
I also appreciate your largely positive takes, but it would be irresponsible to not call out this shit show for what it is. You’ve done a great job of summarising it. But don’t forget Winston’s Cooker stuff that will “prove” to many people our COVID response was rubbish, despite all evidence now to the contrary.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Makes me weep.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

With Winston and racing, Shane and fisheries, and Judith as AG we have potentially the most corrupt government Aotearoa has ever had.

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Holy shit! Best of the best sum-up.

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Like so many others I am feeling sad. This government will make Ruth Richardson's attack on the poor look like benevolence. As an older person I can only hope that I will still be around to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Buckle up everyone.

Thanks for your summary Nick, and thank heavens for the small mercies provided by the Winnie handbrake.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I totally agree! This is a very sad day for Kiwis!! The shock will take some time to be revealed in its true ugliness. The God of Mammon is being set up for National worship!!

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This government does not represent my values and is in complete opposition to a lot of what brought me to this country in the first place. I do not intend to stand idly by and watch them do to this country what the tories have done to the UK, what Trump has done to the US.

We have three years. Resist, protest and call out the bullshit. Stand with our multicultural whānau. Support our neighbours. Then, ensure this doesn't happen again.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Yep, I'm definitely with you on this. Resist, protest, call out the bullshit!

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Yesterday was the start of a very long number of black armbands days. Luxon shouldn't be in charge of putting blowflies in a paper bag, Yet here he is, destroying the very fabric and essence of Aotearoa New Zealand. All so he can look "Presidential ".

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Crying. Hope for a better progressive inclusive country. Squashed. Mutilated. Slaughtered.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Their values are not my values..

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A really good korero Nick. Luxon represents the very worst of what a Prime Minister should never be; an opportunist populist ready to further divide this country on racist lines. Seymour's ACT party along with an inexperienced, bigoted, ignoramus in the shape of Sanford will attempt to carve education to pieces in order to progress charter school divisiveness. Whilst ACT's totally racist view of Te Tirity o Waitangi is set to drive a stake into the heart of Aotearoa under a disgusting guise of 'fairness' for all. The repeal of 3 waters again is ACT policy in its most hideous form. Those who continue to display signs against a collective nationwide bailout to repair water infrastructure are the lucky ones with private access already in place, whilst those stupid enough to buy into the lie about co-governance are already waking up to the realization that without government support local councils will simply not be able to afford to pay for the upgrades required.

Perhaps the most alarming aspect of this government is that National have no real vision other than 'back to the future' and no real political intellect (Judith Collins with 9!!!!! Portfolios, and Gerry Bully Boy Brownlee as speaker) in sight., thus leaving David Seymour and his ACT party as the main driver of a neoliberal libertarian agenda who only a relatively small percentage of voters wanted.

The narcissist Peters and indolent lazy Jones having got their wish list completed on day one of this bastard government collective will suck on the teat of the public purse for yet another three years laughing all the way to the bank, whilst shitting on tangata whenua.

Those people who, for at least the last six years, have been bagging The New Zealand Green Party as some radical ideological wreckers of society as we know it deserve the pain and deprivation that this ACT driven government will ravage our country with as it robs from the poor to give to the already rich.

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Thanks Mike, very well said.

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Brilliant analysis. Thanks

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

The spiral backwards is about to begin.

It is totally unfathomable how this small bunch of ideological backward thinking twerps can even be considered to be governing for all the peoples of Aotearoa.

I'm feeling very sad for our country right now and can only hope that this nightmare can quickly be over.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I feel exactly the same. It's shameful. I guess one has to focus on one's locus of control or it's too depressing.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

The selfish and greedy have won, and it breaks my heart to contemplate the damage this monstrous menage à trois will wreak on our country.

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Some were fooled by our lying media, about how we are going in the world.

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I think WAY more than a few, Barry.....I see the latest generation of entranced monkeys all around me, everywhere, both thumbs going on their phones....you dig?

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you Nick.

My experience of many RightWing governments is that they are DEAF TO DISSENT.

The Left need to challenge this Nact1st chaotic coalition through the RW MPs in their electorates, by submissions to Select Committees, and the opposition political parties need to challenge Nact1st via the Courts, in the House, and in the media (there's still one or two newsmedia journalists expressing concern about the disgusting policies announced yesterday).

Your writing is shared in various ways, and is important as a megaphone for all of us who share its sentiments.

Thank you Nick.

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I'm sorry, but I don't think they are deaf to dissent, I think after forty years of rampant keep-the-monkeys-entranced-by-new-gadgets neo-liberalism, they don't have to take any notice......yes?

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

It is sickening Nick,seeing those three strutting their stuff. Of course we were going to get a change of government at some stage,but I hoped not yet, and certainly not that lot. You are right about their policies,especially regarding Māori-their place in this country, and especially Te Reo Māori which has become a vibrant part of our public discourse,with many more people learning,and speaking the reo.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Nick...I wouldn't bring myself to read the list of horribleness they had concocted. I sincerely hope the people living in a relatively happy bubble right now before everything changes for real, can see just where it all went wrong. I can't believe I live with someone excited about it all.

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None so blind as those who will not see.

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Shell, that will be hard, but perhaps you can find at least one person to plan for better days. Good company can help with those close sticky situations.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

This result was on the cards well before the election. Some of the left didn’t vote. They will have to suck it up. Those who voted for this coalition will now have to endure the rich getting richer and the racial division increasing dramatically. Absolutely shallow and unthinking position to support in any way.

Shame there are those who always vote one way. Often they don’t even generally know policy they are voting for? That is completely disrespectful to the right to vote.

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Yep. none so blind as those who will not see. The problem with democracy is a general (inculcated) lack of education and/or intelligence...or interest, when it comes to native people...I remember talking politics with young Tanzanian men, my guides, in Arusha, 10 years ago....they all just said 'awwwh uncle, they're all just gangsters here'....but then I suspect we would have never got to play with democratic systems unless They already had figured out how to swing it their way.....being back here in Oz recently, talking to these old union guys my age....ffs they had to fight for it folks, get down and dirty. I mean it. So lets not fool ourselves with woke claptrap.

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What I'm saying is, Chippy had to stand up and offer something, instead of limping down the same old middle....just because a rather influential bunch of the so-called 'Left/Green' voted National for the first time in their lives over the reintroduction of capital gains tax....a few years back....ah well, find out where your real support lies, brother. Go Left, Chippy. Do or die.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Ka tautoko Nick. Depressingly accurate summary and analysis. The only hopeful aspect is that the people will rise. Hearing today that nga iwi katoa are already planning massive hikoi to Wgtn. Let's all get our marching boots dusted off. Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui. Tatou, tatou e!

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