
Just to clarify, I'm looking at sharing less to social media at the end of the month. I'm not necessarily looking to send out fewer newsletters to subscribers. Although I appreciate a few people have communicated that they wouldn't mind if there were a few less or they were a bit shorter, which I'll keep in mind the next time I'm struggling to think of what to write about. 🙂

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We all have our rounds of what enables us to 'make sense' of the the world.

I enjoy your newsletters -some days I don't have a lot of time to digest.

My sense is Linked in is not a useful place for me. Not sure who you'd pick up there? All seems to be a 'self marketing place.

I follow Gerard Otto and think there is resonance. Maybe once a week share to there. (Just my thought) Anyway short thoughts for today.

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Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

Hi Nick - you are my daily dose of Real in a sea of media shite...for the most part anyway everything seems arse about face and we get served an unhealthy diet of reverse facts, reverse sense, reverse science, reverse morality...etc...It's a bit like that meme going around a while back about 1984 not being an instruction manual...yet Newspeak seems all pervasive most days....Making writing your full time job, particularly poking the predominant bear, is very brave. Keep up the good work.

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Thanks Brian. I'm very fortunate to have the support of readers, and a supportive wife, that allows me to do it.

I see it was the 75th anniversary of Orwell's masterpiece last week. Although in saying that I thing Animal Farm was just as important.

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Yes Nick I agree you are a sane voice in the midst of lies and greed! Don’t desert us - please!😘

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I only read 1984 last year…very appropriate. I don’t even read news any more. It was agitating me too much.

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Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

Keep well and keep writing Nick. Your insights on issues are a welcome read.

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Thank you, and Norm, I greatly appreciate your support and hearing about people we both know.

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Jun 16Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick, your kōrero is one of the daily good things - however please pace yourself as exiling this particular coal-ition feels more like a marathon than a sprint.

The two-year piece on Nanaia is sad and angry making in equal portions. I feel most betrayed by some of the female journalists at Stuff/The Post who have been particularly active with the coordinated attack of anyone brown, female, left and successful - is it just their job or does it show their real character?

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Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

Please keep it up Nick. I need it for my sanity. I’ll always subscribe so to help.

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Chris dont ask here by the way

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Thanks Nick - always enjoy your articles- reading the one about Nanaia made me angry all over again- the way she was treated was contemptible

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It makes my blood boil. I found the treatment of people like Kiri, Golriz, or Tory bad enough over their mistakes - but Nanaia never did anything "wrong" and was attacked horribly. It made me ashamed of my country, although that sounds less dramatic than it once did.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Nick Rockel

Hi Nick

I look forward to seeing what Korero offers every morning. Sparks the grey matter up and is always great to see how many like-minded people are free to share thoughts, opinions and feelings in an honest and stress relieving way. (we can scream in silence). I'm sure that coming up with new topics to share every day must be quite a challenge at times so I'm sure all contributors will respect and understand your thoughts on perhaps trimming the regularity of your insights. Quality over quantity wins every time.

Love the reference to Animal Farm. It reminds me of a government not far from my couch with their own models of Napoleon. Old Major and Snowball. (Each of these are interchangeable in this version) It also proves that three-pronged Coalitions are bound to fail catastrophicly, especially those whose ethos is that "some animals are more equal than others". Revolution can only be one election away.

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I am so happy to support your work as I am Nick, and I knew the power of sharing it by restacking for me (as I don't use any social media these days for my own mental health), and did so before supporting it with your generous option for pensioners.

What I am interested in with this reply is this, and it is a response in terms of what I think.

By way of illustration.

On our 7 acres of paradise we dont have animals, apart from us and the two dogs,

The kikuyu (grass) where left to grow becomes this thick thick matt that after years becomes it own ecosystem, and pain in the proverbial. And farmers will say home for rodents and pests.

Social media and where do you post your valued and insightful writing becomes a bit like the kikuyu matt of seasons and season on top of itself. Sometimes it seems that good discource by way of writing and insight is speaking into the matt of minds that already agree and have that POV and so in other speak, you are talking to the converted, or the people who need to read this wont, or if they do they are so polarised that no truth in what you say will break into their mindset and cause a veritable ahaaa momento.

That's how I found it on the left leaning groups on FB, and then playing troll in the ones as in groups or peeps leaning the other way.

Quite apart from personal expression in writing your mind and insights into that space and getting the awhi from like minds and building their convictions ...................the challenge is How do you get your words seen by those who need to see them...................and is this even a purpose?

Maybe this isn't even the purpose of them, that saving one soul isn't even a mindset............the mindset is simply pointing shite out and poking the stick........and in all that energy of doing so, it doesn't really matter if it changes anything, and building up the team is an okay end of purpose.

