Oct 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

You make good points Nick and yes I am already a believer that a centre left Government is the way forward. I am dreading what negative impact a change of Govt will mean for NZ. I think Labour deserves another 3 years.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Although I'm anxiously optimistic that common sense, compassion, fairness and facts ❤️💚🖤 will prevail the prospect of these "Liz Truss" like a*^*holes getting in scares the hell out of me 😬

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Liz Truss and Nicola Willis- good analogy. The Taxpayers Union -started byChris Bishops father John Bishop, play a big role in the policies of the National Party. Who knew that Ruth Richardson-she who gave us the misery of Ruthenasia , is on the governing board of the Taxpayers Union.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I really don't understand the undecided voter!

It looks like a cop-out.

It sounds like someone not willing to declare who they really are.

It's ( way past) time to take a stand.

Apathy doesn't cut it, anymore.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

A friend just messaged me a link to a Guardian article on a strategy called "Triple Your Vote". If I was more IT savvy I could transfer it here!! It's well worth a read. The basic idea is that you talk to just three undecided folk in your networks and share the values that have influenced your personal vote, urging them to vote too. This post aligns so well with that strategy. Thanks Nick.

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Yes I saw that article, it's a good grassroots, practical, thing that people can do. I'm aware of a group in NZ trying to do it with five people, but three, or even two, is really powerful if enough people do it.

Here's a link if others would like to read it:


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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Actionstation here in NZ is running the same campaign. 😊

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Well worth reading, I hope people take the time

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Once again I'm saying - great piece, Nick!

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Thanks Alison 😀

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

"Why did you think the super rich were sponsoring them? To give you a tax cut?" says it all for me

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I'm still hoping for a left coalition

But if the worst happens I hope Winston is in the mix.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Answer = "NO"!

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I remember when Trigger was Gene Autrey's Horse! Boy could that guy play & sing from Trigger's Back, as they rode off into the Western Sunset!! "Trigger" seems to have morphed a bit over the years since the Media & Internet picked up the word Trigger! Ole Triggers a bit stuffed at the moment & livin in some Museum in Tennessee, so his name was open for displacement at the time the Internet came along.

Trigger is a completely different thing these days. From a small device on a Firearm, to a Horse's name, to a deadly serious game of Propaganda designed to tweak a humans Fear Factor, get their immediate attention, or insert a Song like "Yellow Submarine", or a catch phrase in your head that bugs the B'Jebus out of you that you just can't get out of your head!.. Now THATS a TRIGGER!

The Kinda stuff that some very bad people do to Cattle Prod their Target Voter Base into doing something Radical that will cause momentum to shift Quietly, but swiftly, because people that Trigger are desperate folks & will do anything to Trigger YOU to just sit back on the couch & say f**k it, my vote doesn't matter, when it matters SO MUCH MORE than you can imagine right about now.

So, if your feeling hopeless, uninspired, like no matter who runs the Country, nothings gonna change for you, so you stay home & watch the Election Night Media Show & maybe buy a Pizza, if it's in your budget, then you've got this under control, right?

Other Triggers are unlimited, like the sh*t that runs off Nicola Willis' Tongue like Crackling Goose sh*t that sprays the place in GS then tells you it's very nutritious for you if you buy it direct from the manufacturer & not from the other sellers sellin something else & warning you about the Sugar Hit - Hangover you're gonna get with the "Direct from the Goose's Arse" , should you wrap your lips around that orifice!

Nah, Nick speaks with a straight tongue on his suggestion that Labour & Coalition partner possibilities is a far better tried & True option than suckin on Goose's Arse's for the Sugar hit you're missing after the last 6 years.

If you're buying Goose Sh*t, you deserve it, go for it! Let's see how long ya last in that Spray Zone before you're beggin for forgiveness in the error of your previous ways. Of course, the people you voted into Deeper Austerity might not really want you back in the fold you left, but that's your choice i suppose. After all it's a Free Country (at the moment) so step right up to that Silver Plated Spoon & dip right in...

