
Cracking comedy from Matt Green on the latest attack from the Tories:


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Jul 3Liked by Nick Rockel


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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

As a former Englisher, now a 30+ year kiwi, I still follow British politics fairly closely in a schadenfreude kind of way. Watching our current government using that Tory playbook is deeply depressing. They’re fast tracking what the Tories had to develop. - the ever increasing demonisation of the sick, the disabled, the poor, the ‘others’. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The Tories have literally broken Britain and it’s gonna take a lot less than 14 years for NACT to do the same here.

Whilst getting the Tories out on the UK will be fantastic, fixing the wreckage they are leaving behind may well be beyond Labour or anyone else. It’s not just the financial damage they’ve inflicted but the emotional toll those policies have taken on the population, many of whom are so damaged and angry they will never recover. Look around AONZ and it’s happening here. Now.

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Thankyou Cass, for saying what was on my mind to put in as my comment...I think we really need to find a way to get this government chucked out ASAP....and bloody Winston peters is our only hope

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Keir Starmer's Labour are tory lite. Owned by the Isreal lobby. He is a liar, and a racist.

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Yup, agreed but he’s not Tory Heavy. It’s a terrible choice but getting the Tories out is potentially a small step in a direction away from the Tories worst policies. Tories in is more of the same with a potential to get worse as they salt the land…

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

Our government has done an exact Liz Truss - borrowing the FULL AMOUNT of their tax cuts. Why did they not receive a drubbing?

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What I cannot figure out is why Willis took that route. Truss was publicly vilified and deposed for it, not a very good role model I'd have thought. ...but then I do think ...and there's little evidence of that coming from the coalition.

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She'd tied her career to delivering those tax cuts and lost the ability to stand up and say it wasn't the right time. She has politically constrained herself in a way that makes acting responsibly fiscally not possible.

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

She was too stupid, and strongly believed she was smarter than the average bear. She is also a liar - she knew she did not have the numbers all along. She also thought the bottomfeeders were all dumber than her...

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Perhaps she will be summarily dismissed once she has done her job, like Ruth Richardson....?

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I hope all of them are sacked, and sooner than 2026!

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Well, she didn't read the tea leaves before she took that stance in the first place, did she!!!

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their donors get the money, and they get cushy jobs afterwards. It a giant scam. Grifters

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

It's certainly been tough times for those in the UK - with a Govt continuing to stick with things that don't work for many - particularly those less well off. Sadly in Aotearoa, we have another 2 years to endure with these noddies who have no f'ing clue in my opinion. Love the Billy Bragg video - and your writing. Thank Nick , Bear

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That’s assuming the House of Cards doesn’t collapse in the meantime. Yesterday was a real chink in the armour with National continuing Labour policy to make BigTech pay and David Seymour breaking the coalition to state Act will vote against the legislation.

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Aye - but I'm sure it's been tough on Seymour NOT being in the media every day as he was when in opposition. Quite frankly there is nothing positive he can be reported on these days and to turncoat on your own coalition shows more ego than anything else in my opinion.

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Either that or he just can’t stand to see anything Labour proposed going through

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My reply to all of the above is this: I think Seymour, like others behind the beginning of Neoliberalism, which in NZ is called Rogernomics, in America Reaganism, and England, Thatcherism is a true nutjob, a fanatical idealogue, who would be a simpering smirking laughing stock if the 1% er Fatcats did not find him useful. By the way, Nick, thanks for the Billy Bragg song...I shall treasure it, keep playing it...and thanks for the great reveal of the UK today. Where is the f'ing media equivalent in Aotearoa these days?

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

Go Billy, go!

The best thing about FPTP is Farage not dominating the ‘coalition talks’. Obviously a Labour win must be an improvement but like our version they are averse to real change. If National use the last 14 years as a template of how to destroy a society then Labour must use the next couple of years to see what does and doesn’t work on the way back…

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Yeah I guess the upside is there is no long period of Winston holding the country to ransom as he negotiates baubles.

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Great korero Nick. The outcome might see the disgusting Farage finally elected. And turning across to the other side of the Atlantic can you imagine the shit show for us all if Trump is re-elected!!!!!! The facard of Democracy is finally crumbling. Let's all pray Americans collectively find their common sense and realise that the Supreme Court have overstepped their mark

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

I agree with you Cass even if this useless lot do only get one term the damage needing to be repaired in social and economic terms will be immense for an incoming Labour Greens TE Pati Māori coalition. Just hoping their wait to let this lot self destruct doesn’t come at the expense of some bold policy shortly.

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

Hi Caroline good to see you out and about in Putney helping out Labour. Let’s do the same when this House of Cards collapses here in Aotearoa

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

People keep asking me why I'm so tanned - been out delivering bloody leaflets! Last week was hot!

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

Yep! Couldn't not! And looking forward to the Labour Party party on Thursday night and the first "Portillo" moment when the first senior Tory scalp goes.

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

Caroline is my local branch secretary, nice to see her on here!

As usual I agree with your assessment Nick and I’m eagerly awaiting the election- one of the many reasons to appreciate retirement is that I’m free to indulge in hours of watching elections, trials and debates and of course rally and protest at parliament.

Love Billy Bragg ❤️

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

Kia ora Miramartian! Thanks for the shout.out!

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

Amazing to think that Luxon et al seem to have watched that Jonathan Pie clip and thought "wow, great ideas, let's do that!" We seem to follow UK & Europe by 10-20 years in a lot of things, so are we now underway on a 14yr destruction of our society & infrastructure?

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Yes, if we don't manage to do something about the mad ant-vaxxer contingent.....

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

Good on you Caroline West.

This is a great analysis Nick. Thank you so much. It's very interesting and reminded me that, once upon a time, I got to vote for Harold Wilson. I'm a bit proud of that. Any day with a listen to Billy is a good day,

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

They sound like our current government

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

It looks really good for labour in the UK. I hope that they are ready to govern.

I suspect, in 2017 Kiwi labour weren't and got the surprise of their life when they won. Got that possum in the headlights look for a while.

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Yes John, and then went too woke too fast for a lot of older Kiwis, perhaps?

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Jul 2Liked by Nick Rockel

I agree with Keith & you Nick!

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Got an email from Caroline saying, "Been to the movie, had dinner and a couple of wines, will read it now on the tube!" Which made me smile. 🙂

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It will be interesting to see what happens in Scotland although it usually ends up with a government which doesn’t hold its interests at heart. It does look as if it will be a shift towards Labour which isn’t all bad.

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