It seems too that people like you and Gerard become the ritualistic warriors in the game. There are others, and I confess to some wee small bitterness here, who also say good shite but their voices are lost or mean nothing. That was my FB experience. When you stand back and look, there was not a lot of awhi to others comments, or recognition of value. It seemed to be about having somewhere to scream and poke the stick and not about building a movement, a community for action.

It was like the kikuyu weed mat. A tad incestuous, a tad gloating and self preening and changing absolutely nothing. The last government still got in. With all the power of social media and writing...........where was the card game, the tepu that you could play your cards in and make a change, or win the game even.

So I left, and while there are aspects I miss, there's a heap I don't and now my energy goes into different outlets............and ones that may change something and not exist in the kikuyu weed matt of entangled minds and impenetrable egos and casting words to the ether.

As I have stated, I love your mahi, so this is no finger point.....but in the resistance there in the matted collective of same same minds, there is an elite, there may well be ego stroking even (and I am not talking you here Nick), and I wonder apart from slapping each other on the back and rah rah we are left, how do we make change, how do our words get into the spaces they need to be........is this it, just how it is on social media.

I when on FB asked good questions many many times about how, and when the question was asked and I answered.............there was a resounding clang of nada, like I didnt exist.

I talked about community and sharing, and worked on that. I shared peoples comments and posts BUT was astounded about how little that was done.

We see it with restacks here. The ratio of comments to restacks is not good. ARE we all about blowing off steam and massage or getting the message out and firing the cannons of people like yourself and restacking and sharing your mahi. Admittedly I can't see how much writing is shared on other platforms, FB etc, but I would hazzard to guess it would reflect restack %s.

So Nick, i am totally a fan, and totally on the team, on the left................but my existential angst question is ..........how do we make a difference outside of the kikuyu weed matted universe of sameness and entrapment in our own shizzle????

The answer somewhere there for me is about building a community, and one that somehow changes all it touches and opens the weedmatt or gets out of it. Tho I now sit on a hill thinking.......once I lived in an evangelical web that needed to catch people and keep them as a purpose for existing, a divine purpose.

In this war of a polarised world......words and noises in the same same places won't cut it.

Do I have to care what peeps think? We all have choices and live by and with the outcomes.

Writing is so you, and I wish you well in the changes you make.

I have come to the conclusion that taking the weedeater or mower to our kikuyu mats on the ranchero here, aka the world and its BS, my weapon is to be the most fricken awesome and creative me I can be, to take the less trodden path by way of expression, to make noise in a collective or diverse space, like the wind in our top paddock.

I have had a Palestinian flag flying in the top paddock by the road since Dec 25th 023.

On numerous counts neighbours have asked what the flags are about?

I say personal expression, I love the colours and movenment against the sky.......and that I made the flags and welded the poles.....they represent the evolution of ideas and design........

They don't even know its the Palestinian flag.

So maybe in the end, the difference we make is about reinforcing and hanging out with those on our team, those in the matt, and the world will just continue on it polarised way and so we have meaning.

Mean while............I have a feeling of doing my bit, creatively and in my way, and I see that that is what you are doing and so brilliant at. In sharing your work, you are an arrow in my 'fuck you' to the world arsenal, and however, or where ever you post your words, they will be awhi'd by me, because they resonate so much and I want to fling them from my top paddock into the wind, to touch minds and maybe ruffle, like trolls do.

They say,

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Author

Thanks for that great comment, it is something I've thought about a great deal. When I started writing it was much more neutral, looking to reach a wider audience. Not the 25% on the right who will ever be there but the middle, the people who voted for Labour in 2020 but not 2023.

What I found though is the most interest seemed to come from those on the left who didn't see someone saying the things they thought - that there was little in the way of a left wing voice in the media. Which suited me because I like wearing my heart on my sleeve.

My intention is still very much to try and reach a wider audience and I think looking to promote a few articles, perhaps one a week, or perhaps an audio or video highlights piece once a week, might be better than spamming non subscribers daily.

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that sounds great Nick.......yeah, there has been a shift hasn't there, as far as a wider audience accessibilty. You look like a gladiator, and one with a heart and you fight for me. Heart wins.

Excited to see what happens and what you do.

Cheers for a reply.

I never fitted FB coz I usually used more than 2 sentences. No apologies. :-)

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Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

Since we’re chatting…I took myself out to a live basketball game last night, and out for breakfast this morning. Alone. It sounds sad, but it’s actually brilliant. Now, when anyone asks what I did in the weekend, the answer won’t be, ‘Nothing” or ,”I can’t remember.” (Because it was nothing). Highly recommended!

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I used to travel a bit for business and always enjoyed breakfast in a cafe alone, good way to start the day, read the paper, check things on line with someone else doing the cooking and the dishes. Dinner sometimes was all good too.

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Usually awake up these days at 5AM, and so have to dive into Youtube whilst avidly looking forward to being inspired by your writing style and your political acumen every morning, Nick.

