Oct 31, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

my Wife's step grandfather is a palestinian , he was throwing rocks and petrol bombs at the british when they created israel (he is over 90 now) the hatred he feels towards the israelis is visceral, there is no easy answer to this catastrophe.

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So poignant Nick. Matipo Primary School (oh my heart). Meantime that fool Chris Bishop has compared the attack by Hamas to the Holocaust. There is some dialogue going on between some Muslim and Jewish groups : small as they are and particularly with women. Netanyahu is a monster, and it's only weeks since Israelis were protesting in the streets about his plans to curb the judiciary.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

My Israeli home help person loathes Netanyahu, and she is adamant he will be on his way out now. I guess not as long as he has control of the military ,which is a well supplied,and trained military. E- my home help person is not a Zionist-she is left wing politically but the Hamas attackand brutality certainky galvanised her- especially since her 18 yr old son was in Tsrael at the time. An interviewie on AlJazeera- a New Zealander living in Israel felt that generally the population were supporting the Israeli army response to bomb Gaza because of the brutality of Hamas' actions in Israel. Some Israelis do not support these actions.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

One of the big issues here is the conflict a lot of us have with the terms Jewish and Zionism. Having empathy for the Jewish people because of their history, does not necessarily mean you have to accept Zionism as a meams of protecting Israeli nationality.

The only long term solution is the two states. Given current world affairs, most unlikely in the near, or even distant future.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

yes. lets do everything we can to make our voices heard.

my heroes this week are south american countries that have cut ties with Israel. The Brazilian president, Lula, said “For the first time, we are witnessing a war in which the majority of the dead are children … Stop! For the love of God, stop!” I wish either of our governments could be this real. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/31/bolivia-israel-hamas-gaza-war-crime?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Humanity has been lost in this terrible conflict. The Hamas terrorists carried out awful, cruel, heartless acts against innocent people, and continue to hold terrified hostages as human shields. The Israelis responded as always with disproportionate attacks, punishing a whole population for the actions of the few. There can never be justification for depriving innocent civilians of all the necessities of life and all their human rights in the name of defending your country. No, never.

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Not to mention the indiscriminate killing of innocent children and babies.

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Oh yes, of course! They are heavily represented among the innocent civilians. A dreadful toll. The survivors will also face lack of housing, food and water, and experience extreme anguish and fear.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

National have already softened Hipkins & the labour Governments position on the Palestinian Conflict with Israel. I fully expect our position to change completely into one of unequivocal support for Israels defending itself in a Judeo Christian sort of mind set.

Palestinians are not considered Human, in Zionist Israel, so there are no such thing as War Crimes that they could commit in their own National Self Defense.

Now there's a real big problem with that position, if you thumb through the History Books to Sections that recorded what happened in Europe to have caused the 1st of our now 2 World Wars. Seems there was a Zionist in the Woodpile that didn't like Ferdinand & decided he needed a bit of Lead poisoning to clear his mind on the Wars being fought in Croatia & Eastern Europe, at the time that were starting to spread into Old, Religiously Split Europe.

One big Bang led to another & it became clear that the Jewish population was gonna need a new place to hang out while Europe cleared its Bowels of the Rabal-Rousers making life hell for the old Empires.

England DID NOT make the decisions on Palestine without a lot of consultation with it's Empirical Neighbours plus 1 - who didn't live in that neighbourhood.! The one thing they all had in common was Oil, Oil & more oil. Tanks don't run on Air, ya know?

How can we get rid of these silly Neo Zionist Buggers & do ourselves a big Favour in the Deal??? Why not plonk em in the middle of the worlds biggest Oil Patch & give em free reign to all the Spoils they can plunder without any Taxes, or Restraints??? Hmmmm???

It's been a Sad Story since for everybody & may just take the world into the Last World War anybody will be able to fight.

IF we remain Statuesque & refuse to intercede right NOW to separate these Parties into work groups with ONE Objective - Peace, the Middle East will be a Radiation Zone long after our species is gone from the planet.

You can almost see them scratching their heads now at the current conundrum that has once again reared its ugly head in The Home of universal Wisdom & Birthplace of our Species.

I hope they're asking themselves about Life after Capitalism & when Zionist ideology is History & not leave that up to any Survivors, or there will be one hell of a Cockroach explosion following Dimonas Mushroom Cloud around the planet like a bad smell, as we're replaced by the real survivors here on earth...

Too bad Hindu gods don't have Super Powers to control who becomes what in the Reincarnation Process!

Might be handy someday when situation like this arise again! First thing I'd do, if I could, would be to turn Money into Water, so everybody had enough to drink, Cook & take Bath's in. Might solve about 98% of the worlds problems at the moment... But then again, it might create a bunch of Upiddy Land Sharks to have to deal with... I don't know, I. give up...

