We can blame Luxon, the National Party for all of this. It seems the coalition agreement gave ACT and NZF the unfettered authority to do whatever they wanted to, due process be damned. Every time a question is raised about, um, "What about consultation? What about expert advice? What about being decent friggin human beings?" The answer, across the government, is "It is in line with the coalition agreement". Luxon did this. For power. Ignorant git.

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What a contrast - Marama and McKee - hard to believe that they are the same species. The sneaky use of Cabinet to change some of the gun rules is soooo NRA, wonder if she gets money from them or just does it for love (of guns). Given her total lack of respect should she start accompanying Luxon on his junkets?

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Well said Keith. The contrast between these two women is vast. McKee is dangerous and is a disgrace to her race, Marama is a leader who seeks to improve the lives of her people.

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I will never forget the awefulness and disbelief that Friday afternoon 15-Mar-2019. It is beyond insane to me any decent human would support this madwoman allowing our gun laws to be loosened and to be supported by this government. What the hell is going on here?

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She is ignorant and 'not very bright' as you say Nick. Reasonable people understand that when you visit certain places, you abide by the incumbents' cultural practices. After all we expect them to abide by our practices elsewhere in NZ and they do. I think Maori should disown her. She's an embarrassment. She is not the only 'embarrassing' minister by far which implies a widespread lack of integrity and wisdom within this Coalition of Chaos.

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Far out Nick every week just gets worse with this lot supposedly running the country. Wonder if Luxton brought back a spine from his latest jaunt overseas and is now prepared to block the Treaty bill in Cabinet today and just for good measure demote Machine Gun Mckee. As this is a rhetorical question the answer is of course NO just as it has been with any other of his MPs breaking cabinet rules or ignoring advice on legislation. Their, this COC's, principles and empathy are really well summed up by those they follow on social media as you have indicated. Truly a most despicable lot lacking in any decency or regard for the beliefs of others or their suffering.

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Wow just wow 😳, tv news is just about never on at ours but last night in the midst of doing kai it was left on due to our attention being grabbed by the delightful young woman winning gold. So yeah was half focused on the bat shit cray McKee but totally missed that ignorent and offensive head scarf moment. Such dreadful behaviour and such a weird justification for a minister of the crown to make - how the hell did we end up with such appalling numpties! It is especially galling that our media are such gutless creatures that they can't ask the challenging questions that such a display like this begs to be asked.

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To be fair Thomas Mead must have questioned her about it to prompt her ignorant, self-centered reply.

"I am who I am. This is how you get me."

We know who you are alright.

Untouchable, because our empty vessel PM has sold his soul.

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Hi Nick. Just wanted to say I am distressed by your reduction in subscriptions. You do an amazing job; indeed you are a national ( woops) treasure. It's hard to sustain the disgust, outrage and despair I feel on a daily basis at present and I wonder if people are just shutting down and looking the other way. History would suggest it happens!! Can I recommend a book to this group; Doppelganger By Naomi Klein. A stunning analysis of so much past and present.

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I think you are right Jenny Carryer. People are "shutting down and looking the other way". Especially those who voted them in for the tax-cuts. Ignorance is bliss.

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Every time I think we have got to lowest point in the pit this government is digging, I discover, ‘a new day and a new low’. Sadly we are not at the bottom yet. However the really sad and frankly depressing aspect is, where is the outrage. There have been so many issues, many openly corrupt, which have caused hardly a ripple in the media. What will it take to stop this coalition of corruption? If Labour or the Green Party had done only a fraction of what has transpired over the last few months, there would be headlines in the media and outrage from one end of the country to the other….. my view of New Zealanders has never been so low and if I was a younger person (retired now) I would be joining the flood of young people leaving the country. I am a fourth generation NZer and have never felt like this before.

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I feel the same way I'd be on the next plane

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YES!!!! Where is the outrage?

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Abhorrent. This woman must be stood down, sent to the backbenches.

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Should be. Won't be.

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Or do you mean the trenches?

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Hmm, not so sure. It would be the best place to hide a gun. She'd probably love it....

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Just when you think surely there can't be any more gobsmack moments McKee pops up to indicate there's plenty more to come. An ignorant and undignified trough feeding politician.

