Sir Ian Taylor is an excellent example. He picked and picked and picked at the Labour government - and voted National in the last election. Now he is (accurately) complaining about the actions of the govt he helped vote in.

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The more people who regret their greedy choice in 2023 the better.

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Nick, your sensitive post exactly captures my thoughts and feelings. It is up to those of us who see Aotearoa is under attack to speak out. I’ve been having those conversations since mid-Covid when people forgot how scary it was at the start and turned angry over being ‘made’ to do things that would protect others ie wear masks and vaccinate. It was the genesis of what we are living through now. I spoke my truth and some distanced themselves from me or the reverse. Others agreed to disagree but we’ve stayed friends. It was good training. I feel confident now to have tough but non-confrontational conversations about how dangerous and divisive the coalition is, why Toitū Te Tiriti matters to all of us, and how being inclusive, empathetic and kind makes our country great while libertarianism is just a cloak for the elitism, racism, sexism - all the isms - that tear us down.

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Well spake Nick. I also fear that a whole bunch of the me-me’s who voted for this lot are neither surprised or unhappy at the way the people and the planet are being abused. One answer might be voter turnout - it will be easier to get sad and disillusioned folk to vote them out than change the whole selfish mindset of the median voter. On a positive note, Toitū te Reo has been a stunning success, well done Heretaunga!

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There was a headline in the front page of our local paper. Something about the rise of the middle class poor. Could have told them that last October. Those of us who work in the social services sector knew this was coming. My Dad is a true blue voter, and he has simply stopped talking. I think he’s so embarrassed and shocked, he simply doesn’t know what to say. I don’t see Luxury Flakes at all, I don’t hear him over the frantic cawing of the far right. I don’t hear his people either. I think they are like my Dad, hiding in disbelief. All I hear and see are the unhinged far right. And I’m fighting them at every protest, every conversation, and luckily not with my neighbours, as we are all far left, or sadly, non voters who can’t see how to have their voices represented. What does it take to hold a snap election??

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As I understand things it would take a vote of no confidence in the government being called and some members of the CoC would need to cross the floor of the House and vote no with the Opposition. Or Luxon could pull a Sunak move

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I can see it is reaching a stage when Government Maori members are going to have to make the choice as to what is more important to them, to be Maori or to be a member of an increasingly racist Government. Especially Tama Potaka.

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I think Potaka and Cigareti have already made their choice. Neither give any hint of being principled people. But they are not alone in that in the CoC.

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From what I’ve seen, Tama isn’t advancing the Maori cause at all. Almost as if he was given those portfolios on the proviso he didn’t?

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Yeah I'm starting to wonder about Tama Potaka at least. His ego will.be taking a battering among his own I'm guessing

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I would say so, unless he simply doesn’t care?

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Nah he cares. Narcissist through and through. Won't want to be on the unpopular side and scorned

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Thank you.

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Yes Nick we need to take action. The daily wtf moments can add up to a scream. We each care or know more about some areas than others. I will just iterate that what they are doing to education well up on my lis - Primary & Polytechnic at the moment. I know more about that and will act in that zone. I care about the others and will back the actions of others. Each taking small actions can add up to effective actions. Raindrops to storms.

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Something that hasn't been said yet but is a major part of the problem is this. Let's think back to re-election time. Who was it Luxon and Co were trying to woo with promises of money trees wherever they looked, great housing initiatives etc etc? It wasn't Maori, it wasn't the average Kiwi. It was the potential trade partners he thought would bring him the greatest success, just like Key before him. It was the votes of the wallets that got this shambolic CoC into power. Wallets who care nothing for indigenous rights or culture, wallets who imagine the profits to be made by decimating and desecrating sacred earth and all that lies within it, so long as their greed is well fed. I have deliberately left out the names of where these wallets come from because it would seem to some to be a racial attack by me. I truly, fervently believe there are angels and arseholes in every creed, colour and culture. I also believe everyone is born equal so will leave you to decide who you think they might be.

PS. Teardrop is one of the best songs ever! So glad Madonna turned down the chance to wreck it.

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And at the very heart of it is that it's ACT and NZ First who are the perpetrators of the worst vileness. I don't believe National supporters were/are this bad. But what they did was have a leader who didn't know how to negotiate. Who didn't know how to manage having the upper hand, instead handing it to Seymour and Winnie. Imagine: what would they have done if Luxon had said *no, we're not going to cede those divisive policies to get you to join us?* If he'd made them be the junior partners that they are, representing very few of this country? But the big, I was a CEO, didn't know how to negotiate. He sold us down the river because of his own weakness. Weird? No, just Sir Christopher and lasting privileges in the making.

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This is exactly why I despise luxon, he will not stand up and say - This is not who we are. and stop these bastards , from costello's tobacco stance, to the loon from act that is into guns etc etc...

