Jul 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Yesterday's shooter was on home detention for brutal violence against his partner. He had an exemption which allowed him to go to work. All the media apart from The Spinoff had headlines which didn't mention the exemption. Which gave the impression that he had escaped from home detention and wasn't monitored. Was he a suitable case for an exemption? The investigation will cover that. But meanwhile once again dishonest headlines tell NZers that the government is soft on crime. Feck.

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For all the young men given a chance to rehabilitate like this, there are far more successful enterprises than failures. This was a failure. We wonder what was the trigger! There would of been one. Very sad all round

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

They not only didn't mention the conditions (of his home detention) they made point of highlighting the Ankle Bracelet to trigger anger&fear in readers.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I was relieved when I heard he had an exemption to go to his job., just because they couldn't push the mantra that the government is soft on crime.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you Nick. Yes it was a day of mixed emotions. I kept listening for any sympathy for the families of the shot. Not a word. Some on RNZ are so intent on blaming the current Government they weight their questions and add comments where they don't have facts. Just awful. Our PM was sincere in his sorrow, and the poke about" emotion" from MS was revealing, as was his reply "That all people should be upset at such deaths and bravery of our Police" # not an exact quote but the meaning is clear. "You are not moved by these events Mikey?" Chippy is very direct yet considered, and very human.

The shot of him wrapped in a rug, coping with the day and the adrenalin was telling. The sweet release offered by the Ferns win showing in that great picture.. That moment so deserved in a hard 6 months. From the opening show for the games the first results for NZ and Aus, the great support from the crowd, and finally, that photo is wonderful at capturing the joy of hard won victory. Thanks Nick another thoughtful insightful post.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Do you think that maybe the victims are new migrants and thus isolated from their families?

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

This has crossed my mind as well

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Quite possibly. It was announced they were Philppine nationals aged 40 who worked with him. Why he killed them and injured others is moot, but he had anger and violence issues, as he had impeded his partner's breathing!!

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you Nick for these words of comfort.I know they are only words but they do offer comfort unlike the two words used on Morning Report twice already this morning describing yesterday's tragedy as a "shooting spree". Thanks also to Bomber for his sensible words. They do matter don't they?

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Beautiful Nick and it expressed everything I was feeling yesterday as well. Oh except the shitfaced dog lol. Hang in there, you're doing a wonderful job 💝

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Nick. There is always a calmness in your words no matter the subject. Unlike mine yesterday. So much speculation and conjecture from the get-go. Don't know what's happening? Make shit up! Peak uncalm words came for me half way through RNZ's midday 'special report' when comments were sought from a business downtown on how concerned they were on the affect on sales. Radio off and sent a wtf "you should do better" message. I dispair for so many reasons

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Nick. It was a tough day for sure. Nice to meet Fraggle the pooch with the perfect name and I guess dreadful bed manners. Lol Thankyou for posting that pic it made me smile. The loyalty shown between those three is what our country needs. Go the white ferns.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I agree. Lovely to see Chris, Jacinda,and Grant celebrating together, and with the team. It was a terrific game to watch., and so wonderful that Eden Park was full. Chris Hipkin's niece who was at the game with him has been invited to be the mascot for the Football Ferns.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Nice one. Like four seasons in one day huh? Thank you for your perspective.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

It was superb to see the Ferns win last night, however - the elephant in the room is that in fact , that on the night Norway were woeful , as the side ranked 12th in the World I was expecting a classy display of cold calculating error free football and we watched a side that just couldn't pass the ball accurately.

As for the other matter- where in Hell did he get a Pump Action shotgun from ???

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Not to mention, carrying it to work? Or perhaps it was *at* work? Whatever.....

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Good question. Apparenty he had been making and the police had searched his home for a gun. Didn't find a gun. I think it's obvious somebody had supplied it to him.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

An insightful view, as usual and many of us are feeling the same way. The shock of people making grossly uninformed judgements on everyone from Chloe to Chippy, Jacinda and a judge shows just how harmful disinformation is. Saying they might as have as well have pulled the trigger themselves, is unconscionable, let alone when it also comes from the man who wants to be Minister of Police. Is he going to wear the responsibility for every crime if it happens on his ‘watch’? No, obviously. Disgusting use of politicising a tragedy yesterday. For those that say Ferns and NZ shouldn’t be celebrating a soccer win after a human tragedy, I would need to say we have to find reasons to lift spirits. It doesn’t mean for one moment that people forget what has happened. Thanks again Nick. 😃

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It would have been the wrong thing to have cancelled it, I'm glad for all involved that it went ahead. The absurdity of trying to link this awful act with a political party might just back fire on them, I'm not sure Kiwis will have liked that very much. It was pretty gross trying to score points out of the tragedy.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Beautiful read Nick and now I have tears! In my opinion your writing is on fire at the moment - thoughtful, on the button pieces. I know they take hard work and it's good to see so many others appreciate them in the same way I do. I differ a little in my view on Mayor Brown's comments on RNZ yesterday morning. Firstly, I'm no fan of his. And I know it's off a very, very low bar however, yesterday I thought at least he tried to be empathetic and say the right thing initially. I gave him some tiny points for making an attempt and sounding, in his very awkward and bombastic way, that he was affected by it and understood the impact of it for everybody involved and for Aucklanders more generally. I'm not giving him a free pass by any means, I just thought he tried for a minute (and then went rouge again!).

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Thanks Sally, I really appreciate your feedback and that is good to know. I hear what you're saying about Wayne Brown, it did occur to me that he was doing his best and was trying to do the right thing, and fair play to the guy for that. He just doesn't have the skills to be mayor sadly.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I totally agree he's not Mayor material, not by a long shot.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel


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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you Nick, loved this piece. Regarding the Mayor I really struggle with him but I do feel Desley is doing a good job. She makes up a bit for what he lacks.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

love this!

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Agree -- thanks for your thoughtful summation. Terrible how the opposition managed to say “it’s not a time to be political“ at the same time as blaming the govt, soft on crime blah blah...

Women’s sport free-to-air in prime time? Priceless!

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It really is, it must make such a difference to young women to see the team on the highest stage, and on prime time free to air tv, with the nations cheering on.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

The only sport I watch is tennis, and even I was grateful the Football Ferns won that game.

We all needed it.


I'm using it to talkup Labour online in 'comments' on major news outlets. The opposition hate it 😆

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Thanks as always, Nick, beautifully written.

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Thanks Nick. I'm slowly coming to, after my long flights followed by a very long sleep. So sorry I missed the football! I decided to read your column first to get your take on the day, and yes, thank you so much for that.

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Welcome back, I've very much enjoyed watching your travels - I wonder where you'll go next?

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I may go into Auckland City one day soon!

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Excellent photos btw

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