RICARDO MENÉNDEZ MARCH to the Minister for Child Poverty Reduction: Will the Government's policies and actions ensure Aotearoa meets the long-term target of reducing child material hardship to 6 percent by 2028; if not, will it change its policies to do so?
again and again ... unsure how much more disgusted i can get at nzf top two racists,,0ne a bumbling little wannabe winny the poop and the other an old stroked out traitorous stinking drunkard muldoon bum boy denigrating an intelligent young hard working kind caring man (something these two mongrels will never be) for using the precious toanga that is te reo in the very country that it can and should be spoken.. their ancestors would be writhing in their graves to know that these two are spouting their evil racist muck..they only do it to appeal to their partys equally racist scum sucking cult..the sooner they are off the planet the better..i pray for their demise every day..painfully would be a bonus..and as expected the thing masquerading as pm rushes off like a scalded cat as if he had somewhere important to be..can we hang on by our fingernails for 18 more looonngg months... we absolutely must am going to write to chippy today asking for an explanation of any korero hes having with the whiskey fag peters..im hoping its just a pass the salt korero or youve got snot on your nose winnie
On hearing the previous exchange where Jones and Peters suggested sending the Mexicans home and rejected immigrants as aliens seeking to impose their alien ideas and practices on us, it occurred to me that in Jones and Peters, the colonization process is absolute and complete. They have absorbed the notions of superiority and righteousness so completely that they are now themselves the colonisers, demeaning and dehumanising anyone who does not conform to their worldview. They are as bad as (at one with) the entitled old white males who make me ashamed so often.
👍💯While most Maori leaders & whanau are emphasising that te Tiriti is not exclusionary or privilege but ensures a welcome for ALL, these embarassments to their whakapapa prove that Maori are NOT privileged - they are just as prone to have stupid horrible no-good people in their whanau as any pakeha family 😱😁
Excellent, thanks Nick. How mind-numbingly ridiculous that Winstone and Shane can get away with this level of crazy! Te Ariki raises an excellent point.
Thanks Nick. Not too long at all. NZ first are just doing what they're paid for. Once again it's the dead cat strategy so no one has to answer the hard questions. Winnie the pisshead is great at this stuff as is his prince in waiting Shane. They would have been laughing all the way to the pub. That's their job, distract, distract. The Coalition of imbeciles can't respond with any sense when the opposition ask the questions. So the clowns are sent in to take the heat off. Works every time.
Yes I thought they were behaving like little children who hadn’t had enough attention lately. Appalling comments though because they’re adults, albeit bigoted and deranged. And oh the irony when David Seymour criticised them!
Thanks Nick for sharing Te Ariki’s words - I agree, and Chris Bishop is a prime example.
Agreed, Shame and Winsom are electioneering already, desperate to hang on to their 5%. Their comments are repulsive and I sincerely doubt that any new voters are considering NZF
ohhh I hope so Keith..........5% has caused us enough trouble.........they play a game.....and I wouldn't buy a car from either of them......nor ask them directions. Back on the right track........a load of bollocks.
When I became a citizen of this country I wanted to become one of Aotearoa first, not just New Zealand. I felt, as an immigrant, I should ask the ancestors of Aotearoa if would be acceptable for my bones to lie in their sacred ground one day, (a long time in the future)It’s not my land, so I think it only polite to ask the question. I think it’s mind-numbingly crazy, (as Mark puts it) that Shane and Winston are trying their hardest to shed any vestige of their own indigenous culture and identity for the sake of political expediency. They should be ashamed of themselves for being traitors to their own people and heritage, all so they can sellout to the highest bidder. Disgraceful.
Te Ariki does indeed raise an excellent point. I believe Te Reo Maori should be taught in every school from day one, if only to teach the children how to acknowledge,respect and understand the importance of a language many in Parliament seem hellbent on making extinct.
