
Highly recommend taking a look at this passionate speech from Kieran McAnulty yesterday:


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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Kieran for Prime Minister.

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One day but give Chippie a go first.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Didn't see this yesterday, very well said by Kieran.

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Was so good I watched it twice then shared with my children

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Nick I have just listened to Kierans speech, and loved every forthright minute of it! What a gem he is, and should go far in the political scene! Thanks for alerting me to it!!👍

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Yes! Brilliant! A great fiery delivery of the devastating aims and disasters to come from the NAF Coalition.

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Very passionate and precise - straight from the head and heart. He's awesome!

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Brilliant speech, a passionate young man. Hoping to hear more of this in future debates. How can Government members not be ashamed of this policy.

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The damage they'll do trying notwithstanding, they'll never roll back the tide. Yesterday, at my daughter's school prize giving, the national anthem was sung. And a hall full of different faces, ages, and backgrounds sung the Māori verses with full voices and gusto; far from the quiet, mumbled version of my youth. And as we transitioned to the English of bland "triple stars" and other irrelevances, the voices turned robotic, that entreated to just have it 'over and done with'. It was clear to me that our people have grown to be proud of this stuff - it is our own - and we won't let it go as easily as the fossils in government now hope it will.

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Thanks for sharing that - good to hear.

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I think this is a marvellous point Tim - it is not the dinosaurs (and I'm damn near one of them, being 68) of this current 'ruling generation' that will determine the future of this country.

12months ago I had a conversation with my sister, then freshly returned to her land of birth after 30 years living in USA. She had asked what I thought about naming this country Aotearoa? (she was skeptical - "but the rest of the world won't know what/where Aotearoa is" Me; "um .... Beijing(Peking) Mumbai(Bombay) Myanmar(Burma) etc ...) I gave her what I thought was a compelling case that this should be so, but acknowledged that it probably wouldn't happen until our/my children assumed control of Aotearoa, because they are growing up with a much different, and on the whole more inclusive & cohesive narrative / picture, of what this country is, ie; a south pacific nation of many peoples (not just crusty conservative white people) The young are the future, and I have every faith in them.

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Thanks Graham. I heard it recently described as "the first generation to not fear the future". I haven't got the years of wisdom under my belt that you have yet, but I think a lot of us adults look out at the division and threats like AI and Climate, and expect young people to see it like we do. My growing awareness (as I watch my strong teenage girls) is they just see opportunity we can't even imagine! 😉

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When my children were at primary school I was always struck by the fact that they and their friends knew the Māori words better than the English. The English words didn't make sense to them so 'at thy feet' became 'as i see' and 'we entreat' became 'we and trees'. Actually I liked their words!!

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Ha ha, that's hilarious. Several years back I caught a taxi in San Francisco and the guy asked where I was from. When I said NZ, he responded "oh, where people live in trees and shit?"... Now I understand, he obviously just misheard our national anthem and thought we were singing "we in trees" 🤣

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A very informative and thoughtful post once again Nick. It is certainly depressing that this Govt has absolutely no vision for Aotearoa other than making things so much worse for those who actually do the work we all rely upon. What a shame all Darien’s work is now out the window and workers are once again the losers. There is little doubt the list of proposed actions from this coalition of vandals will only exacerbate the level of poverty in the country and lead to an even wider gap in educational achievement.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I cried tears of anger reading this. And yes, to Tim's comment above too. We have been unique and now we're expected to just be some English outpost. Surprisingly for some no doubt, I learnt 'He tangata' back in 2001, while working in corporate Dept of Corrections, from a lovely, caring, man called Harry Shortland. One of many things Māori I've learnt over the years. And I defy anyone to say, meaningfully, we have a New Zealand culture without Te Reo. I'm 5th generation pure English/Irish NZ, but I completely fail to understand what that anti-Māori culture brigade are so afraid of. Their own shadows? Come on Aotearoa, let's shout out before we lose everything important to us. Like truth.

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I think what they are afraid of is a group of people showing them as the frightened, lack of self esteem misogynistic racists that they are. To look in the eyes of the Luxons of this world is to see people who have no soul. Their world is wealth accumulation and power over others. No vision, no empathy & no belief in people different to themselves. A truly reprehensible bunch. And as for Peters, he is the perfect example of why we have a ‘retirement’ age of 65........

