Jul 30Liked by Nick Rockel

New Zealanders wanted a change and the change was complicated because National did not win enough votes to govern alone. Those who voted for the three coalition parties were duped by propaganda and false promises. What did they get? Incompetent power hungry egocentrics who have made policies on the run ignoring advice and research. The biggest loss to all of us was the trust in the PM and the government. They are not transparent and hide behind endless propaganda and falsehoods. As a result our diversity, health ,education, policing and living wage have suffered. History will show that this political era destroyed the public faith in providing fair and equitable outcomes for all.

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Jul 30Liked by Nick Rockel

I've probably said this before, (age, repeating myself, all of that!) but anyway, I cannot think of a single positive thing this government has done. They are not building up, but instead, tearing down. There's just nothing that's going to make Aotearoa/New Zealand a better and happier place. Luxon still talks corporate speak and we don't know what he's on about. I'm not sure that he knows either.

Where do we go from here?

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There was one thing a few months ago I remember thinking was a positive they did, a crumb of goodness at least. But I cannot remember it at all now. A crumb buried in a dung heap.

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Let me know if you remember! Lol.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by Nick Rockel

A fabulous song done so well by a legend. Love it! National painted themselves into the proverbial corner when they offered bribes to the wealthy to catch their vote, knowing the whole time they couldn't deliver. So many worthy Kiwis won't see one cent of the $2.9billion promised tax relief which bought the votes from the rich and gullible. National also can't U-turn on the promise without causing terminal injury to any trust they may still have, even if it means little or no help to those who need it most. This is the most inept, dishonest and greedy government this country has ever had, bar none. Not one minister of anything has offered anyone in AotearoaNZ hope for a better future. The sooner those Kiwis who don't vote understand that the people really do have the power, with a tick or cross on a ballot paper, and exercise their right to do so, the sooner we will again become the country we want to proudly call home.

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Jul 30Liked by Nick Rockel

I listened with interest to Kathryn Ryan having a chat with Karen Chhour a few minutes ago on RNZ. I didn’t learn much and several times KR missed a trick with follow up questions I.e not asking them.

Speaking of RNZ interviewers that actually get the job done- Susana Leataua (sp) who is currently standing in for Lisa Owen. She could show Ingrid a thing or two about interviewing, asking the hard questions and calling them out if they fudge or dodge. She has a soft voice and pleasant manner but should not be underestimated.

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Agree Susana is very good.

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Why don't the media want to ask the hard questions and not just accept deflections. Why aren't more of these things reported? In the ChCh Press you generally need to search around for political reporting and then most leans toward the coalition. Janet Wilson who reports on Saturday has been pleasantly surprising in recent times.

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There has been quite a culling in the media sector recently, perhaps they are playing it safe, which is sad and pathetic.

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Thanks Nick. Lyndy is awesome. Me and Lyndy worked together at the SFWU. I was at the launch of the LW movement and have many prized pics from then and since. When I left Parliament, in my valedictory I called for Parliament to become a Living Wage Parliament. A big change came when Labour changed the procurement processes for contract cleaners and food service staff to require Living Wage. Trev Mallard had a big hand in that. Some Councils are still a bit slow, but the only drinks I buy in Waitakere are from the Licensing Trust shops, who are also a Living Wage employer. Also, why I was keen on Ibrahim Omer as an MP, because he was very active as a cleaner in the LW movement. It’s a long history and I so happy Lyndy has put this wonderful book together. The title “Power to Win” comes from the collective wisdom of many years and experience of organising in low paid industries. It is a must read. And it is worth checking out who are official LW employers – even the Banks!

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Jul 30Liked by Nick Rockel

Yeh, well, the "tax relief is here" promo with the two grinning goons looks like a pharmaceutical ad for some kind of dodgy suppository. Read the very small print about unwanted side effects, efficacy rates and contraindicators. You could try consulting a doctor, but, yeh, good luck with that

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Gosh haven't they both put on weight? Cost of living not having an impact on these two.

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Too many cinema outings and lashings of ice-cream for Nicole at least.

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That's very funny.

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My thoughts precisely

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

Spending only $60 a week on groceries and still putting on the pounds

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Brilliant. Contraindications indeed!!!