Perhaps Florence, in full flight and voice could help get the message across to the ignorant. Great song🙂
Beautiful words re bones and sleeping in the soil....beautiful. Jeremy and forgive me if you have heard this......and your comment gave me courage to share this thought. I have had lots to do with tangata whenua as a teacher........within my family and I describe myself as having a tangata whenua heart. I have heard maori describe other Maori at various times as 'bananas'. The intention being that they are coloured on the outside but their insides are white. I cannot believe what The Lone Ranger and Tonto say sometimes....from their ethnic roots and belonging. Tonto loves using big words in english and is beautifully fluent in te reo......and then he bags his own people about causes he should care about if he wasn't a banana. I know it's maybe not cool........but I have heard them called bananas and with not a shred of respect from the Maori who say such of them........... your words are excellent Jeremy. The Lone Ranger and Tonto need to go, they are a waste of space and empty noise...like the attitudes and narrow values of their base. Like an interest rate, I want them to fall.
Thanks McKinley. I would also feel uncomfortable about being buried in my home country, outside of Sydney where I was born, without asking the indigenous elders if it was OK. A bit of humanity, humility and respect goes a long way, especially after the treatment handed out to both our First Nations in days gone by. It’s the least any of us can do.❤️
Such a touching reply. I too am an immigrant and also came here to embrace Maoritanga and the bicultural land that is Aotearoa New Zealand. I cherish parts of my English heritage but I am now a converted Kiwi.
I think it’s the duty of those of us living in a new country to ensure that the culture, beliefs and traditions of the indigenous people are not affected, misunderstood or otherwise inadvertently insulted by a careless act or ignorance on our part. I’ve been made to feel both welcomed and despised by members of Australia’s First Nations, understandably, so it’s something I’m very conscious of. I would like to be laid to rest as friend or whanau, not as an unwelcome intruder. I became a citizen here after about 50 years. It took me a while to decide whether I wanted to stay. I’m very glad I did 👍🙂
My take on it was that Seymour has been getting all the headlines and Winston and Shane saw this as easy meat and drink for their supporters. What did surprise me yesterday was NZ First supporting a Labour Members' Bill (The Crimes (Theft by Employer) Amendment Bill), originally put in the ballot by Ibrahim Omer and taken over by Camilla Belich. It passed committee stages despite a couple of ignorant Nat MPs trying to filibuster. I wouldn't read too much into it as in NZ First and Labour relationship, but for once in their miserable existence NZ First did something worthwhile. It's a tiny thing really ; saying employers who deliberately rip off workers can be charged under the Crimes Act. It should become law after second and third reading.
So Winston wants to know what gives an immigrant the right to "...change this country's name without the referendum and sanction of the New Zealand people?”
Well, I suppose Mr Mendez has way more right to call this country by its proper name than that of a foreigner sailing past Aotearoa in 1642 (without landing) had to rename it Staten Landt, without a referendum or sanction of the inhabitants.
What a load of nonsense from Shane and Winnie. Shane suggesting we should use what a missionary used in 1840 rather than what is on my passport. Gerry trying to placate the bully boys. As for green Marxists-What a load of rubbish. it's not yet St Patrick's day but my image was of leprechauns. Shane & Winnie just windbags.
But they are dangerous windbags because they play on people's prejudices and bigotry which can make some of them feel enabled to act out in a brutal and sometimes murderous way. Have people already forgotten the Christchurch massacre?
Great song choice today Nick, one of my favourites from Florence and The Machine.
The Parliamentary performance is, as usual these days, unruly buffoonery, obfuscation and insult from the right to avoid relevant, educated and well considered questions from the left.
Regarding being able to pronounce Te Reo, it has been interesting to observe over the last 50 years how there has been an increase in the use of Te Reo, particularly in broadcasting. When I came here from the UK in 1971 it was rare indeed to hear Te Reo other than place names, and it quickly become apparent that even these weren’t pronounced correctly. Our family attempts to do so were scoffed at by Pakeha kiwis so we stopped. Moving on several decades, even working in an organisation where Te Reo and Maori protocols were used and all employees had plenty of resources to learn this, some Pakeha would still find cause for mirth over genuine attempts to correctly pronounce Te Reo. It’s very difficult to grow confidence in such circumstances so, like many, I’m sure I don’t get it right quite often, but I try and I have always been and continue to be very interested in learning about Te Ao Maori. It’s easier to learn about Aotearoa, it’s indigenous people and culture now than it ever has been and yet there are still far too many who refuse to try.