Your last couple of pieces have been excellent. Good to see you are on top of your game again.

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It gets more surreal with every passing day. These people feel entitled to change the law and the rules to suit their evil purposes, to ride roughshod over people’s cultures and needs, in fact, do exactly as they please, when they please, zero consequences. It's like the aristocracy used to behave, before ordinary people got the vote. We must turn the tables on then in two years time or democracy will be shattered.

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Superreal unfortunately.

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Watching AL Jeezera last night about Lebanon and the discussion about declining democracy. The various commentators reflections could be applied to aspects of NZ at the present time in the way this coalition is preceeding.

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Wonder how she would react to people breaking tikanga on the marae?

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I wonder if luxon was a jelly fish in a previous life ? certainly no visible spine in this incarnation....

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You could be on to something Peter. It's well-known that many jellyfish are transparent so it's easy to see there's neither brain nor guts to interfere with their lives. They also go whichever way the tides flow, so all they really need to do is lie back, relax and enjoy seeing the world with no cost or effort on their part. Unfortunately some are also blind to everything that goes on around them. Yep, sounds like you've nailed it Peter.

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I was physically taken aback when I heard her say that in that interview. I take her as being arrogant, ignorant, disrespectful, non-contributing and corrupt. I had to actually check - she was Māori. I'm embarrassed for her iwi Ngāpuhi! I truly believe karma is going to get her, and her parliamentary ilk!

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🙋🏽‍♀️The answer to your question is "NO!" - there are no standards for coalition ministers.

I "accidentally" watched this item - it popped up on my YouTube feed & fearing the worst, I watched. Personally thought it was excellent that they slipped in "gun lobbyist turned Minister" - not something I expected from the timid editorial stance there.🤷🏾‍♀️

I suppose I shouldn't be lazy & be bothered to look up her whakapapa, but I've commented elsewhere about the Kaumatua (particularly "Aunties") in Runanga who can bring these people back to reality when no-one else can. Then I remember it hasn't worked on Shane Jones, or Dr Reti, and if she would be so disrespectful at the Mosque, she probably behaves badly at her own Marae and by sitting on the tables in the dining room & clomping into the meeting house in muddy gumboots! She never spoke a truer word when she explained being a rude, ignorant, disrespectful, arrogant Minister of the Crown with "I am who I am. This is how you get me" - indeed - we get a rude, ignorant, disrespectful, arrogant Minister of the Crown showing us she is not fit for being an MP in ANY govt, nor frankly anyone I would CHOOSE to have anything to do with in any circumstance. What a disgraceful excuse for a Minister who represents both the govt, but also her constituency🤬

As for the attitude towards changing gun regulation - not the first coalition minister to do sneaky behind the scenes changes to regulations to suit her REAL constituents - in this case the gun lobby. Absolutely a govt must have some power to address routine issues without a full Parliamentary hearing, but this is NOT a routine matter by any stretch of the imagination, and such powers should be seldom used. Surely these must at LEAST go to Cabinet for approval or can Ministers simply change tobacco taxes & gun regulations on their own? ⁉️ 🤔 If so, seems a loophole needing closed - if not, seems the entire Cabinet is responsible for letting these minor parties run roughshod over democracy with no checks & balances.😮

The answer lies with Lux-flakes - but I just expect possibly a little bit of meaningless waffle if he addresses it at all, and then things getting worse as coalition partners fully recognise there are no checks on their hubris

Thanks for the Marama update 🫂- I have found all of the Greens co-leaders to be impressive, and she is right up there. It would be wonderful to see her recover and help get this Coalition of Cockwombles into "one term govt" history. 👍🏾(Must say Marama rocks the no hair "look" better than others I could name eh? ) Kia kaha wahine toa 🫂🫶🏽

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N McKee is a list MP - she doesn't have an electorate. No one voted for her specifically. Yes these minor party MPs seem to doing whatever they like and no one is stopping them. Such an abuse of the democratic process.

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My bad for lack of research - I just find it a waste of time trying to "understand" these arrogant people so on the "couldn't care less" scale she's near the top🫢 (However, once you get elected, I believe EVERYONE in Aotearoa is your constituent when it comes to making decisions/choices 🤷🏾‍♀️)

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