Jun 18Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick, you are a glass half full sort of guy! I am jealous of your optimism and will hope for the best regarding some positive role for Jacinda in the near future. Much of the hate was misogynistic but, at the risk of being obsessive, there was a destructive gang of female journalists (Jessica, Jenna, Josie, Jane, and of course Janet) who gave new meaning to the word ‘jaundiced’. Kindness doesn’t have much show until the media evolves into something better.

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Good comment about those envious women whose names start with a J. I would add Andrea Vance to that list although it will mess up your clever alliteration. I am a J. but not a journalist. I loved hearing a little of what Jacinda is doing at present. As Nick expressed his dream that Jacinda may return to political life in this country, I had tears in my eyes. Because to me she does represent decency in politics in Aotearoa. I cannot see anyone in the current govt. that does so.

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I had tears in my eyes too, Janis, and I'm an old possum trapper...

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💯 agree!

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Jun 18Liked by Nick Rockel

J for Jenius? <runs away>

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Jun 18Liked by Nick Rockel

Nice dream Nick. One line stood out for me "There certainly are people who were angered by Jacinda’s caring approach...". That one always confounded me. How can anyone be annoyed by someone nice? I put it down to misogyny and that can be from women as well. I think Chippy is pretty nice too, but you don't hear that talk about him.

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Jun 18Liked by Nick Rockel

My heart says yes, but head says no. Jacinda doesn’t need to reinvigorate the haters out there. Her and her families well being are too important.

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Same for me. I felt sorry and protective for her at the time, and the level of either ignorant or wilful stupidity, combined with a misogynistic nastiness, that lurks in the underbelly of this country really surprised me. Until then I believed such a level of cultural madness only existed in the Southern USA. I am speaking here as an immigrant who came here from Western Canada in 1964.

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totally agree Stephen. It's the old 80/20 rule. Focus energy on the 80 not the 20.

While we could dream, my head says no too.

I wonder why, when we have someone like her in a position, why don't we surround her/them with people to learn from the associate and perpetuate the qualities and style...........or are those kinda peeps rare as too. I dunno if the world or even kiwis when we look at up and coming political heroes and the absence of them......i dunno if we have political depth or raising up vision...the same as we hear about depth and aspiring rugby players.

Finding leaders seems a chance miraculous thing. We only have to look at the larger landmass at 2 oclock on the map to see this truth.

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Lovely post Nick. I am glad she is living her best life with her partner and their little girl, Neve, who I know she longed for. She was modest and never had ambitions to be PM, let alone an MP! What I love about her is her complete lack of arrogance. I know she questioned herself all the time like women tend to do. I know all the awful opposition from the fools on the Right would have got to her, though she never said this. I doubt she will come back to politics, but the lesson for us all is how we treat women in political leadership on the left side of politics - not just because they are women, but because they deserve to be heard. I will always be proud to call her my friend.

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Hear, hear! A nice personal and thoughtful post, thanks for sharing it, eh....

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Jacinda was a blessing [Glad to be alive!] and those who didn't understand it are deluded. Her teaching will help the world.

...And as for: "It really worries me that some of these people are raising children." Those are the people who think their undisciplined kids are so special that the rest of us should put up with their lack of control. Yuck!

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The Jacinda effect! Not exclusively unique, but certainly very noticeable by so many the world over. Many of us in NZ noticed that and responded, yet quite a few noticed - and recoiled, why? In fright perhaps, that they had encountered something beyond their comprehension, something not within their ability to even begin to understand, simply completely beyond them. The Enlightened view completely out of scope for the Entitled. What we have today, the Entitled in POWER, their only concept of people, for people. Not one of those "in power" show even a glimmer of understanding the difference between that Jacinda, and others like her have on show for all to see, if they can!

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Jun 18Liked by Nick Rockel

Saw her post, and again impressed by this hard-working, incredible human. As for you Nick, you're an utter utter utter utter [shut up Rick] for even suggesting that glimmer of light in these dark times: a cruel hope of something so good but probably won't happen. As for the haters, well they're like a vampire's relationship to the sun.

