"Ministers demanding large cuts in expenditure while at the same time insisting that services won’t be affected. It’s a massive lie, and they know it, but they shift the blame to those forced to make the cuts and wash their hands of it." YES!!!!

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We know that they know that their cuts have real front line effects. Deeply dsingenuous. How do they live with themselves.

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I'm undecided if SImeon is really that unintelligent, or just so ideologically driven that he can't see a problem with the short- and long-term damage he's doing. Or the alternative - so corrupt in the pay of the Trucking industry that he needs to whip up hate, while enabling more deaths, more climate damage, and more long-term chaos.

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I think he’s an opportunist. He will hitch his wagon to whoever and whatever will lift his profile and advance his career. Just like most politicians, especially in the current administration.

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I tend to go with the unintelligent. I think he can't recognise the long term damage and he wants a quick fix.

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Just a dim-witted child that likes his broom brrm-brrms

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Thanks as always Nick.

I stay well away from the conflict in the Middle East. Too emotive, too complicated, too much messy history.

Regarding poor old Simeon. Somewhere along the line his entire faction missed the memo that transport policy was about moving people, not cars. The best way to do that is to give them choices, not force them onto roads. They have been so captured by the roading lobby, (I suspect with financial incentives,) that they cannont conceive of anything else.

As far as the toast thing goes, wtf were they thinking. I've also noted that Shane Reti is keeping a very low profile at the moment.

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Exactly the point - "transport policy is about moving people, not cars" - personally take the bus if possible, walk locally, and appreciate people who do the same and/or bike WHEN I have to take my car & there are less other cars on the road!

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I'm lucky I can take the ferry and leave my car at home.

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Yes I've noticed the low profile for Reti at the moment. The health service is in a mess and what's he doing .... hiding.

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I reckon that Reti and his team are busy figuring out how best to massage the “data” to show that they are meeting those ambitious “targets”.

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I think it is well past time that CEOs of ministries and departments listed areas where cuts could be made, identified the savings in dollar terms (staff and materials), and enumerated the impacts of those cuts - in terms of lessened service delivery and public perception. They should then present the list simultaneously to the relevant Minister and to the media, and request/require the Ministers to determine what gets cut and what stays. The CEOs could then arrange for the Ministers' responses to be published (whether a 'no, you do it, I don't know enough' or 'what do we pay you for' or an itemised list of things to chop - yeah right!). That way, Ministers would have to take responsibility for the choices their policies force upon public services, or alternatively, be seen to abdicating that responsibility and pointing the finger of blame.

These Ministers have no real understanding or compassion about the real human impacts of their 'save money at any cost because our rich mates are the ones who are REALLY struggling' policies - of course they don't, because the people impacted are not people they know or have in their lives.

By the way, the 'here's a list of what could be cut; you choose' is a technique similar to the one good project managers use when asked to increase the scope of a project without corresponding increase in budget, time or people - it's the 'which aspects shall we leave off the agreed scope/' or the 'here's your previous priority list plus the extras you have added to it - which ones are no longer a priority for you?'

The other option is one I prefer but don't usually express this way: 'you've got to be fucking joking! You are, aren't you? Please tell me you are, please.'

And what has happened to the no potholes left unfilled for longer than 24 hours once reported, Simeon? Was that also a 1 day headline grabbing wonder?

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Yes I used to use the "you choose" technique with customers. Here are these items you'd like, with their cost, here is your budget - you choose what to spend the money on. Sometimes faced with reality of needed functionality more money and/or time might appear.

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🙋🏽‍♀️💯Very well explained - make the "Monster in Charge" own their budget cut decisions instead of trying to dodge the responsibility for their actions when real world consequences to real world people inevitably look/are really really bad 🤬

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Excellent idea!!!! love it!!

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Excellent suggestions Marilyn - I agree!!🌟

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One to pass on to Bernard Hickey for his Kaka project 26/50, I think!

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My current grumble is Ministers stating categorically that ‘people are sick of …’, with zero evidence. Please, media ask the Minister to back up their ‘reckon’. I am happy if Luxon is ridiculed by journalists anywhere in the world - compensation for his self promotion. Simeon may or may not reach the peddles, but he definitely has no sense of balance! Israel? As Captain Kirk would say, “a no win situation”…

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But I shall add that the Palestinians seem to be much further from winning…

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You should never feel you need to apologise or justify whatever you write in your own platform Nick. There will always be those who agree with what you're saying and those who don't, or find some reason to be offended. There's a multitude of questions and answers, (but seemingly no solution in sight for the Israeli/Hamas conflict), some of which will be inflammatory, some not so.

Everyone has their own opinions on whatever the subject of the day is, and for my money the Korero you offer us each day is just the place to express our thoughts and feelings. Keep it up Nick, you're doing a great job!

The school kid in the room....Simeon the monster. He has always had big ideas but I can't remember any which have manifested themselves in a concrete (or bitumen) way. What I'd love to know is where the $33 billion is coming from for his latest dream. Will it be borrowed by the Coalition of Cuts, in a time we apparently can't afford any more unnecessary expenditure, particularly on health and welfare issues, and how much will be, or has already been, spent on consultants the Coalition swore they'd never engage with, while they were trying to win our votes.

Great song for the day, BTW👍

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Thanks Jeremy, appreciate those words. Yeah, the perfect song for the subject. It started out with Nirvana Pennyroyal Tea - not the right vibe at all.

