Hi guys, in case you're wondering, I've left this open for two reasons: one, as the whole point, was that the original story was paywalled and not accessible, and two, to try to reach new subscribers. which I'm sure you'll appreciate is a tad difficult when they can't see what is available. Back behind the paywall tomorrow for something a bit lighter.

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Thank you so much, Nick! What a very very sad story. And what a bad story about Nicola Willis too! Is there no end to this government’s deceitful behaviour?

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Thanks again Nick I'm becoming a bit more confident that Aotearoa is becoming awake and alert to the tsunami of shit pouring out from this clown show. And I'm deeply saddened that Golriz is yet again being publicly humiliated by a vicious , racist, misogynist media. Especially when there are so many more reprehensible actors in 'government'. Leave her alone ffs grr.

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Oops, there were some good typos in today's newsletter; sorry about that. I even managed to say pounds instead of dollars - my head must've been elsewhere. Fixed online, but not in your email of course.

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Pound vs dollar ...Probably thinking about the terrible state of our exchange rate, Nick, which seems to be going largely unmentioned but is reflected in the increasing cost of fuel as well as other less visible things.

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Willis is the one doing the stealing.

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Amen to that!

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I look forward to the day when front page news is when the sex offender from ACT finally loses his name suppression.

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It makes me so angry. Someone told me months before the election, but I couldn't share it, of course - it's crazy it has gone on this long and is out of whack with many other cases.

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This was my immediate thought too Darien. Has Actman even been to court yet?

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Willis's actions are further evidence of how low this sorry bunch are dragging us down to. They just ignore norms and conventions like accountability, honesty, transparency, integrity, trustworthiness ...

As for GG I feel sorry for where she is in her life. In Stuff a Foodstuffs spokesperson said the company's North Islands stores reported 4500 to 5000 retail crime incidents each quarter.

I hope the police are investigating every one like they are hers.

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So sad that Golriz is being humiliated again and as you said Nick hope she is receiving support. Strange really the approbation that is accorded this while Willis’ actions, Costello’s gift to big tobacco, Shane Jones’ pay offs etc etc are passed off as this Govt proves over and over again how dodgy its behaviour continues to be on a daily basis.

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Amazing isn’t it Mac?

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the egregrious siphoning of funds seems to be the modus operandus for this coalition - I wonder which wealthy company they will benefit at the expense of the public purse. Nicola Willis is the one who should be strapped in the stocks to face the citizens she is robbing.

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Great cartoon/lampoon there Bronwyn.

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What a lovely idea Bronwyn!

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Why would anyone be surprised? If the story grows I look forward to a reasonable sounding interview with Tama, that says absolutely nothing… Nicola is so besotted with the Atlas Network and the example set by Truss that she is siphoning pounds rather than NZ$?

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Oops, yes, see my note about typos - but I like your explanation.

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I’m constantly amazed at how such an incompetent person as Nicola can still be trusted to budget for our country after showing herself time and again to be an abject failure in her role. Unlike King Midas, everything she touches turns to degrees of ineptitude. Maybe she should give Grant a call and ask him what the job entails and could he please help.

It’s interesting that Derek Cheng should write such an investigative article about the Government’s toing and froing with the money we give them. He has been a diehard National sycophant for as long as he’s been writing so I can only assume that someone at NatHQ has really pissed him off. Excellent!!

It was also interesting to read, ( on page 7 of the printed Herald), that the Chow brothers, those paragons of virtue whose fortunes were made by exploiting women under less than moral or ethical conditions, have been charged with compensating a former employee $60k by the Human Rights Review Tribunal for deliberately misleading him, while personal information was stolen from his PC. The most interesting part for me was that over a whole page, not one mention was made of John Key’s association with them, despite being a player in their business ventures. He has been quoted as saying he admires their business acumen and work ethics. They may not own the brothels now, but they still own the value they place on their employees. A very classy team,eh?Key would perhaps be advised that as the saying goes, “ a man is judged by the company he keeps “. Luxon could well be advised that it doesn’t take a genius to join the dots………

I feel very sorry for Golriz as well. Who knows what has caused her indiscretions but I hope she overcomes this one without any further harm to her health and no more negativity is thrown her way . She has suffered enough and I wish her well🙂

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What do I think of the Golriz Ghahraman story? Total disgust. She is no longer a politician. She has a mental health problem exacerbated by the shocking way she was treated by so many people. She is no doubt still undergoing treatment - like physical health problems these conditions don't quickly heal. It is an example of the Herald rapidly sliding into third grade tabloid status.

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Willis and a rerun of Cave Creek

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Of course Willis is going to substitute department funding from other revenue - user pays and austerity go ‘hand in hand’! No surprises I’d suggest!

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In the interests of my blood pressure I think satire and sarcasm is the way to go, and you've nailed it Nick.

If you pay to go behind a pay wall. Is it advert free? Or are they clipping the ticket both ways?

So sorry to hear the continuation of gleeful bullying of Golriz. The poor lass needs help, not derision.

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The advertising is still there.

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Double dipping...... that has a familiar Bill English ring!!

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She has a terrible temper so you can imagine some of the arguments and bullying that went on in these discussions.

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What I have a problem with is the way, once in so called Power, the politicians can do whatever they like - and get away with it? Do we have any sort of Ombudsman for our politicians? I looked it up and there is! "Yes, New Zealand has an Ombudsman who investigates complaints about government agencies and officials. The Ombudsman is independent of the government and is responsible for protecting rights and encouraging good administration." The link is below,


We should use that more, but in a controlled way so not frivolous. What do readers think?

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Xlnt🤗 But where would we start? Lying ⁉️ putting lives at risk with "Health" decisions ⁉️ the stealthy way Bills/submisssions of undeniable import are either pushed through under urgency or while everyone is on holiday ⁉️ on & on & on with this 3-headed-Taniwha 🤷🏻‍♀️

They would claim it as frivolous because of the sheer amount of things to legitimately complain about 😱

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Need some additional Heads together to work out, but Conflict of Interest, Not making informed decisions, Cancellation of projects with high cost...

Would need to be specific detail...

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