I feel very much like I did when I first learnt that COVID had reached our country. - the feeling that something unimaginably bad is here and even if it doesn't effect me directly (and there is no guarantee that it won't) it will almost certainly effect someone I know. And I can scream myself hoarse but it won't listen.

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Yes. That's it. That's how I feel. The numbness of spiralling despair at the loss of good things and people who care.

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What I got from that speech is we are all a bunch of losers and Big Daddy is here, along with his grinning Finance Minister to to treat us all like kids with tough love until we succumb. Oh and it's all Labour's fault.

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What he said.

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Empty words from an empty head. Can anyone put empty dempty together again? I did enjoy seeing his naked anger when he was jeered out of the big gay out - doesn’t like not being venerated (or is that venaerated?)

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"It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." When, oh when, are we ever going to get anything of substance from this airhead puppet? Tough love for the poor, tax cuts for the rich.

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He has nothing of substance to offer

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You beat me to it re the Bard Maggie, that soliloquy often comes to mind when I watch Luxon! - along with language my Mum would slap me for if she heard me, she's long gone now bless her but I have to remember my talented (at talking) young budgie is listening when I watch the nightly news!

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I really tried - in the interest of clarity - to listen to mr luxons speech. I got about 5 minutes in and had to stop. Apart from my rising nausea, I kept thinking that I had - once again - been transported back to pre election times last year, when this person was telling us about how Labour had wrecked the country. When is he going to stop electioneering and talk about something else?

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Probably NEVER because he doesn't have anything to talk about Publicly. If he disclosed what this Sick Coalitions Plans actually were, Working Age persons in their right minds would be booking a Flight out of this current Employment Hell Hole.

The man is delusional if he thinks our Young People will work under the current offered conditions for ANY NZ Employer in this Rentier's Class South Pacific Paradise.

His Tough love speech was no different to Key's GFC Speech in 2009. It seems the Thumb thinks he's gonna out-do the Master of Austerity himself. Sorry Buddy, when you insult our kids, you insult ALL of us!

This isn't & will never be a Slave Colony for the Wealthy who survive on somebody else's Earned income while collecting dividends & cutting Wages on Hourly Workers to increase their bottom line returns!

If anybody goes to a Boot Camp for Training, it should be Luxon, Willis, Peters & Goofy Dave! If that doesn't do the trick, maybe a month or two in Paramarama would wake these silly buggers up??? Let em see how their System works 1st Hand from the inside...

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National not only treats the general populace as stupid "This austerity is for your own good" (everyone in the National club stand up for some smug self-congratulatory applause) but also that we have the memory of a goldfish and don't remember that they're also providing an enormous financial hand-out to Landlords - that most definitely will never trickle down to renters.

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Tough Love is such an antiquated behaviour management strategy. It has long been discredited by social and psychology experts.


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I hear from insiders that the PM's office is run by those from John Key's era and that Luxon is merely a puppet who gets handed speech notes and told where to go (eg field days not Parliamentary question time). Their aim is to enrich the already wealthy here and offshore and entrench power. Demonizing beneficiaries is a pretty easy way to start policies of austerity for poorer people.

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I'm so angry I could cry, and probably will. Day after day there are stories about "not enough" to do really important things. The latest one is St John's Abulance reducing services as funding and support is reduced. And all these come up on the background of this government redirecting money for tax cuts. They have the money, but they choose to direct it towards unimportant things, selfish things, short-term destructive things. Maybe there is hope that 3 years is too short for any real impact to be felt, that we will still be far enough away from the brink to be able to haul ourselves back on to safer ground. If they get re-elected, the future is unimaginable

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I have the same fear and trepidation, Lynette....if they last two sessions it will be enough to finish off what Key spent so long doing when he was in power.....trying to turn Aotearoa into another little yes-sir-three-bags-full-sir yes-man ball-licking puppy dog owned by America.

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The usual gobble de gook from this mendacious fraud of an excuse for a PM. The contrast between his adoring National Party cheer leaders and his reception at the Big Day Out amply demonstrated how little those who think things through support his Govt’s direction. He was certainly angry they didn’t worship him.

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Oh my. I am now so grateful that I didnt listen to the speech. it sounds like the ghost of Ruth Richardson is dominating the budget writing process. I imagine that the budget speech will attempt to transcend "the mother of all budgets" and be delivered by the whip wielding Aunty, cheered on by all the drunk uncles. Then I hope that National will be so pleased with themselves they will feel ready to throw their coalition partners under the bus and go to an election to get voter approval to carry on their track. And when they lose, all I will say is Tough!

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What a load of buzzword cobblers. I don't like to get personal, but honestly, that strange man with not much experience of living in Aotearoa, is just a piece of sh... well, you know.

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It’s just a collection of blah blah blah …..

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The photo of Luxon's duo of fatuous female ministers chilled me to the bone: all I could see in their eyes was a glint of malicious gleeful madness and delight at being given the power to hurt....to me their leering grins made Ruthless Ruth Richardson somehow look soulful and innocent.

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I am hurting already. Why oh why did I listen to his gobble Di goop. Just scrap all the good from the previous lot with no mention of HOW they intend getting Aotearoa “back on track”. Lord how I loath that line. We all know it’s just BS.

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Shit oh dear.

What else can one say to his carefully-prepared word salad-y mishmash? Lapped up by his starry-eyed followers, including his lady wife (I saw the stars in her eyes myself!)

He must have spent minutes on that speech....

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Someone did!

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Yeah not him!

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I did actually think it was a possibility.

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