The Media's will love it, because thats where their Daily Bread comes from - Selling you Triggers & Silver plated Spoons to dip Shit from a Goose's Arse with. If you still believe in Fairy Tales about National riding in to save your Day & make you rich like them, Teehee, good luck, your gonna need it! Just coat yourself in a thick spread of that smelly Crap & you'll be assured that none of those Bottom Feeders will come close to you the next little while until you need to be re-Coated when the old Goose shit wears off...

Here's a Trigger from me, the Gene Autrey Fan. If your happy to watch this country descend into Authoritarian Neoliberal Capitalist Hands, bordering Fascist in the Ideological Sectors to choose Governance types from.

That's exactly what you'll get if you choose the former CEO of our Air NZ former SOE (State Owned Enterprise), which means you used to own it, don't get that confused. CEO, are NOT Democratic Governors, full STOP. They're the opposite of that. They only understand MONEY, MONEY, Money & how to grow that Money, Money, Money out of YOUR Arse, not theirs, they collect it from your account, deposited into theirs & MORE, MORE, More is never enough for these Wide Boys.

Does Luxon look like he needs the Money??? Should we bequeath him a whole lot more of ours??? You get to choose, if you can be bothered! Mr. CEO Luxon cost YOU over $3 Billion Bucks of Tax Payer donations over his stint with our Common Air Carrier. He smiled all the way to ANZ with that one!

That's the thing about our SOE's. You might own it today, but it might become an attractive li'l ditty to flog off if Lux Luther & Nicola the new Ruth Richardson Lookalike Impaler that's desperate to take over because you sat yer arse on the couch & couldn't be bothered voting when you could have made a difference, but didn't. Good on ya Mate. Excuse me while I go behind this bush to be sick..

SOE's come in all shapes & sizes. Taonga is like that. Everything that glitters isn't gold, but with things like National Healthcare, our Universities, Public Transport, Ports & stuff like that they all shine on their own merits, based on how much we care to preserve them in the Public's interest.

Need i remind anybody that Key's Pet project was Privatising the NZ Healthcare System??? He got as far as privatising ACC before he Slinked, Slank Slunk off the main stage in 2015, when he could see he wasn't gonna have his Mission accompliished moment. That's Ok, he got his Real Estate hit which is feeding his Big Bonus Pool at his current Haunted House of Commerce as we speak...

Gosh folks, don't be tempted to throw Democratic Governance out with the BS Bathwater of National! You shoulda learned by now that these Greed Grubbers can't be trusted to do what's best for the Country in our dire time of need. Its just about them, NOT you!

Please wake up before its too late!

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I agree with your description of Nicola Willis.

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Brilliant. Needed this a month ago..Good for undecided voters.

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And if any blue promoter calls you: say you've already voted Red, Green, Left, TPM. But if you really want to screw them up, say you voted for winnie.

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Fantastic band, and song Nick. I agree with all of your comments about Luxon, but after watching Nicola Willis every time she debates Grant Robertosn, with her "misinformation", and her attempts to talk him down, I think she is very dangerous.I streamed the Stuff finance debate late last night. - itwas pretty feisty. Willis apparently decided to check Grant'a figures for thei dental policy, and GST policy, and insisted they did not add up. Grant has since rebuttedher, pointing out that the figures she was relying on were the wrong ones. He rightly said she was just trying to deflect attention away from the hole in her figures.

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You put it clearly Nick! Well done!!🍀

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DON'T VOTE BLUE. I'd love you all to do the mirror test on gnat portraits. Get a small unfraimed hand held mirror. Hold it up to the image of choice, vertically (saggittally) half way through the face, first for one side, then the other left and right -wing have no pertinence here). Choose which face you'd support. Results: any Nat = 0, special mention: Bishop=Ewwwwww!

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Dammit I wish you’d written this earlier!! Great article thanks, I’ve blatantly copied most to my story in the vain hope that some of my right leaning friends will spare an actual thought for the consequences.

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