Totally agree msm are asleep at the wheel by design I feel. The amount of ammunition this three headed monster is provideing media report one time then it’s gone , reflecting the way previous govt were utterly and totally badgered day in and day out , I turn on news for first two minutes to get politicle news there is close too nada it i…
Totally agree msm are asleep at the wheel by design I feel. The amount of ammunition this three headed monster is provideing media report one time then it’s gone , reflecting the way previous govt were utterly and totally badgered day in and day out , I turn on news for first two minutes to get politicle news there is close too nada it is unbelievable if this is allowed too continue 26 will be much closer due too this total complacency by media.
Totally agree msm are asleep at the wheel by design I feel. The amount of ammunition this three headed monster is provideing media report one time then it’s gone , reflecting the way previous govt were utterly and totally badgered day in and day out , I turn on news for first two minutes to get politicle news there is close too nada it is unbelievable if this is allowed too continue 26 will be much closer due too this total complacency by media.