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Great comment, however I would of thought it was Labour/ Hipkins who have softened National on the Palestinian Conflict, rather than National softening Labour. Labour understand that kind of marginalisation; National do not.

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I can see in the wording I used it does appear I misspoke on who softened who. To be Clear, Hipkins & Labours position has been hardened by National & Luxon to include the Coalition from Hell's (Biden & Netanyahu's) insistence that Israel has the right of Self Defense, regardless of them being the REAL ANIMALS munching on the Defenceless, Caged & Starved Human Population in the Gaza Strip. Nothing Personal, mind you, just Business! You understand, right???

Basically, It's like "Shootin Fish in a Barrel full of Nitroglycerin" cuz they are compelled to do whatever necessary to accomplish the Joint Plan of Smiting their Money Gods "Enemies" & anybody else that dares Challenge the Empire & it's Meritocratic Market Money Changers tipping the Holy land over presently.

Don't tell anybody, but I think they forgot to check their History Books on What Happens when you run around big Neighbourhoods like the Middle East destroying Cultures, Theologies, Stealing everything you can get your hands on in their supposed search for the Holy Grail of Christ to melt down and flog off for Scrap Gold & otherwise raping, pillage's and burning a massive hole in Humanity as they go.

What we're seeing is a Feeding Frenzy of Hyenas on a Sephardic, Indigenous Population of Colour, other than Pale Skinned People that insist they're the Chosen ones to rule the world according to the Golden Calfs old Plan. Screw that Moses guy & his box o Rox!!! We got the gold, so go pound sand you flippin idiot!

Just like the Borg Collective, "Resistance is Futile" You will be assimilated on Sight!!!". The REALLY BIG BONUS for the Collective in this Open Air Massacre, Broadcast all over the World - is that it ??? Is brutally murdering every Empathic Person on Earth the plan???

Empathic People are extremely Dangerous to the Collective! Empaths hold up a Mirror of Conscience to those that have None & insist that Resistance will never Die & Love will find a way. The proverbial Waving a Red Flag in front of a Bull thing...

Humanity is in a defining moment in our short History here. Everything is coming to a head as it has on so many occasions in history when Sticks, Stones, Spears changed to Broadswords, Maces & Chain Mail Armour, Changed to Repeating Rifles, Cannons, Cutlasses & Powder Kegs, Changed to Guided Missiles, Chemical Cocktails & Nuclear Weapons of Mass Extinction. What comes next from these Critters??

We're at the end of the Trail & this current Trail might just be our last chance at Redemption for our species. And for what??? To what end does all this War & Killing of Brother, Sister, Mother Father - Eyes for Eyes, Teeth for a Tooth accomplish???

Who is Right? Who is Wrong?? Do you even care??? Good questions to be asking Pre-Armageddon cuz with the current Batch of Golden Calf Worshippers driving the planet toward Judgement Day at Warp 10+ it won't take long till AI is Robotised & Weaponised & Struts right up to your door and performs a Meritocratic Check on your IRD # & decide your worth in 10G Technology.

Elections won't be necessary in the Future. You'll be assigned a War Lord & you'll be armed with the Wealth you deserve in the Meritocratic Algorithmic Assimilation Process that won't take 3 weeks to count before becoming your personal reality.

Good thing we have an Ex-CEO, Christian Meritocratic Warrior to take us into the Battles ahead with his 3D Glasses on backward for Ultra Vision!!! Onward Christian soldiers, eh?

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Thank you for your comment.

How Israel has been treating Palestine is unacceptable, and can only result in an attack! As happened! Surprise, not!!

It is difficult to understand how world leaders can tolerate Israel, although Mandela did speak out against them.

Labour caught between a rock and a hard place.

I will resent Luxon even more if he speaks out for Israel! Out of touch again!

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I'm for PEACE.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

This clip is well worth a watch - it's about this issue and also the $$ spent on conflicts and the profits they generate to the suppliers.


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Thanks for sharing that, well worth a watch, I'll share it on my FB page too. Double Down News do some great work.

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Well stated Nick. Almost without exception every one of these terrible occurrences around the world are the outcome of USA foreign policy and/or support for those perpetuating the death of millions.

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And all for the OIL

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick a great background into the history and relationship between Israel and Palestine. My heart goes out to the innocent people killed or maimed on both sides. In any war ordinary peaceful people are targeted by extremist regimes. The same can be said about Ukraine which seems to be dropped from our news feed. Again senseless killing of innocent souls and for what?

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I shed a few tears reading this, one of my daughters is still at Matipo so it really brings it home how much sadness and loss and waste is happening. Trying to explain it to my daughters is another battle, it’s unexplainable. Reading this has helped me be able to try, Ngā mihi.

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Such a lovely school. Writing this reminded me of all the times waiting at the school gates with other parents for the kids to come out. As you say, it is unexplainable.