Another great article Nick. I want to express my deep appreciation for the korero from Te Ariki. Yes, I have observed/experienced over my lifetime the lack of interest/engagement in te reo as a sign for a greater disengagement. In my family, a refusal to pronounce te reo vowels, words and the rolling r, but a real energy for speaking french and saying vin rouge, like a french person! But also, a lack of willingness to even discuss the importance of Te Tiriti and what maori have lost under colonialism and breaches to Te Tiriti. These family members are farmers so probably too discomforting to be having that korero. Marilyn Waring’s oral submission to the TPBill, was moving as she talked about her farming family fortunes built off maori losing their land.
Back to Te Ariki - the reverse I have found also to be true, those who have an interest in te reo will usually have a heart for justice and fairness and be interested in NZ history and Te Tiriti.
Winnnie has lost his marbles and Shame is the actual windbag with his ridiculous question to the speaker regarding appropriateness. It makes me wonder who they are performing for? I imagine alot of the anti-vaxxer brigade are greenie types and so the attack on the Green MPs is confusing to me. NZF base must now only be supported by xenophobic elders?
absolutely agree with you janine about nzf base..all we can hope for with the grey headed elders(im one) that still support winfag is that they will drop off their perches sooner rather than later and the cookers who have invaded the cult will romp off to tik tok and forget the leader when he goes cos it seems to me that hes all nzf have got as a "leader"
Given that Mr Mendez's question was listed ahead of time, and how Seymour ended up with positive points for his "adult in the room" act, I actually wondered if Peters and Seymour were tag-teaming on this. Drunkle provokes the fight and then Seymour steps in and speaks in Grownup, until you realize that what he is actually saying is just more of his Treaty Principles bullshit. Has NZF got a position on Treaty Principles? Given NZFs anti-Te Tiriti rhetoric, it isn't that far-fetched, even if Drunkle and Seymour don't get along.
Thanks Nick. I appreciate your research and keeping us up with the play. I get almost to the point of tears sometimes, reading of the nastiness of the right.
So I'm off to Bucklands Beach for a relaxing swim!
A lovely part of the world. Fi's mum lives there, so we're often out that way, although I have to confess I haven't swum there for years. It's a good swimming spot with such a quick drop-off, but I imagine you knew that. 🙂
Well, I just bob in the shallow-ish area really, at Little Bucklands Beach. And do a few strokes from time to time! Whatever, it's just glorious, as you say.
When talking name let it be remembered - and written on the hearts and minds of everyone now claiming to be a New Zealander - New Zealand was in 1840 an independent sovereign nation registered and recognised internationally as so for five years since 1835. The only people named New Zealanders were Maori.
As a result of the Tiriti o Waitangi British Citizenship was given value New Zealanders (Maori) agreed to be hospitable and become bicultural, bilingual and consultative equally with matters not natural treasures or traditional custom. Practical decisions that have to be made and understandings required would be co-governed - 50/50.
In one years people from NSW Colony and ship loads of British citizens were acting as though British Citizenship was primary rather than assume that they needed to fit in and share with the First Nation New Zealanders. Braggarts who did not see more than a land to make of as they chose gradually by 1850 were disregarding the Tiritiri. We the people and the democratic government in power has acknowledged the Tiritiri demands our attention and respect. The First Nation is still here alive and well. More well than ever.
Zeeland is a provence in the Netherlands and the translation to English is Sea Land. If you check out some pictures on line you’ll see how apt the name is for the original area.
Just in case no ones been there.............looking at the videos and comments in NZ First youtube channel is like entering an alternate universe..................its not pretty, and The Lone Ranger (not his first ride) and Tonto are like 'gods'..........a sad sad place..........but interesting when you feel up to it. It's like shite that comes from adult mouths becomes sunshine and truth. 5% of Kwis I spose. Not our hoose.
The first question for today's session:
RICARDO MENÉNDEZ MARCH to the Minister for Child Poverty Reduction: Will the Government's policies and actions ensure Aotearoa meets the long-term target of reducing child material hardship to 6 percent by 2028; if not, will it change its policies to do so?
