalise the gaslighting of Atlas puppets such as Seymour.
Refuse to play their blame game and demand accountability from the people WE PAY to represent us all, not just the dragons hoarding their gold and selling our whenua and awa to the highest bidders.
United, we are stronger.
Ngā mihi Nick. So very glad that you were/are there, both for you and us who ‘get it’ much better through your reporting. Right where we belong is a wonderful song to cauterise the vitriol from some parties!
Morena Nick.
WOW. What an experience you and Fiona have had.
Kā nui te mihi ki a korua. I acknowledge you both for all your updates, photos and videos, not only for this newsletter but during the whole time you have been at Waitangi.
Watching although online the pōwhiri for the Kingitanga and yesterday for the politicians has been truly special. It was really a sight to behold.
Although I'm not the biggest fan of Tama Potaka or Shane Reti, I felt that both of them were hung out to dry. Yes Paul Goldsmith was in attendance and I'm sure other National Party MP's were there like Erica Stanford, but not only was Christopher Luxon absent so was Nicola Willis, Chris Bishop and Simeon Brown. That's shameful to me and it shows just what the National Party think of Māori and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Teanau Tuiono spoke well on behalf of Te Pāti Kākariki, but the kōrero of the day for me was from Chippy. Not a note or cue card in sight. Chippy was thoughtful, genuine and humble on the paepae and his kōrero seemed to be well received by the haukāinga and others.
On to David Seymour who was asked respectfully by his own Iwi not to attend these Waitangi celebrations. Ordinarily I would say, good on him for having the balls to front up, but to me he was there just to antagonize and to play the victim.
I was so proud to see the haukāinga and others turn their backs on him and to see his microphone taken from him twice. That was awesome.
Shane Jones and Winston Peters were just disrespectful and arrogant and they both should be ashamed considering they both whakapapa to Te Tai Tokerau.
The last thing from me. Being from Ngāti Kahu, I'm so very proud of Te Tai Tokerau and the manaakitanga that has been shown to all throughout this very special week.
Toitū te Tiriti.
An excellent summary, kia ora Josephine. I think Seymour only fronted up so he could speak to his followers: he wasn't there to kōrero to the haukāinga. Looking at his FB page today (holding my nose) he says he challenged Act's critics ... his post has over 1.7K comments, most of them posted by his acolytes dissing the haukāinga and praising poor little David. A bunch of apalling racists in the long comment thread, although there are some comments disagreeing with him. Ugh.
Thanks, Josephine, I really appreciate your comments here and on Facebook. 🙂
What a great summary. Thanks. 🙏
Thanks Simon, I've really been enjoying your poetry posts lately - good stuff 🙂
Oh thanks for reading good sir 🙏
Seymour doesn't have balls. It's all ego and arrogance. His unshakeable belief that he is right meant that he didn’t go to listen, just to strut and spew his talking points - even during what was meant to be a prayer.
By 1840 the missionaries and their families had been here for over 20 years, their children had grown up with the local kids, and te reo was the language of conversation. Hone Heke went to a mission school with missionary children. They understood each other. It was the British businessmen, such as the NZ company, and their desire for land , that caused the subsequent problems.
How fabulous, thanks for sharing your wonderful experience and Fi's amazing photos and videos.
I don't completely agree with the comment you made about Seymour at least showing up. I see a few people grudgingly admitting respect for his "courage". He is a very cunning person in my opinion, a "political animal" and he knew that some would see his actions as showing he has the courage of his convictions and give him credit for it, so he gains political capital while making those who turned their backs look like they are in the wrong for not listening.
Crafty devil.
I do agree there was little value in Seymour being there other than for him to rark up his redneck supporters with outrage that people didn't want to listen to him. My comment about having the courage was more about Luxon's lack of courage. I mean, turning up is the least he could do.
Beautifully written Nick. So nice to read of your experience without the "click baiting" sensationalism from the usual media sources. Thankyou.
Looks like a wonderful day for you & Fi Nick. The collective emotionalism in this sort of gathering is a very real-life experience. how can Seymour not feel it?
Chippy fits right in, very much of a 'what you see is what you get' no artificial put on. He is easy to chat to which is something I certainly couldn't do with 'snob' Luxton! Yes, better book your accommodation for next year now!
Thank you Nick and Fi for being there for me. Enjoying watching this day playing out live. Gets emotional at times as I am so proud of our people who have been so resilient and strong throughout these many many years. And here we still stand today stronger and for some more educated than our supposed leaders of today. Ka whawhai tonu matou. NGA mihi kia koutou katoa.
Best ever to read on Waitangi Day! It is truly an amazing thing to be there. While the media focus on division, there is love, unity, generosity and the sheer beauty of that (our) place. It is good to go for several days as you and Fi have Nick. I remember when Jacinda became PM she spent a week at Waitangi and it seems Chippy is following that tradition. I have had the privilege of doing the same in the past. And yes, book your accommodation for next year now! Oh and Tau Henare, a former political adversary, but turns out we are cuzzies. In Aotearoa it's one degree of separation, and we are all bound together if only people pause to consider.
The TPB and the RSB - that there is any discussion seems so completely irrelevant! Surely the whole point of the Treaty was to structure an agreement between the Crown and the indigenous people of Aotearoa - what the Maori chiefs signed on behalf of all Maori was the version in Maori! That is the only one they could relate to. That must be the founding document - as signed by the majority at that time! Any subsequent translation is a poor substitute for the intent of the original version - in Maori! That the White Crown privileged representatives at the time misconstrued or misinterpreted some other version must be unintentional - or intentional for reasons of blatant self interest. How can we logically consider any other version than the original Maori signed document. That seemore wants to re-write history to suit his political ambitions is his failure - it should not be ours!