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Funny thing, I found myself thinking about waiting at the Gate, picking Abigael up from School & hangin with the Crowd of Parents doing the same. Such a wonderful way to stay in the Pocket with your community & chat about what little projects could be organised by the Board & PPTA!

The Biggie that the "Parent Poole" accomplished saved the school a bundle O Bucks by instead of continually repairing our old In-Ground Pool, we filled the old one with Compost & turned it into a Garden project. Once the Adults finished the Grunt Work, the Kids got stuck into learning how to Propagate & properly Plant the different Veggies put in.

When School finished for the year, the Kid's all kept up the Maintenance over the Summer Holidays & we planned a big Harvest Party, Veggie Sale & Feast for the whole community in Mid March as the Garden was finishing up! Worked out Great & brought the whole community together during some otherwise trying times for the School that had we not been United in our support for the Kids, we may not have had the ability to get rid of the Bully Principle we had.

It took Sacking of the Board of Trustees by Trevor Mallard - Education minister at the time, who knew the Principle & her friends that the Board were attempting Professional Mediation in halting the Bullying Actions that caused our wee Country School to lose close to 50% of our Kids, from Parents pulling their kids out of the School & sending them to Dunedin.

The Ministry stepped in before we could complete the Mediation & brought in a Commissioner to assess the situation, Interview All the Parents & Kids & finally determine that the Principle needed to go & the Board was well within our powers in attempting to Mediate the Problems.

The Principle attempted to override the Commissioners findings in his final report & we ended up with an Employment Court Ruling that we had to pay a $20K Golden handshake to the Principal to walk away with a Neutral Reference on her CV.

We found out later that the Principal had a Sister that had pulled the same thing in southland a couple years previously.

Once the Wicked Witch was Dead the remaining Teachers were Overjoyed! We went on a bit of a rampage with new exciting Environmental Projects we started up to help the kids recover from the reign of terror they had been subjected to by the Principal, Former Chairperson & Ministry Wonks in Dunedin & Wellington. Happy returned to our wee School & Community & it was worth all the struggle we went through to get there!

The Golden Handshake Cleaned out our Maintenance Bank Account, so a few of us picked up Hammers, Nails Timber & Saws and finished the to do list out of our own pockets, well some of our own pockets, but thats ok - Mission accomplished!!!

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Hmmmm do you think the western world and their colonisation have a lot to answer for 😳. Westerners aren’t right 90% of the time. So butt out and cleanup your own backyard 🤬

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The use of language is employed by every side in every dispute. Critical analysis of it is essential to unravel the mess that was created by the British in an attempt to resolve an unresolvable complexity that will end, like every social grouping on the planet with the extinction of the human race, because we're too stupid to save ourselves from Climate Collapse.

This 'war' is just one of many that will erupt in the leadup to the slow destruction of it all.

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VERY Sad, but True unfortunately MEK. The Language of Propaganda is well established in those NeoCon, Zio-Con, Politi-Con Circles who own the Media's, so the Protests are reduced to Single Voices that can't be heard over the Din of War.

Boils down to Control, Power & free Money Gifts to buy, or be given all the Weapons of Mass Destruction by the MIC / Pentagon / Hexagon that Israel would ever need to wipe their neighbours off the Map & leave all that lovely Oil under them for the Taking, & taking is exactly what's been going on in Syria & Iraq since the 2003 invasion of Iraq by uncle Sam & it's Partners in old dead Empires.

Everybody seems to be in denial, or acting like Stunned Mullets with Israel's insane retributions against the Palestinian People, a result of their being surprise attacked by Hamas, who finally completely lost the plot after over 70 years of Boot Heel repressions. Teeth for a Tooth is not a solution.

The attack on 7/10 was sadly, Long Overdue! Killing people isn't a Road Map to Peace in anybody, but Maybe Israel's Books & will lead to decades of more war & killing conventionally, as the Arab neighbours don't own any Nukes to throw back at the Oppressors. If it goes Nuke, we should all just bend over in the Crash Position and fondly kiss our Keisters G'bye... 3,2,1 - Hey Fat Lady, Yer on!

If this situation remains unarrested much longer, I think we can make a very safe bet that our days on earth are numbered & we should all start getting our final affairs in order...

With our swing to the Hard Right a fortnight ago, we may partially be fulfilling Ancient Predictions without realising it & find ourselves in need of all kinds of Emergency Stuff like Radiation Suits & a BF Ark to float around on in the coming Sea Rise if the Radiation doesn't get us 1st.

I'm appalled at the Silence on these Wars all breaking out & the lack of unity in pursuing Peaceful Settlements. The UN has been neutered by Uncle Sam, Israels big buddy.

The US & Israel, if left to their own Warmongering Policies, will insure that nothing will be left living on the planet once they're finished Genociding the Palestinian People. It won't stop there & if it does go regional we're all screwed!

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