Agree with all you say Nick. Surely the job of any Govt is to ensure all its citizens are well housed, well nourished and well looked after in terms of health. This must apply to all people and not with more available to some, to the detriment of others, because they have more wealth. Chippy clearly understands, and promotes this, whereas the "I am sorted" PM has no clue whatsoever what it is like to have to make choices, as an example, between seeing a doctor and having something to eat. In one year this dishonest, corrupt and uncaring coalition has destroyed the social contract which a Govt has with its people and the consequences of its actions will inevitably all fall on Luxton who is ill equipped to handle the opprobrium.

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We are ranked as one of the wealthiest countries on the planet, yet we have this poverty?!!! Wtf!

Its disgraceful.

Why does Luxon not stump up with $1 mill to support Dave Letele? Where are the wealthy business leaders? Who employ these folk. The Round Table? Graeme Hart? If they truly believe that the Nats will fix poverty ( 🙄) then it’s a short term thing, right?! I mean soon they will all be employed with great wages! 😳

But until then, this country cannot thrive! How do they not see that?

Luxon needs to spend a day with Dave, and see the reality!

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9 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Billions seem to fly around here there & everywhere but never in what I feel is the right direction having a go at Wellington Council when parliaments own backyard is in a shambles.Smarmy the perfect description of Luxon.

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Exactly- it’s not like they’ve got anything right so far!

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9 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

agreed, Chippy is a nice guy, an honest politician, and worthy to stay where he is,.... as long as he ups the anti on wealth tax and anti privatisation, asap.

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I find the label "wealth tax" makes me feel uncomfortable.

Whereas "capital gains tax" actually describes itself very well. And Labour needs to be clear about the need for it.

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🙋Read recently, and 100% agree, it should be called an "equity tax" as in income is taxed equally no matter the source. Very Very hard for people to get up in front of ANY audience (TV, town hall etc.) and say "I oppose equity in taxation" 🤷

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Yes, but I hate things like Mike King getting $24 m while other charities and community groups get nothing, Dave Letele spending a lot of time promoting National last election as if they ever gave a fuck. Poverty is a political issue, but we also eed to keep the focus on the rich and powerful who don't give a shit. Where I live community groups put out free food every day in Potaka Kai, ppl take time to chat to our locals, who aren't always sitting outside asking for help, but just want to connect. They have shelter and food because we take care of them, but these are lonely people. There is a special guy in Waitakere, who is outside the shops or Fresh Choice every day. If you see him, take the time to talk with him. He is just like you and me.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

I think David L learnt a very harsh lesson there, the Nats & ACT just really do not care about poor people esp poor brown people in South Auckland.

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Not just South Auckland eh!

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Ahh yes, but in South Auckland they congregate in their garages planning their next bout of illegal activity - or so he said....

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Re wealth tax. Just imagine if Labour did come out now saying they were going to introduce a wealth tax. The media would be asking questions about the details and if Chippy and Barbara Edmonds did not have those details then they would look stupid. So my hunch is that they are working on the best type of wealth tax to have and the details behind that, so when they announce it (if in fact that is what they are going to do) they will look their usual knowledgeable and competent selves. No good getting ahead of themselves. Lots of time before the next election. I have no inside info on this, however I think they are doing the right thing. Yes Chippy is so knowledgeable when he speaks, you come away feeling like he has respected you. Barbara Edmonds is also a very competent MP and previous minister, so we are in good hands Go Chippy and Barbara

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So long as the Family home is exempt from any CGT/Wealth Tax then I am all for it.

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I know of a couple who bought a succession of "family homes" - did them up and flicked them off for a handsome profit each time. Let's face it, you have to draw the line somewhere. If someone has had their family home for twenty years, and then sells it, maybe it should not accrue tax. They'd be buying in the same market, no doubt.

But selling every five years? Four? Three? Especially so in the last twenty years, where huge profits have been made on housing.

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I am thinking more about a couple selling up to go a retirement home , any tax would cause issues, as to the other scenarios so long as it's the home you actually live in , even whilst you titivate it then no tax should apply. But if you don't reside in it then yes, it should be taxed.

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OK so your talking about a substantial bright line test.

To me I think we need a whole philosophical change to home ownership. CGT, or whatever needs to be set so it is financially unviable to be a landlord at 60% homeownership that takes 40% of people out of the housing market. Those 40%ers will then put their money into productive enterprises. That's a win. House prices will then drop to sensible realistic levels.if your buying/selling in the same market it doesn't matter what the dollar value is. But it sure matters to new buyers.

Disclaimer. I haven't owned any property for 14 years. Living on my boat works for me

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We have completely screwed up the concept of Investment in this country , why bother with the sharemarket or venture capital when you can just buy a rental property and sit back and wait for the untaxed profits never mind the tax rebates as the icing on the cake.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Brilliantly written as usual. I find myself wondering how people like Luxon were born with eye lids that automatically close when they may see need not greed.

