Hmmm. So many. A political fightback (she said hopefully) as I watch my Labour friends and fellow union members picking themselves up day after day after the unrelenting attack on them, their workplaces, our country - and still determined to keep on fighting. Yes the haka in parliament was marvellous, and of course the hikoi, but I also …
Hmmm. So many. A political fightback (she said hopefully) as I watch my Labour friends and fellow union members picking themselves up day after day after the unrelenting attack on them, their workplaces, our country - and still determined to keep on fighting. Yes the haka in parliament was marvellous, and of course the hikoi, but I also saw our Labour backbench MPs doing amazing work in parliament in the dark hours of urgency. Try watching their work sometime as they battled against the Fast Track Bill and the many other horrors this government has pushed through. Also a reminder, there are many Bills where submissions close in early January. Te Tiriti Principles Bill of course, but also mad stuff like Seymours Regulatory Standards Bill and other bills that sometimes sound innocuous but is actually very harmful. Please keep an eye on all of these and submit if you can. Even if you just send a submission saying I do not support this bill.
Hmmm. So many. A political fightback (she said hopefully) as I watch my Labour friends and fellow union members picking themselves up day after day after the unrelenting attack on them, their workplaces, our country - and still determined to keep on fighting. Yes the haka in parliament was marvellous, and of course the hikoi, but I also saw our Labour backbench MPs doing amazing work in parliament in the dark hours of urgency. Try watching their work sometime as they battled against the Fast Track Bill and the many other horrors this government has pushed through. Also a reminder, there are many Bills where submissions close in early January. Te Tiriti Principles Bill of course, but also mad stuff like Seymours Regulatory Standards Bill and other bills that sometimes sound innocuous but is actually very harmful. Please keep an eye on all of these and submit if you can. Even if you just send a submission saying I do not support this bill.