Labour and Green MPs were great. And furious. Of course the Nats know Dunedin is a Labour town and they will never have an elected MP there; they had old toilet seat Michael Woodhouse on the List and he was with Luxon when he made the promise about the hospital, which of course they have now broken. I reckon they have decided to take on the bad news first where they think it doesn't affect their CoC vote; but I reckon we could add Nelson to that. Rachel Boyack, Labour MP (just) was magnificent, but the whole of the Otago region is reeling. The misinformation about the choice of the old Cadbury's site was gob smacking. Clearly, these guys don't know much about the terrain of Dunedin - you know like hills? And nor do they understand the involvement of clinicians in the development of the plan ; The Otago Daily Times is a symphony of headlines today. Levy's agenda is becoming clear too.

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FRICK Nick !! That was unintentional. Every day you put it out there don’t you?

(I love David Gray’s music and lyrics)

Bottom line is (even more) people will die on waiting lists, while waiting for diagnostics and treatments now.

They (@&$!) are a bunch of compassionless vacuous incompetents.

A robust investment in Dunedin hosp could turn the sinking health ship around. Seriously. A facility of the $3b ilk would, not could, attract high calibre health providers back to Aotearoa and so ensure Dunedin’s reputation as a medical ‘centre’ of excellence. The flow on effect for the health service across the motu would be lifesaving and changing for so many.

I had to stop reading your piece there. Too much! Good though.

Luxon’s war tactic of undermining the security of all of us by attacking on so many fronts saps our energy and makes it harder for us to resist and protest. Imagine if we protested en masse, one stupid project at a time 🙁 thanks Nick

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5 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Keep with this constructive evidence based journalism. This is a huge loss to the south.

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Promises, promises, promises… These people have been emboldened by the success of their gaslighting that they are now ready to go public with insincerity. A good chance for the media to actually do something, but I’m not holding my breath!

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If Luxton has shown that he cannot be trusted with a hospital rebuild promise, how can we trust him when he says he won't support Seymore's Treaty Bill past first reading.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Brilliant but sad article on the governments mirror of truly abusive relationship Love bombing with promises then gas lighting that you knew didn't you? You're mad ....

As for all the comments above brilliant

I hope the landlords in Dunedin got enough tax relief they can pay their own healthcare If they have a conscience I’m sure they’d want abetter choice - surely?

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Trouble is Jo, in spite of being rich enough to pay for their own health care, the poor dears need a bloody hospital to receive it in.

Private hospitals are only capable of picking the low hanging fruit and when the custard starts spraying they quickly shuffle the patient into the public system.

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Yes Nick you have summed it up the anger we are all feeling. Don’t forget it is Otago and Southland who will suffer. Many of these areas are staunch Nats and this will go down badly! Luxon and his crew have their political future in their hands and it’s not looking good! My sister lives in Taieri and Ingrid Leary is well respected. Ingrid summed up with the perfect response “callous politics”. Shame on them and their undermining of our health system.

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Apparently there must be an internal National Party Competition for "How many people can I be responsible for killing, long term?" Simeon Browne's entry was leading with "Let's put speed limits back up and remove those humps outside schools".

Shane Reti: "Hold my beer".

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There is a lot of anger in the south. This will be another case of $500M just being kicked into the bin with no “outcome”. The so-called “report” did not mention $3b - that was just Bishop’s inflated lie.

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We should be angry. This is a very obvious example of duplicity. Yes, they hope we will freeze in fear of "What is next?" Action is needed. COC seem to like polls, even doctored ones. So let us start a Petition. The choice of one group of voters over another is stark, and damaging. "Govern for all, or stand down."

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Great summary Nick. I always believed this Govt was prone to being mendacious now I realise after so many of their actions they are just straight up liars. Tertiary education looks to be the next cab off the rank after Health to be thrown into chaos.

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More evidence of the coalition's egregious agenda, like a dung beetle's rolling ball of shit. Anyone still in doubt of their agenda has to be insane or so shored up by wealth that none of this will stick to them. All we can do now is hunker down and hope for a one-term regime. At this point, anything else is unthinkable.

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Cancelling ferries, hospitals and whatever else, is pure madness and you would think, political suicide! What about the wastage of money already spent on the planning stages? Is it going to get cheaper as the need urgently increases???? Sheer bloody madness 🤬

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The problem with this government is they were a band of hopeless baboons in opposition, but because they lied and a completely gullible 51% believed them, they have become the lunatics let loose to govern.

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Why all the surprise? It is a very simple equation, government spending equals government income, the same in business. Cutting costs by 7% IS specifically cutting expenses by 7%, with the added impact of tax reductions. Government income is mainly Tax, without Tax, government cannot function. we should take legal action for a vote of "no confidence". They simply do not know what they are doing!!

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It's hard to know where to begin. Since the day this lot of incompetents took the governmental reins there's been nothing but lies, more lies, corruption (which is undeniable, once all ministerial connections to various lobbies are revealed), a concerted attempt to rip the heart out of any indigenous culture which stands in the way of "progress", by withholding any support to further the cause of racial harmony, understanding and engagement, complete disrespect and disregard for those who can't help themselves, be they poor, disabled, terminally ill or otherwise negatively affected. The news that Dunedin won't

be getting a new hospital is no real surprise, it's just another project our country was promised by an unrealistic pipedream-driven, cohort of egotists who have not a clue what they're doing but apparently once read the manual, "how to run a country, 101, for dummies",so know it all. In Dunedin's case I get the feeling that because Willis completely fucked up any hope there would be ferries to the South Island anytime soon and Simeon can't build a road across Cook Strait, and anyway, no one important lives there, so if we all ignore it long enough, the fuss will go away. Problem solved. God only knows what the next two years are going to be like. At least we'll have cigarettes to calm our nerves, and/or assault rifles in case the smokes don't work. Isn't it great!!?

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