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I'm convinced that Claire and Audrey get together on Monday mornings and see who can produce the most inane, fawning load of obsequeous bullshit about our "wonderful" leadership, headed by the most courageous group of the finest New Zealanders ever assembled. They probably have a bet:the loser buys the champers on Friday.

As for Willis's statement that Simeon Brown can be a "maverick and disruptor" when it comes to launching a new version of Kiwibank, I'm a bit worried about what she means. Surely someone with a degree in Literature would know that synonyms for these qualities include "bohemian, outsider, free thinker, troublemaker" and many more which are anathema to National thinking. I guess that's why she chose politics over writing as a career. It's a lot more flexible about reality, honesty and integrity. She does it well. That's not a recommendation. Mavericks and disruptors always seem to lose in the end.

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You can actually imagine this happening with these two! Back in the day, I was offered a position at journalism school or Teacher Training College in Wellie. I chose the later, thinking it might give me more opportunity to be creative,, rather than write in facts🤣Looking at directives for primary teachers now versus the subjective opinions of many poor journalists, doing a bit of googling before creating content very short on research and facts, I think otherwise.

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