Jun 29Liked by Nick Rockel

Sadly, the idea of political debate as the cut and thrust of ideas is long dead. Listening to The Rest Is Politics (US Edition), they pointed out that the main objective for candidates now is to look like a leader, and get in enough talking points that can be cut up for later sound bites…. The debate yesterday was a shit show… At the last election NZ, the debates were a bit better, but far from a reasoned discussion of policy and ideas. Go back and watch some of the debates of decades past, what we have now is not that.

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I'll vote for your dog Daryl I bet s/he debates!!! :))

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He mainly debates the rural fire siren every time it goes off 🤪

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Jun 29Liked by Nick Rockel

Happy birthday Matty, pity he is too young to be US president! Debates will not be useful until viewers/voters value substance over style and sadly that ain’t going to happen anytime soon.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Nick Rockel

Oh God. so much to say, so little space to say it but first, many happy returns to your Matty. He sounds like a youngster with a colourful future ahead of him. :)

First the presidential campaign. It was reported last evening that a significant group of Democrats have given Biden one week to "rethink his candidacy'. I presume that means: if he hasn't stepped down by then, all hell is going to break loose. I'm only repeating what everyone is thinking when I say 'what the hell is the matter with the Yanks?' Two candidates past their used-by dates. One is a dangerous crook and the other is in his dotage.

In contrast to the US and looking at the photo of Hipkins and Swarbrick, what a profound leadership team they would make. Sensible, progressive governance by two young, vibrant and highly intelligent politicians who reek integrity, honesty and decency. How refreshing that would be.

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I agree Anne, & Joe Biden should have stood for President following Barac Obama not Hillary Clinton. Now they need a vibrant middle aged candidate. Surly there must be someone capable among the Democrats!

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I applaud your sentiments Anne! Thank you for being so succinct!

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I agree completely with the idea of Chippy and Chloe joining forces. All we have to do now is convince them what a good idea it is for the reasons you've stated. It would certainly give the current shambles a good kick in the butt, and the rest of us some real hope for a more stable, united and prosperous life together where everyone really does get a fair go.

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Jun 29Liked by Nick Rockel

Happy 16th to your Matty. Ah, lateral thinkers - a delight and annoying at the same time. When my younger son was 5 or 6 he would deliberately wear odd socks to school because it made people look at him. - as he also did for his wedding because he knew I'd tell the tale at the reception / roast.

Thank you for Jay's article. Watching excerpts from the debate was very sad. Jay is right - as are all the commentators I've heard or red. So sad that a great public service career could end in such a way. I hope Jill loves him enough to assist him to step down.

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Morena Nick. Like the sound of your 16 yo! My nephew, his partner and two growing boys have arrived today from Vienna where they live. Haven’t seen them for ages. My sister can’t wait, and her other son, partner and little boy are back here from Poland where they’ve been for three years. My big lad Aish comes home for a visit in August with his wife and our daughter by another mother from San Francisco. Somehow we managed to raise good kids and sounds like you are doing the same. I am so happy Luxon was booed at the Wahs game. You are right – they are not his people – and nor are we. But we don’t get to vote for him as leader. His caucus does and they will do so in their own interests, not ours.

On the US election, we are all terrified that Trump could win. We are stuffed if he does. So I will take Joe Biden, stutter and all any day because I know he is surrounded by good people in the congress and senate. And in his “cabinet”. That’s not to say it wasn’t a disappointing performance and maybe he shouldn’t have stood again. But changing horses in midstream is not a great strategy imho.

US politics is different to our system here and bewildering. You seen what the Trump appointed Supreme Court has been up to lately? Sure, here Andrew L stood down, but Jacinda could easily replace him by vote of the caucus. I think what is weak is when one debate makes everyone freak out and the party becomes consumed with in-fighting over a replacement – and gives more ammunition to the competition. Maybe someone younger and more sprightly will step up and steal the show, but I honestly don’t know who that is in the US. Gavin Newsom maybe, but he is from California. It’s those rust bucket and marginal states that have to be won in their electoral college system. There are some good discussions about this if you have the time on a Sunday to be searching for them.

Anyhoo have a great day with your marvellous son. And meanwhile there’s an election in four days in the UK. Hoping to see the Conservatives booted our on their sorry arses, and Nigel Farage with them. Sorry for the long reply.

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Democracy, meritocracy, neither! American politics is about money and the power of the lobbyist. These two buffoons represent everything that is wrong about the democratic process not just in America but pretty well in most western style 'democracies'. We are living down the rabbit hole when the choice of presidents are between dumb and dumber!

