Does anyone else feel like they’re a walk-on in a satirical revue? This mad lot couldn’t be worse for New Zealand if they tried. Every corporate statement from the Government CEO is a bad gag line. Every policy announcement makes us laugh in disbelief before bursting into tears of despair. Every time I think they can’t be worse, they are. I hated Muldoon, came to despise the fourth Labour Government after it collapsed into the hands of Douglas and Prebble and loathed John Key’s cartel. This absolute train wreck is delivering another whole level of vile duplicity.

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I couldn’t agree more. Without a doubt, already the very worst government in my lifetime. They are despicable beyond belief. Satirical revue or maybe a horror movie!

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It would be funny, except it's not funny. It's horrific.

Do any of these people listen to their consciences? Do they ever have doubts over their honesty? How do they sleep at night?

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Sociopathy & BiPolar Disorders are common Trait's that Party Bosses & HR look for in their Hiring Practices in Corporations & corrupted formerly Democratic Government & Ministries. They're valuable because they lack Conscience. Most will do anything for either Money, or personal Narcissistic Acclaim as their mental rewards for pleasing the Bossman, or Whip as this case may be.

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I doubt they have consciences

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That exactly mirrors my experiences Anna - nicely put!

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It's quite unbelievable really. I feel like I'm looking on at some kind of weird alternative universe, run by crazy people. How is Luxon going to justify all this for the next three years? Just pop up occasionally with a bit of scripted jargon, I guess.

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Unbelievable! It’s the craziness of Trump’s worst moves, but the kiwi version is even less subtle. On a per-capita basis we must easily be winning the medal race in the cronyism Olympics

Loved ‘Cigarette Trees’ - the world needs more bluegrass!

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Holy smoke! I have no other words. I’m literally stomped.

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If only we could wake up to find this vile government and their heinous policies are all just a bad dream, rather than a living nightmare.

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This 3 headed monster of a govt just go from bad to worse - alternative universe alright! What’s that quote - Hell is empty and all the devils are here - By William Shakespeare

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Thanks Nick for updating us on the research you are doing! Where on earth do they get these scumbags from? What happened to the vetting process? Imagine if Labour had committed these sins as they’d be hung by now! It just shows you that National has been left with a leader who has no idea how to govern with integrity, honesty and moral values.

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Isn't she lucky she is not a Labour/Greens/TePati Maori spokesperson caught telling lies because if she was the Herald ZB talkback and all TV news channels would have on repeat calls for her sacking. A few shares not declared, resignation required, telling lies - look over there. I thought National had some questionable MPs however ACT and NZ First really do have all the worst kind. Also notice the PM doesn't really want to PM at the moment as his coalition of getting his knighthood keeps throwing up yet another challenge.

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Ain't that the truth! :(

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I remember when smoking was recommended to women as a means to manage their weight (yes, I'm that old), suggesting they suck on a cancer-stick to assuage hunger pains when dieting. Perhaps that's part of Ms Costello's rational, given her sympathies for low-income smokers who are burdened by the cost of cigarettes, and we'll find packs of Phillip Morris's finest being included in food-parcels to help sooth hungry tummies.

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The smoke gets murkier and chokier and the tar gets thicker and grungier. Bernard Hickey in todays Kaka says that a number of ex NZ First staffers now work for tobacco firms in NZ ( I have no knowledge either way but I'll take his word ). Lobbyists no doubt looking for payback from their dirty donations.

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Despicable, reprehensible and utterly venal.. She must go.....

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Sounds like Casey doing exactly what her government wants. Sack them all

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As others have said we seem to be in a bizzare parallel universe with what Prof Boyd Swinburn describes as big tobacco's Christmas wishlist being rolled out when, as he says "No one is calling for it, there’s no evidence for it and this Government has Tobacco Industry finger prints all over it.” His interview is well worth a look.


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I guess they have to make sure people (victims) keep buying cigarettes in order to gather in the Tax money - a steady income rather than one that may diminish? They might be reckoning that the number of current smokers will now rapidly decline and so new smokers must be encouraged? I hate being so cynical.

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The whole situation is ludicrous!!!

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