Ha ha, he's not stepping back.
again and again ... unsure how much more disgusted i can get at nzf top two racists,,0ne a bumbling little wannabe winny the poop and the other an old stroked out traitorous stinking drunkard muldoon bum boy denigrating an intelligent young hard working kind caring man (something these two mongrels will never be) for using the precious toanga that is te reo in the very country that it can and should be spoken.. their ancestors would be writhing in their graves to know that these two are spouting their evil racist muck..they only do it to appeal to their partys equally racist scum sucking cult..the sooner they are off the planet the better..i pray for their demise every day..painfully would be a bonus..and as expected the thing masquerading as pm rushes off like a scalded cat as if he had somewhere important to be..can we hang on by our fingernails for 18 more looonngg months... we absolutely must am going to write to chippy today asking for an explanation of any korero hes having with the whiskey fag peters..im hoping its just a pass the salt korero or youve got snot on your nose winnie
Love your thoughts and word choices
me too :-)
Just say it as it is Brenda. Go you good thing.
well said
Their demise will come.....nothing surer. May take a bit longer than than we would like but come it will.
Great comment, Brenda, I tautoko completely......the rage is real!
On hearing the previous exchange where Jones and Peters suggested sending the Mexicans home and rejected immigrants as aliens seeking to impose their alien ideas and practices on us, it occurred to me that in Jones and Peters, the colonization process is absolute and complete. They have absorbed the notions of superiority and righteousness so completely that they are now themselves the colonisers, demeaning and dehumanising anyone who does not conform to their worldview. They are as bad as (at one with) the entitled old white males who make me ashamed so often.
well said, same same
Exactly, and include Seymour in that choice little bunch.
👍💯While most Maori leaders & whanau are emphasising that te Tiriti is not exclusionary or privilege but ensures a welcome for ALL, these embarassments to their whakapapa prove that Maori are NOT privileged - they are just as prone to have stupid horrible no-good people in their whanau as any pakeha family 😱😁
Excellent, thanks Nick. How mind-numbingly ridiculous that Winstone and Shane can get away with this level of crazy! Te Ariki raises an excellent point.
Yes I completely agree with you Mark! Thanks as always Nick - you’re onto it,! I’d love to change to Aoteoroa!!
Thanks Nick. Not too long at all. NZ first are just doing what they're paid for. Once again it's the dead cat strategy so no one has to answer the hard questions. Winnie the pisshead is great at this stuff as is his prince in waiting Shane. They would have been laughing all the way to the pub. That's their job, distract, distract. The Coalition of imbeciles can't respond with any sense when the opposition ask the questions. So the clowns are sent in to take the heat off. Works every time.
Yes I thought they were behaving like little children who hadn’t had enough attention lately. Appalling comments though because they’re adults, albeit bigoted and deranged. And oh the irony when David Seymour criticised them!
Thanks Nick for sharing Te Ariki’s words - I agree, and Chris Bishop is a prime example.
Agreed, Shame and Winsom are electioneering already, desperate to hang on to their 5%. Their comments are repulsive and I sincerely doubt that any new voters are considering NZF
ohhh I hope so Keith..........5% has caused us enough trouble.........they play a game.....and I wouldn't buy a car from either of them......nor ask them directions. Back on the right track........a load of bollocks.
Yep absolutely correct. The despicables that live alongside us.
When I became a citizen of this country I wanted to become one of Aotearoa first, not just New Zealand. I felt, as an immigrant, I should ask the ancestors of Aotearoa if would be acceptable for my bones to lie in their sacred ground one day, (a long time in the future)It’s not my land, so I think it only polite to ask the question. I think it’s mind-numbingly crazy, (as Mark puts it) that Shane and Winston are trying their hardest to shed any vestige of their own indigenous culture and identity for the sake of political expediency. They should be ashamed of themselves for being traitors to their own people and heritage, all so they can sellout to the highest bidder. Disgraceful.
Te Ariki does indeed raise an excellent point. I believe Te Reo Maori should be taught in every school from day one, if only to teach the children how to acknowledge,respect and understand the importance of a language many in Parliament seem hellbent on making extinct.