I have faith in Chippy. He seems honest, kind, genuine and committed to all people’s. I think Labour are preparing policies so they can back up their words. I just wish it was quicker

While at the same time building strengths and partnerships with Greens and Te Pati Māori

Happy Wednesday all

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Totally Jo. It is indeed encouraging to see there seems to be such confidence and trust in Chippy.

Your last paragraph is perhaps the most pertinent. This cohesive approach to a combined effort with ALL the parties who value quality of life for all New Zealanders prior to the campaign begins would have a devastating effect on the greedy coalition at the ballot box. It would bring those OUT of the woodwork to vote with a confidence in a return to responsible democracy and an end to the corruption we are witnessing from the easily bribed.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Great column Nick. I've heard Chris Hipkins speak on a number of occasions and he is straight up, knowledgeable, relatable and in touch with communities. What he lacks, and what many people crave, is that (horrible) thing, charisma - in his case he isn't flamboyant, doesn't use punchy one-liners, doesn't put his opponents down in a nasty way, doesn't look for sound-bites and so on. Now, I do wish he would use punchy one-liners with humour at times but I don't need a PM with charisma - I need one who cares about all people and the country as a whole and who is able to take a WIDE perspective on the issues of the day and into the future. I believe he and those talented people around him, who you have mentioned, have the depth of knowledge and character to do that.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Charisma!! That is one thing I can say our esteemed PM does NOT have!

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luxon wouldn't know what Charisma is, it it bit him on his well padded arse...

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9 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

I wonder if your saying: “We need a broad ‘church’ on the left” you has been expansively thought through yet. It needs to be it deserves at leat one “Kōrero” dealing with it.

I have written several times to both green and red parties - from as soon as Jacinda resigned - urging that they’d declare where they both are on the same page - asking the Maori party’s to also indicate.

If the Labour and Greens had discussed those policies that are already similar and come to a best consensus on each. The election could have been won by those voters who went for change but with a team looking as though they meant business rather than fighting each other for most seats on the left. We would have free dentistry. We could be working towards an a low flat income tax that taxed all and every generation from income/profit/wealth/anything with no get outs no escapes. Living wage and even universal income possibly.

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Good point. I would love to see a joint position where there is a commonality to give voters confidence they know what a coalition will actually deliver.

I'll keep in mind doing one on that and what it could look like, I'm sure there will be many views.

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Very interested in your thoughts here Don. The concept of researching and opening discussion with “stakeholders” aka users and especially providers of services that will improve the quality for ALL of the population is excellent. A realistic and practical approach can then be proposed and presented to the electorate in fashion that is sufficiently robust that the “nay sayers “ can be deflected and the confidence of voters ensured.

This approach to all of your suggestions would encourage backing by the more sceptical voters and not seem like yet another throwaway promise.

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Again and again, we voted for it, we were deceived, we were lied to, but we did vote them in! For what, a bit of a tax cut, a depression, unemployment, less services, more austerity, more user pays! Luxon is not popular - with Anyone!!! Vote for No Confidence!

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6 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

I loved reading this article Nick and agree with your opinion based on facts and data. Thanks

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7 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

You're right, again, Nick. Although liking Chippie I have been critical of the lack of action and plan.

I guess I've been hoping for a bull to get in and wreck this china shop, probably won't help, but I'll sure feel a lot better.

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Yes I think we all like the idea of whacking the mole but I suspect the left are being more clever here. If they do their homework and retain their dignity they will have a better chance of getting behind the bullies without them being aware and kicking arse with sound alternative and popular support for all citizens. I’m confident this tactic will wipe the floor with the theory we’re being browbeaten with that “when the economy is fixed ,trickle down will bring prosperity for the masses”. These clowns think we believe that? While they give favours for the rich so they don’t have to experience the austerity.

Yeah Right.

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We are so lucky to have someone of Chippy’s calibre on our side!

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And Nick to help with our thinking process. Thanks Again Nick!

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3 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Great Korero today Nick, great song.

Something a bit off piste but very worrying today is the threat of "government intervention" of an apparently shambolic Wellington City Council. I can't help but think that Luxo, Simeon and Bishop are putting their toes in the water to see what it would take to gain complete control. The only name missing from this posse of self righteousness is Jones. Perhaps he's on a secret mission to see how many other City Councils are in a shambolic state and need to be whipped into shape. Nothing would surprise me about this CoC any more. Sadly.

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My former comment not to take away from anything else you wrote Nick. Boy we have a mountain to climb and I think Chippy is the right person to do it for Labour. But the others in the Labour team. Just watched Willow-Jean Prime on general debate calling out child poverty. They are doing a great job in among the self congratulatory and smug government who make me sick. It's an up hill job in opposition. We need to keep our nerve because the only fix to this mess before the next election is hoping that the CoC collapses. Only Winston can make that happen. Not holding my breath.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Yes get behind Chippy all the way!

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