$33b is so much money it's crazy.

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You're right about Pennyroyal Tea. Not quite the vibe for neo-natal wards, is it? 🤔☕

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No, it was just the first song about tea that came to mind. 😂

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I can only assume some of that 33 bill is coming from the increased tourist tax. When they say some of that tax is going towards Tourism infrastructure, surely they mean roads.

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I think roads are the only thing on the agenda at the moment. Whether they are of the yellow brick type or roads to nowhere remains to be seen. I know which one my money is on......

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Yeah - I think you're probably right. National do love roads, after all.

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So very much enjoyed this Nick. I was pleased you made the point yesterday regarding ‘no room for atrocities’ either way. I could view the Collins question in another way, that it is embarrassing Malaysia as opposed to NZ. That in the event Lux hadn’t raised it, as if he would, it is an important question to ask this person - why would they not? Plus to top it off with the Cup of Tea song - delicous.

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You're right, it was disrespectful to the Malaysians.

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I don't ride a bike anymore, but I like cycle lanes cos every bike means one less car. It would be interesting to know the cost benefit of a cycle lane versus less road requirements.

Can't find any costs for state highway one across cook straight.

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Trains Not Trucks

Trucks are the Juggarnaults ripping up the highways & by ways.

The cause of potholes & shoddy roads.

We all know the national party Loves Roads of national disgrace & insignificance !

Loved Tea & Toast by Lucy.

Thank you Nick.

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:Love that description, “the Monster of Transport”, and that is certainly what young Simeon is if you’re interested in any form of transport that isn’t roads."

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"Walking and cycling

Walking and cycling are central to a sustainable, safe transport system - and we are investing heavily in both Melbourne and regional Victoria" https://www.vic.gov.au/walking-and-cycling

This was from Vic govt website. I visit Melbourne at least once yearly for family and always amazed as a previous cyclist with the set up over there. I appreciate that there are many variables along the way which can determine how outcomes can be achieved, but without the "will" nothing happens and for this pack of morons, there's no "will" or inclination to do good for the country.

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I couldn't see anything wrong with yesterday's headline or theme. A very important conversation to have. Good on you.

Roading - I remember the previous national government refusing to fix the Gisborne railway line after Key had done a deal with local trucking companies. At that time mainfreight's ceo pointed out we needed a lot more rail freight as our roads were maxed out. Since then the only thing that's changed seems to be the increase of very big (heavy)transport rigs. When I was young, rail ruled and trucking companies were support units. Seemed to work okay. Sometimes we just need to hurry up and wait.

Cuppa - someone that I thoght was Willis was on the radio this morning gushing over her memory of tea and toast after her first baby ...

Keep up the great work Nick.

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I think/thought that was Willis gushing about her post birth gastronomic toast experience this morning, at the same time throwing the Health sector under the bus for cutting it. She was doing the media rounds this morning after all.

I agree, I though yesterdays headline was fine. If I had read that (the headline) on Stuff etc, I would have looked sideways, but this was Nick, and a safe space.

Re roads, I cant comment, the costs vs whats been cut. Its beyond crazy.

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Nick, your correct, luxon can and does, look and behave like a dork without any help.

But, are we going to butter over his idiocy to others? By doing so surely we peasantry then signal an alignment and condonement. Bit like the yanks whose leader can do no wrong. I think not.

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So to Simeon the Simple. Public purse will fund interest and repayments for $33 billion for roads (tax)

Friends of COC will be paid from that borrowed money to build them. (more tax) Those roads will be basic, needing repairs quite soon by Friends of COC who will be paid to repair them (more tax) Of course we can't afford Tea 'n Toast for new Mums. It was all spent on Simeon's roads. Next they will be saying we can't afford the "Winter Warmth" &"The Rental Supplement' ... because ??? We spent it on fast tracking GDP and productivity? How did that go??? "Can't say till the non-existent backroom tell us. " "Yes Minister" The upside, cycle walk or drive those new roads to vote wisely for people who care. Nick brilliant as usual and right on the button.

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🙋🏽‍♀️Agree about NOT contributing to Luxon embarrassing Aotearoa in front of our allies. That was one of the "norms" Trump broke in the USA where it is long standing POLICY not to criticise the President etc. overseas (not sure if it applies to media though?) But he makes it so easy 😂

Loved your Israeli's love their children too piece - very little (apart from giving mums with new babes tea & toast!) is simple completely one way or the other, with nuance & reality essential if we are to understand how to make things better. It is interesting that now that Biden personally is not running for President he is saying "officially" what I know from reporting he has been saying to Netanyahu through private channels (although leaked "off the record"!), as most foreign policy is normally conducted. It could also be trying to leverage the current outrage of Israeli citizens, which has ramped up again.

On the positive side of the cycleways saga, the previous govt got mega-heaps of them done as part of the COVID work programmes, and continued as part of the climate change amelioration strategies, so although short-sighted to reduce funding and lie about people not wanting them to be built, they already exist, so those with bikes have more choice than they used to at least? 🤷🏾‍♀️

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Good point, presumably they won't tear them up.

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Well Nick, your mate Simeon, has done some extensive analysis and seems to have worked out that we would save 1.32 minutes by doing 110 kph. As you say, such a huge saving will boost the economy? 1.32 minutes! my calcs must be wrong? at least the wire strings down the center will stop any accidents...

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