Perhaps Florence, in full flight and voice could help get the message across to the ignorant. Great song🙂
Beautiful words re bones and sleeping in the soil....beautiful. Jeremy and forgive me if you have heard this......and your comment gave me courage to share this thought. I have had lots to do with tangata whenua as a teacher........within my family and I describe myself as having a tangata whenua heart. I have heard maori describe other Maori at various times as 'bananas'. The intention being that they are coloured on the outside but their insides are white. I cannot believe what The Lone Ranger and Tonto say sometimes....from their ethnic roots and belonging. Tonto loves using big words in english and is beautifully fluent in te reo......and then he bags his own people about causes he should care about if he wasn't a banana. I know it's maybe not cool........but I have heard them called bananas and with not a shred of respect from the Maori who say such of them........... your words are excellent Jeremy. The Lone Ranger and Tonto need to go, they are a waste of space and empty noise...like the attitudes and narrow values of their base. Like an interest rate, I want them to fall.
Thanks McKinley. I would also feel uncomfortable about being buried in my home country, outside of Sydney where I was born, without asking the indigenous elders if it was OK. A bit of humanity, humility and respect goes a long way, especially after the treatment handed out to both our First Nations in days gone by. It’s the least any of us can do.❤️
Lovely Jeremy.
totally agree
Such a touching reply. I too am an immigrant and also came here to embrace Maoritanga and the bicultural land that is Aotearoa New Zealand. I cherish parts of my English heritage but I am now a converted Kiwi.
Hi Mike
Many thanks for your kind words.
I think it’s the duty of those of us living in a new country to ensure that the culture, beliefs and traditions of the indigenous people are not affected, misunderstood or otherwise inadvertently insulted by a careless act or ignorance on our part. I’ve been made to feel both welcomed and despised by members of Australia’s First Nations, understandably, so it’s something I’m very conscious of. I would like to be laid to rest as friend or whanau, not as an unwelcome intruder. I became a citizen here after about 50 years. It took me a while to decide whether I wanted to stay. I’m very glad I did 👍🙂
My take on it was that Seymour has been getting all the headlines and Winston and Shane saw this as easy meat and drink for their supporters. What did surprise me yesterday was NZ First supporting a Labour Members' Bill (The Crimes (Theft by Employer) Amendment Bill), originally put in the ballot by Ibrahim Omer and taken over by Camilla Belich. It passed committee stages despite a couple of ignorant Nat MPs trying to filibuster. I wouldn't read too much into it as in NZ First and Labour relationship, but for once in their miserable existence NZ First did something worthwhile. It's a tiny thing really ; saying employers who deliberately rip off workers can be charged under the Crimes Act. It should become law after second and third reading.
So Winston wants to know what gives an immigrant the right to "...change this country's name without the referendum and sanction of the New Zealand people?”
Well, I suppose Mr Mendez has way more right to call this country by its proper name than that of a foreigner sailing past Aotearoa in 1642 (without landing) had to rename it Staten Landt, without a referendum or sanction of the inhabitants.
What a load of nonsense from Shane and Winnie. Shane suggesting we should use what a missionary used in 1840 rather than what is on my passport. Gerry trying to placate the bully boys. As for green Marxists-What a load of rubbish. it's not yet St Patrick's day but my image was of leprechauns. Shane & Winnie just windbags.
But they are dangerous windbags because they play on people's prejudices and bigotry which can make some of them feel enabled to act out in a brutal and sometimes murderous way. Have people already forgotten the Christchurch massacre?
Great song choice today Nick, one of my favourites from Florence and The Machine.
The Parliamentary performance is, as usual these days, unruly buffoonery, obfuscation and insult from the right to avoid relevant, educated and well considered questions from the left.
Regarding being able to pronounce Te Reo, it has been interesting to observe over the last 50 years how there has been an increase in the use of Te Reo, particularly in broadcasting. When I came here from the UK in 1971 it was rare indeed to hear Te Reo other than place names, and it quickly become apparent that even these weren’t pronounced correctly. Our family attempts to do so were scoffed at by Pakeha kiwis so we stopped. Moving on several decades, even working in an organisation where Te Reo and Maori protocols were used and all employees had plenty of resources to learn this, some Pakeha would still find cause for mirth over genuine attempts to correctly pronounce Te Reo. It’s very difficult to grow confidence in such circumstances so, like many, I’m sure I don’t get it right quite often, but I try and I have always been and continue to be very interested in learning about Te Ao Maori. It’s easier to learn about Aotearoa, it’s indigenous people and culture now than it ever has been and yet there are still far too many who refuse to try.
