Jul 4·edited Jul 4Author

YES!!! They bloody did it. The exit poll shows an absolute landslide for Labour.

Lab 410

Con 131

Lib Dem 61

Reform 13

SNP 10

Green 2

Other 23

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There was cheering in our house.

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Could do without Farage and his nasty mob. Could do with more Greens. Bit at least the healthy majority for Labour will empower them to make some serious changes - even beyond their manifesto. Did Jeremy win his seat, do we know?

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Yes, he romped home.

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Love love love. The only man with true integrity in British politics

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Oh Hallelujah! It’s amazing!

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I’m hoping for a landslide that buries the Tories for decades, and silences people like Nigel Farage. Somewhere on this planet there needs to be a deliberate and decisive turning away from the move to far right thinking, politics and policies that seems to be gaining momentum and undermining democracy.

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Jul 4Liked by Nick Rockel

Fuck off Tories, everywhere! But I wish, I wish... that the incoming government had a more inspiring vision than merely 'change'. It was the desire for 'change' that saw Brexit happen. It was the desire for 'change' that saw our present government elected. The change we want is a radical swing to the left. With the populations of Western democracies everywhere going full Stockholm syndrome with neo-liberalism, it's hard to see which one will be brave enough to end the experiment and return to government for the people. Don't think it will be the UK. And we don't even have a politician — let alone a party — that espouses that kind of vision here.

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Actually we do. The Greens and TPM

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Fair point. I haven't looked at the detail of their proposals for tax reform. The difficulty seems to be getting them into a position where they can influence the major parties...

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Thats up to us

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True that!

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Jul 4Liked by Nick Rockel

tories out the door. yes. however neoliberalism, privatisation and environmental harms set to carry on under Labour. they may apply some band aids to poverty here or there to offer false hope. I am interested in how the Green party does. And Jeremy Corbyn. The people who will challenge the business as usual mentality which is pushing us towards climate and social collapse. What happens in other "western" countries is important to us since we insist on remaining in that fold even as western economic and political power is weakening.

From alternative UK media sources I have been following:



But from desperation comes change. Also from the UK are moves to implement change to western democratic systems. Look out for delibarative democracy movements.


Lots to do. And mainstream parties wont be doing it.

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Jul 4Liked by Nick Rockel

It gives hope that our miserable lot will be a one term government.

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Please let us hope the country makes it so.

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Goodbye Tory Bastards!

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Jul 4Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank god, but jaysus they have a hard job ahead of them to try and resuscitate a very unwell country. How do you keep people with you if things don't improve fast enough? Will people remember what it was like under the Tories? We seemed to forget pretty quickly. May the French also block the far right and the USA keep the fascists out of the white house. It's a beautuful big blue day, and the defeat of the Tories is a glimmer of light through dark political clouds. May the sunshine of peace and hope come to Palestine soon too.

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Amen to all that Lynette. The far right wave sweeping the world is something to be very afraid of. The last time it was as strong as it is now it cost millions of lives. Perhaps the result in Britain today might be just the thing to inspire people to think before they vote. The course of recent history tells a very grim story which so many young people are either unaware of or are told "that was then, this is now and it will be different". It won't. George Santaya was right when he said, "those who can't remember the past are condemned to repeat it". We can only hope that good sense will prevail this time. The alternative is unthinkable.

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Jul 4Liked by Nick Rockel

Fingers crossed for a Tory massacre! People like BillyB and JeremyC remind us that there are fantastic people doing the right thing in the UK… I got to vote against Thatcher in the 80s - the first in a succession of wasted votes!

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But....JC has been kicked out of Labour. And therein lies the tragedy of British politics today

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Hope he still has a voice. I have this wild dream that (like Roger Douglas) the British Labour Party have lied to the electorate and when in charge they bring in some radical changes - would encourage Chippy too…

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Yes, Mike...something very odd about that, eh, given this huge swing to Labour....PS: having now read about Keith Starmer's Centrist Mob in Cushla's piece below, I am no longer mystified.

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Of course the reality is there hasn't been a huge swing to Labour. In fact quite the opposite. Starmers personal vote has declined over the course of the last three elections as has Labour's. The Labour Party under Corbyn gained a considerably higher percentage of the national vote than under Starmer, even though it went on to lose to Johnsons Torys. There are going to be two substantial issues for this incoming government, besides retrieving a wrecked economy. First how to reclaim a wider appeal to working class people who are threatened by uncontrolled imigration and have voted for the racist Reform Party and two, how the reconnect with Britains very large Muslim community who have baulked at a Labour Party that has been hijacked by Zionist narrative. How can a Party expel a former leader because he voiced an abhorrence for what us happening in Gaza?

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Bars and clubs all over Britain will be wringing their hands in glee over this result. I wonder which side will win the hangover poll tomorrow morning. Grief ridden tories drowning their sorrows at their "Club" or millions of very happy Labour supporters in their local? Either way, this is a fantastic result! Long may Labour reign!!

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I hope that Jeremy Corbyn retains his seat. I'll say no more

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Yes again, Mike...but who was it said "the problem is I still have hope"....

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Me and no doubt many others ...

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I checked it out...it was John Cleese....

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Nick Rockel

"How are you feeling on this historic day?"

Apart from knowing they did it, I just love how the Brits can laugh at themselves. Mind you being of British stock I would say that.

Jonathan Pie falls in love with a mad Tory lady.

Two BBC reporters fight over who is going to win the "first official result".

Its over to the Guardian now to see the latest pics of the dogs at polling places.

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I hate to break the illusion, but the lady in the Jonathan Pie video is a comedian, not really a politician. It was quite a lovely twist though and a good emphasis of getting out to vote - not having regrets.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes, I realised it was an illusion although didn't know the 'lady' was a comedian. A clever and humorous analogy for the smashing of the Tory landscape - walking away to oblivion.

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Jul 4Liked by Nick Rockel

I hope the tories get utterly smashed, and that Labour transforms the UK - it's a tad rooted right now.

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If only your sentiments were those of many more! The emphasis of Entitlement compared to some other concept, made me think of why, how, can Entitlement be of value to - well 40% perhaps, Same here too. Made me think of those on the ASD spectrum, though it is not a disorder in many instances, it is more a Condition, as in a deaf person, or colour blind condition. People are on a spectrum of behavior, and some very likely AS- C or D inclined. That could be what we observe in NZ, a complete inability to understand an empathetic view, emphasizing that while we are similar in many ways we are also different. Particularly if one view is unable to understand the alternate view, what do we have then, Tories perhaps?

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Jul 4Liked by Nick Rockel

Go Labour!!

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Jul 4Liked by Nick Rockel

Don't knock Keir Starmer. Quiet and a bit boring can be a good thing after Boris and his fellow buffoons.

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Yep, they could do with less interesting times.

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