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So well said, Annie. "We have been unique and now we're expected to be just some English outpost." That is tragically the truth of it, and my heart breaks.

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Well said Annie!!

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Orwellian news speak indeed. You paint a very distressing picture Nick. I couldn't bring myself to watch any of it. But the clearest indicator of just what a lying price of scum Luxon is, us demonstrated by his first acts as PM. He hates the poor and Maori and thats his real agenda. I despair that this stupid electorate has allowed such a charlatan the reigns of power

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I was thrilled to see many so supportive of Maori in the face of such broad racism.

This Government has declared all actions put in place by the previous Government will be destroyed or removed.

No effort appears to be made to consider what will go into the vacuum, and the three wreckers may get a shock at the unintended outcomes. Large power groups they do not control, have had the door opened to some dangerous possibilities.

If you are able to plant spinach, beans, and cabbage, please do. Herbs grow well, and sprouts and cress grow in a few days on damp paper. Learn to make yoghurt. Buy in dry foods.

Then get ready to use all and every method of democracy to protest this agenda.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I'm taking this as a call to arms (figuratively)

Let's do it.

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I'm with you!

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Well said Nick, I turned on the TV after 2pm yesterday & saw a good speech from Chippy outlining Labour achievements. Then watched Luxton give a speech as a CEO of a large Corperation nothing Prime Ministerial in it that I noticed. What I did notice was Winston rubbing his hands together in glee again !!

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

lovely read thank you. i just wanted to share my favourite sign from the hikoi on tuesday. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7250011915029862&set=a.154371081260683

Dream on people.

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Spot on again Nick. Mr Luxon’s dream is out of touch with the new New Zealand but we all need to help him wake up…

Yesterday Hastings Boys’ long standing Headmaster was given the best funeral ever, (in the words of my wife). It was sooooo multicultural. She quipped “good luck putting this back in the bottle”.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Just when you think things can't get worse, they do, and they will continue to while this bunch of mercenaries are in government. I hadn't heard about rolling back the loan shark laws until now - how low can you go when you effectively put poor people into more despicable debt, well it seems this is how thing will be. I know how long it took and how hard it was to wean myself off a 45 year tobacco habit and to see all anti smoking initiatives undone with the sweep of a Big Tobacco lubricated backhander is just so sad. On and on it goes, the uncaring wrecking of a country and its people.

Such truthful and well said words by Kieran who I hope has a long and successful future in parliament. It is an indictment on the many in NZ who voted for a sheep farmer in a blue suit rather than this man who has an intellect and compassion beyond most.

Sadly it is not people, it is not people, it is not people, anymore - it is just more and more money for the rich and undeserving.

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I'd love to know what rationalisation this lot would give for repealing the loan shark laws !!?? I mean what the actual f##k!? I'm getting madder by the minute learning all this sad, sad 'policy' being rolled out by NAF ....

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

If this king with no clothes had any substance he would surely focus on the positive policies he has to benefit the people of this beautiful land. Instead he focuses on the failures of the previous leader. ARSONIST he shouts. Easy to blame when you have nothing to offer. Time for the masses to determine our future. Get motivated

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Great piece Nick....sob!

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Thanks Nick. It's all heartbreaking stuff. I am curious to know what Tama Potaka thinks about this anti-Maori baseline in his party, this taking away of our culture and plonking us in England somewhere. Primary schools everywhere are enriched by the Maori culture which is so much a part of 'the vibe'. I have had several messages from overseas friends. "What is going on there? New Zealand has always been so admired for its leadership in race relations, and its forward thinking!"

Not any more. A pack of Sadsacks, those backward thinking members of the Government.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Oh yes. This time of adversity will motivate many of us appalled at this govt's direction, to rise up and stand for the spirit of He aha te mea nui o te ao!

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Will we now have a legislative seesaw: next time there's a Labour-led government, they will have to reinstate all the legislation now being torpedoed by the Nats.

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Probably, though I suspect it’s easier to undo legislation with no replacement than to create it.

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