I work in an organisation who finds caregivers, and to add to the huge issues in this sector, the availability of good or qualified carers to support those in need, to give some respite care, to assist in overnight cares etc, is another massive problem post covid, and the current govt gives not one shit about it while pretending they suddenly do. To my mind, this is a demonstration of evil. I feel for the entire community and share Catherine's sense of outrage and helplessness..... I am also excited to know at last of a crime writing Kiwi author who is woke! I'm going to get every book your have written and I cannot wait to immerse myself! Thank you. ❤️

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Jun 16Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you so much. And I applaud you for your work. And I'm pretty confident when I say you probably don't do it for the money.

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Hi Catherine

Not much I can add to the comments above. They all speak volumes about your character. One thing I am very happy to add is that you have impeccable taste in music. They don't come any better. Many thanks.

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Aww, thank you. It's an oldie, but a goodie. And would make an awesome anthem for our troubled times.

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I suggest that if you haven't seen it yet, you look up Comfortably Numb on David Gilmour, live at Pompeii. Sends chills up my spine. Happy listening 😊

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I agree Catherine, there are many of "us" out there, there are also many of "them", the Entitled as Luxon explains it. They are OK, they had a good childhood, they were brought up with privileges, it's simply not their problem! But it IS! It is a problem for all or us, one way or another, we have all the problems and we will have to pay for the results, good or bad. For posts such as these there are many "likes", trouble is, Like is not Action, all the Likes need to do is to form a group, an identified group or entity, not a political party (definitely not another), not violent either, We have a vote, we can make a Civil case against MP's who profit from caucus decisions that they individually benefit from, Conflict of Interest, all such is a Civil matter, not legal, but not within the jurisdiction of Company Law, or Parliament Laws, but a group could fund a Civil Action. I WE do not stand up and DO something, we get what we deserve.

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Jun 17Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you so much for your comments. Can I just say that this is my point. I don't just write for those of us who already know, or those with empathy for those at the bottom. I write for those who don't have access to the shoes others walk in; for those who think everyone is the same because their world doesn't include the ones in my books. My books are designed to give another perspective while entertaining. Your help in sharing this post helps more than you know, and I thank you.

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I think you make a very important point here. We recently listened to an excellent novel, which introduced some important ideas (casually, just part of the entertainment, in a completely non-threatening way) that my partner would absolutely never have accepted if it were non-fiction, or even come across ordinarily (he doesn't find the need to look at 2 sides of a story ever, lol).

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Jun 16Liked by Nick Rockel

Catherine, you are an awesome person, an inspiration to all of us who care.

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Jun 16Liked by Nick Rockel

'We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.' Oscar Wilde.

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That would be pinned to the top of my favourite quotes list.

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We do it because Kiwis pay taxes for the service..... which they are not getting! It's a continuous heartbreak...... x

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Absolutely right. Something I'm highlighting in my next book, the fourth in the DI Nyree Bradshaw crime thrillers. Look out for them. You just might enjoy them.

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Absolutely amazed that some people think NZers cant write. We have so many amazing authors

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I am doing just that, ordering via Amazon..... having issues as usual with Amazon but I will win! 😊

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Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy it.

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Great article thanks. I also write New Zealand crime fiction based in the deep south. That we now have a body of NZ crime writers is great news for both the motu and also for the genre. And we have the amazing Ngaio Marsh Awards thanks to Craig Sisterton. Good luck with your future writing.

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Thank you. We should catch up somewhere. I'm headed south to promote the next book out later this year. Hope to see you then.

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I live in Otaki now so if you're in Wellington it's easy for me to come for a coffee or lunch. Have also downloaded your first book.

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I'm down there doing a book signing and author talk at Schrodingers's Bookshop of September 26th. Keep an eye on my social media for event dates. I'd love to see you.

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Oh, and thank you for the download. :)

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Jun 16Liked by Nick Rockel

An excellent contribution thank you Catherine and thank you Nick for providing the forum. Catherine, your life story is an inspiration to us all and your voice is an essential one to be heard..

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Jun 17Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you so much. We all have life stories. My daughter's syndrome was so rare, at the time of her birth there were 6 other recorded cases...globally! I know, right? How lucky was that?

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Thanks for the reminder. Reading this it dawned on me how constant additions to the coalition's 'list of horrors dumped on us' means things eventually get pushed out of sight when we're not directly affected. Perhaps that is their cunning plan: make us numb, like taking soma (for H G Wells fans). So we need frequent reminders. ...And Catherine, I tried to find your books on my Libby library app and I got only one hit, in Chinese! Not much good to me. Later I'll try searching on Amazon. I support Kiwi writers when I come across them. I particularly recommend to readers this Kiwi dystopian novel: https://patriciadonovan.nz/the-collections/

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Thank you so much for your kind words. You'll find my books here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Catherine-Lea/author/B00D3PLEZO

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Thanks, Catherine, for your timely reminder of what’s important in this life. Your story moved me, not just your loss but your courage in facing challenges most of us never have to face. But the many who do have always done so pretty much alone. I felt sick reading your words, thinking of the new abandonment they must feel now and of my own helplessness. With a freehold home and national super, I feel especially blessed this morning. If there is anything I can do in my community (Hutt Valley), please let me know.

Nick, thanks for Pink Floyd and this song's powerful, still relevant message. As a massive fan, I was blown away by their 1988 show at Western Springs. I was the designated driver from Hamilton, resentful at the time but grateful now that I can still remember it well: flying pigs, exploding beds, lashings of dry ice, and beautiful melodies. Mindblowing!

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1971, Randwick racecourse. I was 18 at the time, one of 10 who went together, 3 tabs each. The insanity of youth. I'm more amazed than grateful that I can still remember it. "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" is firmly imprinted in my brain even now. A day beyond measure.

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You lucky girl. I wish I'd been there. The Turning Away always spoke to me. For me, I felt privileged to have a benefit on which I could raise my two kids. My son's pretty neat, but he never gets a mention. He's a software tester at an awesome company. We both remember how tough things were. But I doubt it was ever as tough as it is in the North.

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My mother grew up in the North during the Great Depression and spoke often of the deprivation, the language suppression and the impossibility of education for the majority of students. She was the only one in her class to ‘matriculate’ which she said was nothing to do with being clever and all to do with her immigrant parents’ expectations. Hard to put education first when the cupboards are bare.

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And a lot of those cupboards are bare. I don't know if you saw John Campbell interviewing the students in Kaitaia. One said that the kids go to school literally because they get lunch. Some take those lunches home for dinner. And these are the people Seymour says have the same opportunities as every other New Zealander. Yeah, right!

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Just went into Kindle and bought The Water’s Dead. Agree with every word you wrote above, Catherine.

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That is so sweet of you. Thank you. I hope you enjoy it.

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I will have to make a point of reading one, or more of your books!

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Thank you so much.

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Brilliant. Thank you for sharing your story. An endorsement from Dover? Thats a goodie. Cause hes usually very outspoken.

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