Sep 24, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Nick, you’ve captured my thoughts and sentiments exactly. The barrage of opinions published daily from these perennial whingers and whiners ( must be time for Queenstown to come forward again ) most of who have benefited from this Government’s successful handling of the pandemic is sickening . Many of them would have been out of business if National/Act had of been coordinating our COVID response. I am very proud of the way our PM has represented us on the world stage this past week .

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Glad you enjoyed it, and well said.

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I am sure too that the homeless, those in poverty and those who can’t access proper medical care are delighted with the PM’s performance on the are simply delighted.

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Sure they do, all the while thinking of Coleman and Ryall and their deliberate underfunding of health. It takes about 5 years to train an intensive care nurse, and about 8 years to train a doctor.

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Can you ever imagine Luxo, with his head bobbing about ever being able to capture world attention? Jacinda doesn't do it for vanity ;she does it because it matters to all of us. I am so tired of this Bored Room survey.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Great read again thanks Nick . I feel it is almost becoming laughable at the rubbish being produced trying to undermine the great work that is being done by this government despite a 2.5 year global pandemic and the verge of WW3 .

A lady in park who I am civil too but never really bothered to converse with stopped me this morning and we chatted briefly . She started to go down the rabbit hole accusing the government of trying to legalize P . I thought she meant the Cannabis referendum , but she was adamant it was P . Where did you hear that lie ? Talkback ZB she said . I think I got my point across of the absolute stupidity of her statement . It is the kind of garbage spewing from the mouths of people who just want to hate and undermine progress . She also said as I was walking away , this country is going backwards , I quoted from a cartoon I saw this morning , No you are just facing backwards .

Thanks for releasing Iggy . I will look for that CD as well .

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Excellent read!! Thank you for voicing my thoughts so aptly. So proud of Jacinda. She is exceptional and the rightwing whingy whiners and misogynists can't get their tiny minds around that idea. She is lauded around the world. The 'Mood' emanated from nothing more than a biased 'Survey' of a group of over indulged twerps. The ingratitude is reprehensible.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

What a great post, excellent writing, 10 out of 10. Many thanks.

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Enjoyed this. Astute and insightful. Thank you.

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Who are these "business leaders"? Who do they "lead"? Who gives a stuff?

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Some very astute commentary, thanks Nick

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Very proud of our Prime Minister and the inspirational speech at the United Nations. Reminded me of two former labour leaders who put integrity into the job. The risk of potential nuclear Armageddon at the moment is very real. It is super important for the younger world leaders to take a stand on reduction, as the intrenched MAD dogma seems to be the status quo.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Well Nick if I wasn't in Facebook jail in response to criticism about Jacinda Ardern talking at the UN I would be saying: 'Do you want us to be a hermit kingdom?' You can quote me on that!

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel


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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Another great post Nick. 👏👏👏

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Who are the members and what comoanues or business they represent ? And how much more have they made now with the economy booming plus how much more are they going to make due to the Free trade deals signed by this government? Windfalls are huge now, in UK and Queensland a tax was put on them!

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deletedSep 24, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel
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Thanks Gerda, appreciate your kind words.

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