I look forward to the ladies at The Herald you mentioned yesterday calling Costello on this, it is a NEWSpaper after all. Cost benefit analysis now means cost to the masses and benefits to the chosen few (who may be donors)

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Great Tui ad! 😊😕

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There is something almost unbelievable popping up on a daily basis ..... the worst part of your piece for me was the fact that in mid winter, the guvmt won't commit to supporting emergency housing. So families living in the streets, in cars, in tents will face serious illness and exposure at that point. This is a murderous bunch of despots, not a guvmt.

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And as with period poverty contributing to girls not attending school, now we will have bus fare poverty which will lead to fewer students at school.

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That's the thing, this government has goals to increase attendance at schools and reduce the number living in emergency housing - cancelling the funding of these initiatives runs counter to their own ambitions.

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It certainly does. Do you know, I don't think they've even thought about it because they are idiots.

If Nicole does not want a salary increase the she doesn't need a tax cut.

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I diverge. Mention Steven Joyce to me and it spirals through everything I read afterwards. (Rude man.) And his ridiculous $4000-a-day consultancy fee is like a prickle in my shoe. I want to know the total bill. How many train fares, children's lunches and even nights in emergency housing does that equate to?!?

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I wonder how many days a year he is being paid for and what he does that could attract such an astronomical of remuneration?

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Nothing much would be my estimation- he didn’t do much when he was a Minister!

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Leading the country for everyone? Yeah right! What an incompetent, disingenuous bunch of crooks, all of whom will be affected positively by their policies. They're so brash that they don't even try to hide it. Like Key, Luxon will profit mightily from his government's policies.

Really good analysis of the Costello situation - thanks Nick!

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Yes, it’s unfathomable from our perspective but Luxout’s use of the words “bottom feeders” surely should have been a deal breaker to any decent person. It’s unbearably cruel and ignorant. They simply don’t give a shit.

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Where are the ethics and transparency in this corrupt government? Why are they not being held to account? This id not a government for the people!

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It is a completely inept bunch of buffoons and Luxon hasn’t got the balls to get rid of any of them

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Sadly, he is one of them!

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Nothing this government does is in the public interest. They are dedicated to feathering their own nests and those of their backers. The conflict of interest in the policy decisions is staggering.

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If we humans are that ignorant by ignoring what’s being delivered to our faces we deserve miserable deaths cause that’s what we are condoning. Call a liar a liar to their face, demand they tell the truth

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Good point Nick, I think Costello is simply too stupid to understand the significance of what she was reading in the briefing papers (if she read them properly), therefore she deliberately left that $46 Billion out of the cabinet paper..

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She deliberately left the $46 billion out not because she’s stupid or inept which she clearly is but because it went against her neoliberal white-washed brain (or what passes for one in her body)!

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Did the briefing papers mention that ram-raiders are believed to be stealing tobacco products? That's a cost too - damage, theft, police and court time.

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Nick, PM Luxon is "Window Dressing" while the "sidekicks' find the tax cut money. Long Term Plans? No! no! Short Term Gain is the name of the game. Remove all Wellbeing Gains, start Culture Wars, throw in the odd (extremely odd) Tunnel to replace the Ferries. Put fear of losing their jobs and fear of treatment after that. Play on anxieties and divisions to slow the responses to inequities. Wait 'till folk start selling assets cheaply to survive , then the 1 to 5 % can cream it. Meantime "Hire our own" pay over the top. Thanks for the votes Turkeys. Rates up 10 to 30% Water at huge cost, Plenty of expensive Roads. Oh by the way, we need money for Landlords, Charter Schools and our friends like S Joyce. I wrote to The Standard predicting much of this behaviour, and was told to "Have a lie down and a cup of tea" Any number of lie downs and cuppas have made no impression on my anger. The patent hatred of "Bottom Feeders" ( The unfortunate ), is laid bare for all to see, but half the press are now unemployed, how convenient.

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Isn’t Costello so fortunate she isn’t in a Labour led coalition because if she was we would have had her lies written/spoken about on a daily basis by our media and by the opposition. Clearly the $40 odd mil is not as important as some airport shares. Also wouldn’t expect anyone on the left to be so concerned for their tobacco sponsors.

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Luxon can’t/won’t sack her. That’s her leaders job. And Seymour probably applauds her business acumen in hiding the costs.

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You're right, although ultimately at some point she is still a cabinet minister in Luxon's government. Peters is her leader, but she would be equally at home in ACT and I agree that Seymour would be as bad.

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Well Peter’s wouldn’t know incompetence if it came up and hit him in the face given his own level of incompetence and ineptitude!

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My bad. I assumed she was Act.

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No worries, with her involvement in the TPU and Hobson's Pledge that would seem the natural home for her.

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I can’t understand how she was ever a leader in these organisations- shows what a shambles they must be in if she was one of their leaders! I don’t think I have ever seen a politician with less intelligence- political savvy or just plain common sense!

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I too had very low expectations of Costello and she has more than lived up to these! I think she is quite clearly completely indoctrinated with Hobson choice and the other far right organisations that she has been employed at- that she simply cannot make a decision that would go against their erroneous and dangerous policies. She’s an utter failure and disgrace to this country and should be booted out quickly before she shambles her way to more ineptitude and hypocrisy!

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Just a thought!

I wonder how Casey Costello's omission compares to senior Labour MP Michael Wood's omission regarding his shares?????? And what were the consequences for Wood?

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