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This bottom feeder would never vote for any of the three parties in coalition because they stand for everything loathesome in the planet. So thanks to a simple twist of fate we are at the mercy of a bunch of shills for right wing think tanks, fossil fuel and tobacco whores, the Benedict Arnold of doctors and a PM tying himself in knots to stay in power.

Patti Smith is my hero so I cling to the promise of her song, trying to ignore the portents of what this no-longer-laughable government might do to further curtail our collective rights.

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Jul 30Liked by Nick Rockel

Patti Smith - wow!! RNZ seemed to lose their mojo at the first lockdown, suddenly it was all about the hospo industry and Chris Bishop was on speed dial. Now it is the exception rather than the rule when real journalism appears on the radio…

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Just to repeat as it makes me feel better. The worst govt in all of my memory, the worst pm and the least ever positives for working people. Your post today really sums up where we are at Nick.

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Jul 30Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes and please use your power to register and vote wisely. We do need to look at the tax system, and what qualities we want in our Leadership. Equity begins with paying a fair share, community building, and common goals.. All the good that has come from being connected through the internet, is being perverted to develop controlling algorhythms and to foster fear and falsehoods. The current Government is pandering to fears about crime, providing vices in smoking and now online gambling. They are lying about "bloated bureaucracy" to allow them to remove public support structures, as they "cost". The real problem is the light tax capital pays which is why we are poor. They have devised a system which taxes work and not their riches held as capital. We do have the power to vote for that to change to a more equitable system.

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Jul 30Liked by Nick Rockel

Sadly, people forget to quickly. The carnage inflicted almost daily by this CoC since last oct needs to be retold line by line over and over again. This vile mob are relying on folks forgetting and I feel they will continue their corporate agenda at pace until 6 mths prior to the next election and then promote BS about how they fixed inflation etc because we all adapt, those people who dont question will be conned again.

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Jul 30Liked by Nick Rockel

I feel like crying when I think of what this government is doing and/or not doing.......

I also agree with your take on things Nick; and, Alison's and Marilynn's below.


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Jul 31Liked by Nick Rockel

I agree John and most of the above! We are in a dire situation and none of the present CoC people seem to have any principles!! Greed and power are their watchwords! We MUST vote!!

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I agree whole heartedly and just cannot,for the life of me,understand why the general public is not making more noise about it all. Every day something gets worse or is removed. Is it that people are struggling so much in their day to day lives they just don't have the energy to object or is it that at the end of the day people just aren't interested and just don't care?

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Puzzles me too. I was talking a week or two back with someone who like me is involved in local community issues/activity. I mentioned how much of our social fabric was being damaged at the moment by the current government. Her response was along the lines that she doesn't get involved/worry about "politics" and what the government is doing and just gets on doing what she can to focus on positives in her own sphere. I suggested that "politics" is about life and how we interact and build community. I didn't get far.

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Jul 31Liked by Nick Rockel

Reposted, thanks Nick. Patty Smith...a true legend. And I totally agree with your korero. Casey Costello...what a piece of work she is! Elevated to positions of power she has never earned and with zero relevant experience (we can't count Hobson's Pledge, the TPU and the New Conservatives - she obviously sings from their song sheets). Coming in as a list candidate for NZ 1st....she only received 2,864 votes in the by-election in Port Waikato. The winner Nat Andrew Bailey 14, 296.. just to show the difference. I am beyond aghast at her ability to influence the health and customs portfolios to the extent that she has, each of her decisions a death-knell for so many kiwis. She should be gone by lunchtime...along with Ciga-Reti the lying Dr Death! I see the phantom tobacco lobbyists lurking like the Grim Reaper, and the privatisation of our Health system looming darkly on the horizon.

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Jul 31Liked by Nick Rockel

One of we peasants problems, is that as well as trying to fight city hall we are being royaly screwed by MSM, who are bleating that they're going broke.

It would be interesting to find out the column inches and audio/visual minutes devoted to the Greens dilemmas as opposed to the govt bed leg bashers, incompetence and straight out liars.

I have no problem paying you and some others for content but until Kim Hill has a Lazarus moment they can jump in the lake.

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Jul 31Liked by Nick Rockel

Awesome Patti Smith. So true. Listen and act New Zealanders!

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