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Jun 16Liked by Nick Rockel

Kia ora Nick, I would like to support your decision re sharing less on social media. I agree that for some, this may mean they don't subscribe...and I really want you to keep on writing! These are dark days for reliable information and incisive media and I value Nick's Kōrero as one of the my sources! You could potentially reduce to less than daily posts...but you are so topical and things are happening very fast, so I would like to continue reading your analysis and reporting on a daily basis...so I can keep up!

Just so you know...it's pissing down in Whakatū, so it's a good day for more coffee and lots of reading!

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How to break through 'group think', is a question I often ponder. My own included. And, are we truly here to bolster ourselves and the like-minded, rather than to attempt conversion? The swingers (not them! Except perhaps these too are just picking up the latest car keys ) cluster around the brightest star. This time around it was those (mythical for most) tax cuts. It is probably timely to pick those swingers back up in a reality check, as they rebalance their books and understand what they lost chasing sparklers. ... But the slow drip is easily ignored, so what does create an attention-grabbing torrent? ...Or do I ask: what is the meaning of life and still get 42?

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You know I appreciate to your newsletters Nick. I think writing like this is one of the great equalisers in a world that seems to have gone completely off kilter. I also know this is your full-time work and am happy to subscribe. Me, I write little vignettes that I save and don't publish, but I hope someone will read one day. Everyone has a story to tell and each person's deserves to be told. We used to look at old letters and diaries. Me and John have cupboards full of old letters and documents we can't bear to part with. Writing, as you do, on this platform is another way of making history.

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Very much agree with you, Darien...I have an old film-camera case full of poems from my Wellington performing poet days...written many years before when spending long periods alone in huts in the bush when eradicating possums....figured someone might be interested in the long run, and quite a few were. But getting to give feedback on Nick's Korero by subscribing is different, is healing, its good for one's mental health, in my particular case because it means I am not so intellectually and emotionally alone (inevitable due to age and being a retired pensioner, plus deaths of old friends, and long past doing crosswords eh!!) And I still figure someone will be interested, that together we are as you say "making history" . By the way, has anyone else read George Monbiot's new book on Neo-liberalism, or seen his brilliantly concise/simply delivered conversation about it (with Owen Jones) on Youtube yet...? No wonder so many working class people are lonely and lost in their despair, and/or have turned into MAGA/ACT back-on-track authoritarian-worshipping nut-jobs...!

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Thanks Kim. Yep done some reading from Manibot. Am intrigued about your life as a possum eradicator. You may have known my brother in law Jeff Hudson, who did possum hunting for years, but then worked for DOC on Kōkako recovery. He died a decade ago from cancer. I know what you mean about the huts.

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I really liked & respected Nanaia Mahuta she was such a hard working mp & they've replaced her with a young person with no experience I don't think that was a sensible choice.

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I really liked her too, and I think Labour left her exposed. On reading Te Puea by Michael King, I realised Mahuta was part of a Waikato/Tainui dynasty that went way way back into the Kingitanga. Somewhere in the path of time the populace rejects dynasties, and maybe thats a good thing. And a sad thing, maybe gems are lost. Maybe they need a repolish.

There is so much mocking of the young MP that took her seat, I think it's awesome and she already is, and will only get better....and thats not me saying she isn't already. Nanaia was once a younger version of herself.

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That's interesting.Im not rubbishing the young person I just think Nanaia had so much to offer & put so much work into 3 waters.

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so true Pauline. and look at how 3 waters had a good heart and the need for action now......i really did like Nanaia. Losing the seat was indicative of Tainui infighting maybe that goes way way back.

I found this a good watch.........she holds her own.....a great watch across the board.

I have seen conservative spins that make it look like a win for them. Not to me heart and mind.


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I absolutely love Willie Jackson I think he'd make a great PM is got the charisma & the vocabulary.

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totally agree, while I am gonna turn Green or Te Pāti, if Willie was the PM (and I do like Chris) I would stay on the ship. Willie has the mongrel factor as well as all you say. Labour ...and I could see it doing this in the campaign.....became a little too nice.........these times need a bit of intelligent mongrel, and Willie has that. As we are seeing in Te Pāti and the Greens. We don't need same old same old....let others play the promise the world and break them all kinda game. Eventually the masses may wake up......hope so. Thanks for engaging Pauline.

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Enjoyed the conversation thankyou

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Hi Nick,

Further to your concerns about continuing with free to air pieces on social media. I first read your pieces on fb and it is through that exposure that I decided to subscribe to a regular feed from you.

Thanks for your insightful and deliciously left writings.

They’re a great moment in my day.


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I enjoy and are very happy to pay for your substack posts. I avoid Face Book as much as possible. Your "comments" section is also a breath of fresh air, at complete odds with the type of vitriol social media delivers.

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