Another great article Nick. I want to express my deep appreciation for the korero from Te Ariki. Yes, I have observed/experienced over my lifetime the lack of interest/engagement in te reo as a sign for a greater disengagement. In my family, a refusal to pronounce te reo vowels, words and the rolling r, but a real energy for speaking french and saying vin rouge, like a french person! But also, a lack of willingness to even discuss the importance of Te Tiriti and what maori have lost under colonialism and breaches to Te Tiriti. These family members are farmers so probably too discomforting to be having that korero. Marilyn Waring’s oral submission to the TPBill, was moving as she talked about her farming family fortunes built off maori losing their land.
Back to Te Ariki - the reverse I have found also to be true, those who have an interest in te reo will usually have a heart for justice and fairness and be interested in NZ history and Te Tiriti.
Winnnie has lost his marbles and Shame is the actual windbag with his ridiculous question to the speaker regarding appropriateness. It makes me wonder who they are performing for? I imagine alot of the anti-vaxxer brigade are greenie types and so the attack on the Green MPs is confusing to me. NZF base must now only be supported by xenophobic elders?
absolutely agree with you janine about nzf base..all we can hope for with the grey headed elders(im one) that still support winfag is that they will drop off their perches sooner rather than later and the cookers who have invaded the cult will romp off to tik tok and forget the leader when he goes cos it seems to me that hes all nzf have got as a "leader"
Read recently that Dot Jones, Shane's wife, loaned $150000 to NZF since the election so that's good support. Guess it was accurate??
I hope Dot is expecting a better ROI than the copious quantities of stupidity they are doling out.
Loaned?? Why?
Given that Mr Mendez's question was listed ahead of time, and how Seymour ended up with positive points for his "adult in the room" act, I actually wondered if Peters and Seymour were tag-teaming on this. Drunkle provokes the fight and then Seymour steps in and speaks in Grownup, until you realize that what he is actually saying is just more of his Treaty Principles bullshit. Has NZF got a position on Treaty Principles? Given NZFs anti-Te Tiriti rhetoric, it isn't that far-fetched, even if Drunkle and Seymour don't get along.
Thanks Nick. I appreciate your research and keeping us up with the play. I get almost to the point of tears sometimes, reading of the nastiness of the right.
So I'm off to Bucklands Beach for a relaxing swim!
A lovely part of the world. Fi's mum lives there, so we're often out that way, although I have to confess I haven't swum there for years. It's a good swimming spot with such a quick drop-off, but I imagine you knew that. 🙂
Well, I just bob in the shallow-ish area really, at Little Bucklands Beach. And do a few strokes from time to time! Whatever, it's just glorious, as you say.
When talking name let it be remembered - and written on the hearts and minds of everyone now claiming to be a New Zealander - New Zealand was in 1840 an independent sovereign nation registered and recognised internationally as so for five years since 1835. The only people named New Zealanders were Maori.
As a result of the Tiriti o Waitangi British Citizenship was given value New Zealanders (Maori) agreed to be hospitable and become bicultural, bilingual and consultative equally with matters not natural treasures or traditional custom. Practical decisions that have to be made and understandings required would be co-governed - 50/50.
In one years people from NSW Colony and ship loads of British citizens were acting as though British Citizenship was primary rather than assume that they needed to fit in and share with the First Nation New Zealanders. Braggarts who did not see more than a land to make of as they chose gradually by 1850 were disregarding the Tiritiri. We the people and the democratic government in power has acknowledged the Tiritiri demands our attention and respect. The First Nation is still here alive and well. More well than ever.
Isn't Zealand a Dutch name - Seeland?
The original Zealand is in Denmark, I believe, but in either case, it's not an English word.
Zeeland is a provence in the Netherlands and the translation to English is Sea Land. If you check out some pictures on line you’ll see how apt the name is for the original area.
Just in case no ones been there.............looking at the videos and comments in NZ First youtube channel is like entering an alternate universe..................its not pretty, and The Lone Ranger (not his first ride) and Tonto are like 'gods'..........a sad sad place..........but interesting when you feel up to it. It's like shite that comes from adult mouths becomes sunshine and truth. 5% of Kwis I spose. Not our hoose.