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Jun 29Liked by Nick Rockel

Happy birthday Matty. I read a theory years ago, that in a three child family, the first child makes the rules, the second takes the rules and the third child breaks the rules. From my observations over the years, there is some truth in it.

I have waited, with some despair, for L, G and TPM to get down and dirty with domeheads lot. Sure they have to fight media bias. One way to do it is to make outrageous statements, as did TPM and act before the election. The media will certainly ask for a please explains.

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Jun 29Liked by Nick Rockel

It’s a bit embarrassing, surely, that these two are the best USA can offer… mind you, I’m embarrassed that my country has a ‘leader’ voted in by one too many right wing dorks too.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Nick Rockel

Happy 16th to Matty! Sounds like you have some very astute and free thinking kids Nick. Just wait until they grow up and prove it to their old man, just like I'm sure we did in our day, when we still knew everything. I wish you luck😊.

There was a boo in our house when Luxon's dial shower up on the screen. I wondered if I would have to disinfect the TV. I imagine I was one of a cast of thousands who felt the same way. Only thing is, he will now no doubt double down on his assertion that the "bottom

feeders" deserve nothing from the already biased business, (oops, I meant government) he apparently leads.

On the subject of bias, the US voters have an almost impossible decision to make before the November election. We all know that Joe Biden is no longer the man for the toughest job in the world. We also know that Trump is the worst possible choice for a job anywhere. The dilemma Democrats face is this. The obvious successor for the task is the Vice president. Only problem there is, this VP happens to be a black woman, which automatically gives two strikes against her in the political realm. Do the Democrats keep Joe at the helm and risk losing to Trump, or do they risk pushing Kamala Harris into the spotlight, praying that the US electorate is mature enough to accept a quantum change in their political lives and history, in the land of the free where anyone can grow up to be the President of the USA, or so we are told. Only time and hope will tell.

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Jun 29Liked by Nick Rockel

Governments all round the world going far right wing even the Netherlands who have been so liberal all these years for goodness sake it feels threatening & if Trump gets in what a disaster. A lot of the talk coming from USA is similar to our lot of screw ups looking after the middle class ignoring the poor.

16 is a pretty special age may your boy have a fantastical day 🥳🥳🥳

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Much appreciate you providing Jay’s letter…. Heart wrenching. Must look into reading his book. You continue to expand my insight.

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Jun 30Liked by Nick Rockel

Happy Birthday Matt! Love to Nick and Fi!

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Jun 29Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you Nick. Your youngest sounds like a chip of the old block, I mean he could be both a millionaire and in jail, plenty do it, just joking, Ia manuia lou Aso Fanau, happy birthday Matty. One of the grandsons turned ten, he's the firecracker of his generation, on Friday so we are doing cake today. Our youngest daughter is 6 years younger then her older sister, they are all adults with children of their own and doing well. The older siblings reckon I spoilt her as a kid. Of course I deny it but I have to say she was and still is the messiest of all 3 Lol. It is disheartening that from a population of some 300m plus you end up with Trump and Biden as you point out a bridge or maybe 2 too far. Unfortunately within the US it probably doesn't matter who gets in, and I hate saying that because I sound like those that say it in preference to voting . The US health care system for example is just broken, not those working tirelessly in it, and we saw that with their response to Covid, and there are many other instances of a system that is heavily in favour of those that have plenty as opposed to those that don't just for starters. We know that Bernie probably won't get a mention even within the Dems circle because of his progressive politics. Come the aftermath Capitalism will still run amok in the US even if Biden does win? As for the political debates you are right they are a dead duck. I think the last one I watched was Lange and Muldoon back in 84? That makes me close to Biden's age, well I'm a spring chicken in comparison 11years his junior and younger than Trump to boot Lol .

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Jun 30Liked by Nick Rockel

While we laugh, or just wonder about American Politics, the media machine is effecting our thinking and our local politics. A wonder is that with the political experience in the US, all they seem to have is a 2 horse race, surely they could select more suitable contenders?

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Most recent John Stewart Weekly

Report podcast has some good insights into why the American system has become the way it is (on YouTube)

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There is also a book about it, I ordered, "White Rural Rage". I'm curious as similar seems to be happening here, and in other countries (eg. France). I will check u tube..,

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I PRAY 🙏 this isn’t the so called “superpowers “ the muppets in this country take leadership from. God help us😳. Politics is the demise of all countries as it has nothing to with governing, caring or leading people. Government and politics should never be mentioned in the same breath

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