May 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Oh that's very good.

Don't allow complacency to win the election.

You eat - then you take responsibility to cook.

You live - you have a responsibility to vote.

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May 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Bit bleak for a Sunday morning, but very necessary lot's of truth in Satire....The left needs to get out and vote like never before and ensure that sanity and decency revail on election day.

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May 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

All my fears realised in one message. It would be funny if it wasn’t a possibility. It’s why we must get the apathetic to vote.

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May 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

OK, you are just scaremongering. Aren't you? Please tell me you are. I think until yesterday I might have thought so, but I read an article about the various political parties campaign teams. It sounded very much like ACTs has been outsourced to some shady US outfits. That may be how it starts...

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Sadly the quotes from Seymour and Simeon Brown are real. ACT will be fully utilising the sort of tactics that were used by the Leave movement in Brexit and the Trump campaign in 2016.

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May 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Stop it! That's too scary!

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May 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

My thoughts too.

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Brilliant Nick, all summed up my Mum saying, "I wish I had voted". That's exactly how we ended up with the clown who is now Mayor of our largest city.

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May 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

so sad. and imagine a few years more of stupidity and our money being given to that Musk guy to develop chips that can be implanted to identify our citizens so noone can sneak across our borders from any of those war and climate torn countries. guns at the border. gated communities everywhere. In the US, stupidity rules and wields nuclear weapons. Those of us with any sense will be looking for caves to live in. Thank goodness we get to vote this year! to vote for a collectively free society rather than a free for the individual and the few society.

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May 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I do hope that this is just satire, and not a reading from your gypsy crystal ball. My anxiety levels have risen even higher! People need to get out and vote, and to make a carefully considered decision.

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Nick this was alarmingly prescient and utterly terrifying. The prospect of a bird flu related pandemic under these clowns does not bear thinking about.

yes those of us on the left must make absolutely sure this is a one off nightmare!!

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May 28, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

This I like:

Finance Minister Grant Robertson called the Opposition “like the most rubbish Marvel comic ever - Chris Luxon as Captain Cliché and his sidekick David Seymour as Reverse Robin Hood”.


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May 28, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Crikey Nick, that's good. And it's freaky because it seems so possible. Vote everybody! get informed and ready to vte.

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May 26Liked by Nick Rockel

Prophetic? Frightening.

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May 26Liked by Nick Rockel

Holy Toledo! Prescience isn’t a big enough word - you should have bought a Lotto ticket while you were on a roll…

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My apologies, my preamble to the crosspost had some errors in it but there doesn't seemto be a way of correcting them.

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May 28, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

very moving ending, Nick. Great writing. Very very scary.

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Oh my gosh Nick you really have channelled George Orwell and have quite clearly shown how the manipulation of truth and the appealing to the red neck vote is well and truly in play for this election campaign and what the outcomes could well be. Everybody voting is certainly going to be a necessity. Wonder if Nicky Hager is writing a book on the ties between big donors and the policy statements of the Coalition of Cliches.

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