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I wish Luxon would grow a f#%king spine. It's one thing to have things progress because of the coalition agreement, it's another to be so cold-blooded to continue in the face of being told by so many experts, with data, how wrong it is. The repeal of Sec 7AA has no basis in effect, just racism. It must be galling to have to present to a select committee knowing it is just a rubber-stamping process for the sake of it as far as the government is concerned. It feels all that submitters can do is bear witness - going on record for a day of reckoning some time in the future when the grief of the government's actions come to light (again). They choose to ignore it and I hope they burn in shame.

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I think it actually suits Luxon and his party quite nicely to have act and nzf to do the dirty stuff they would have liked to do but could risk alienating their voter base. As we get closer to the next election I believe we will see national distance themselves from the evil policies that have come in under their tenure. Just watch them throw their hands up and say it was all our fault for voting for Seymour and Peters and the way to fix it is to vote national.

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So soul searching Nick. Yes we all need to make a stand and be counted to make sure this government is a one term only! The biggest fight will be for te Tiriti and we will need to be proactive and participate and expose the racism and division. This government is dividing the people as we have lost the ethic of caring for one and other and standing up for what is right.

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Well said Nick. As Keith said "voter turnout is the key" and Chloe S is onto it.

Will be interesting to see how they fudge this power shortage, capitalism at its finest. Says one who's lived on a boat for 14 years and generates his own

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They are blaming Labour for cancelling drilling.

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Well said Nick each day seems to bring another awful announcement from Luxon

I have grave concerns regarding the impact of recent policies that are contributing to widespread unemployment, escalating power costs, and financial burdens on New Zealanders.

The loss of thousands of jobs is deeply troubling, leaving many families without the means to support themselves. Coupled with the sharp rise in power costs, these decisions are placing enormous stress on households and businesses alike. Even doctors are being forced to increase their fees, making healthcare less accessible at a time when it is needed most. On top of this, council rate hikes are compounding the financial strain on everyday newzealanders

These issues are creating a ripple effect of hardship across the country. The government must reconsider these policies and take immediate action to address the unemployment crisis, regulate power costs, and alleviate the financial pressures on essential services and local communities.

New Zealand deserves leadership that prioritizes the well-being of its people instead of lining the pockets of the rich businesses never vote these people in again


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Excellent Janet!!🌟

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Kapai Nick. I was thinking after watching the fabulous womens sevens do the haka after winning gold, it felt like there was a real edge to it as opposed to being a part of the celebration etc. As if taking aim at this terrible Govt. Never felt more proud then watching these fantastic wahine parading Maoritanga on the global stage.

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And then Portia in her interview showed how she and no doubt the whole team felt.

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Yes indeed!

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Wasn't it just wonderful!

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Another very pertinent post Nick and one I absolutely agree with you on. This is such a terrible Govt. now definitely worse than the neoliberal years of Roger Douglas and his ilk and they take some beating.

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Brilliant as always.. these “calls to arms” (not actual weapons mind) are what l find most inspiring and meaningful. We absolutely must talk to our neighbours, our families and communities.. this rot has got to stop! Amongst everything Nick (and there’s a butt ton) your line about “ringbarking a culture thriving anew” really scoured for me. It brings a tear to my eye just to read that again. So petty, so wicked, and so internationally embarrassing! Somehow we have to find a way to engage with those who voted for this.. measured, respectful and factual (no one said it would be easy) surely there are many who feel duped, disappointed and let down… surely..

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This government is prepared to SELL our uniqueness to the Americans/globalist to be in the big boys club. Make a choice now or forever hold your piece as that will be all you’ll own. Freedom takes guts , hardwork and integrity

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Indeed Sally!!

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Great read Nick, Its the swing voter and the non voter we should focus on. Very hard to shame a greedy RW voter to anywhere left of centre. Constant posting on RW social media pages could well shame the swing voter. My feeling is the young/first time voter has been pushed to the left by blatant RW racism

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My son was a meth addict for five years and during that time I lived with a constant level of fear and anxiety twisting away at my gut. It was ever-present but I didn’t realise that until he died and it went away. It’s back now. Meth was killing my son just like this coalition of monsters is killing everything that is important to me about beautiful Aotearoa. My boy was murdered by men that would be classed as bottom-feeders by Christopher Luxon, men who never had a chance to be anything other than what they became. On a philosophical level, I oppose everything this government stands for. And on a wholly pragmatic and practical level, I see that the policies of this coalition government - and the entitled, privileged, punitive, vicious and ignorant attitudes of many who voted for them - will produce more men just like the ones that murdered my son. That is a tragedy for all of us. We’re a small country, the physical degree of separation of the

“A-list” and the “bottom feeders” is also small. If it’s not possible to have empathy, compassion and kindness for the people who have the least, in every regard, in this plentiful and blessed country, then we will reap the consequences when we’re forced to live in South African style guarded compounds and to be in fear every moment we’re not locked up inside them.

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Your comments totally resonate with me as a mother of a meth addict

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Mothering my boy through that night are was the literally the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Big hugs to you xx

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