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My apologies. I do like a good Young Ones reference.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 19Liked by Nick Rockel

It seems that your dream is being felt by a lot of us who echo your sentiments Nick. I saw this announcement on Jacinda's Instagram site, followed by comments by many who still blame her for everything, including one saying Jacinda killed her mother and others who were appalled that she hadn't said anything about the genocide Israel is inflicting on innocent people in Gaza. I was compelled to suggest that they read the whole page about Field which might shake their tiny brains into realising that global empathy and kindness by the many will be much more powerful than by the one, however heartfelt their rage and opinions are shared. When I read today's Korero, I was reminded of some of the lines in Peter Gabriel's song "Biko". Jacinda's situation and our dreams are very different, but the message is the same.

"You can blow out a candle but you can't blow out a fire,

Once the flames begin to catch the wind will take it higher"

Let's dream that Jacinda will take that candle to light the fire. It will reduce the nightmare we're now living to ashes.

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Jun 18Liked by Nick Rockel

What a lovely dream.

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Jun 18Liked by Nick Rockel

Oh yes please Nick. If only, if only. As you so aptly say she is without doubt one of the best, if not the best, leader across the world currently and she certainly put Aotearoa on the map world wide compared to the inappropriate touchy, feely inept apology we have now.

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Jun 18Liked by Nick Rockel

It would indeed be a dream come true, and Grant also

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Jun 18Liked by Nick Rockel

I am onboard this new Train.

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Jun 18Liked by Nick Rockel

Oh to wish upon a star! For a star in my eyes.

As a joke I used to say 'dreams are free take them now before the government taxes them!'...in the case of this lot it's too bloody late, but oh what a dream that would be to have a caring & able leader in charge again.

It would be like Obama being able to run for US President again. A chance for that country to save itself from a complete & total melt down with their present 'choices'.

Great read thanks Nick.

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If I was at all religious, this is what I would pray for.

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I though Jacinda was the right person at the right time in our history and of world events to carry the country through some dreadful events. When I read that last week alone 22 people died of covid related symptoms it places in context the parlous state of our covid awareness as we progress as a nation and I'm reminded of what an amazing job Dr Bloomfield and Ms Ardern did in keeping us safe. Currently Nelson hospital have patients on beds in corridors whilst in supermarkets or large gathering there is not a mask in sight. Under a money driven troika health has a very low priority. That said Jacinda's time has been and gone. We need to remember that her stance on CGT echoed by Chris Hipkins places her government on the wrong side of systemic economic change towards a more egalitarian society. Kindness doesn't pay the rent or put food on the table. Warm fuzzies may appear to be a panacea for inequality, but in truth is nothing of the kind. The reality was that under her administration the rich still got richer and the gap between them and the poor grew wider, so let's not kid ourselves. As an individual Jacinda Ardern was the warm positive face of how power should be exercised and for a brief moment in time 50% of the country shared and basked in her glow. I look forward to following her career pathway, but it's not going to be within the parliamentary chambers of Wellington

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Wise words.

There was a huge amount of good done and inroads begun.

Did I detect in the last governments actions under JA a wariness about shaking the system too much as in no capital gains tax etc.........

What some wanted .....in the party but they never went there?

And Chippy followed suit, not going there for fear of alienating the party.

Then Te Pāti and The Greens came out with more labour like policies.

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Yep, I think between your two posts, you guys have pretty well covered what actually happened...

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Yeh, I think you are dead right.

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Jun 18Liked by Nick Rockel

OMG!.. be still my beating heart. I am not nor have l ever been interested in Twater so you have brought the good news Nick. So so impressed by the Field project, what an incredible idea. It just goes to show how widely Jacinda is respected and admired around the globe.. an absolute generational standout. So proud. She will be remembered for generations for her compassion and intelligence and as one of the great progressive world leaders of her time… unlike the “unrepresentative swill” among her contemporaries

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