Mar 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Amazingly, Batchelor claims to be a Christian. I wonder what Jesus would think of him.

I sometimes think bigots like him and all those who espouse his toxic creed are secretly disappointed that their parents/grandparents didn't turn A-NZ into the Kenya of the South. They must long for the days of white mastery with tea and cucumber sandwiches served on the lawn by a liveried "house-nigger" dutifully bowing and scraping and calling him bwana.

These vile people need to be gone so that we can ALL move forward together. Co-governance is that way forward.

PS. I'm a 63 yo white man and I do not feel threatened by co-governance.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks, Nick. I've forwarded this to a few folk. I'm sick of the bigotry and all for standing against the hatred, and even kindly and lovingly pushing the hell back!

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Nick I had no idea that these ghastly scumbags were even doing this. I can only hope that a good hiding or two gets delivered to them, as you rightly point out, We are Better than this ...

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks, well said. Worryingly the people who have these views are bigger than just old racist codgers on talkback radio as evidenced by David Seymour’s growing popularity. I’m confident it’s still a minority though.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Good on Nanaia for speaking out. She herself has been on the receiving end of a lot of racist bile. It is a pivotal time in our country. If NACT get into power ,and start shutting down positive gains Māori have made towards having a role in the governance of this country, we will have division. Te Tiriti o Waitangi is entrenched in our legal system. It can't suddenly be nullified just because some ignorant supposedly christian racists don't want to share resources, and power., and are arrogant enough to think they can nullify it. If Māori go to the courts claiming ownership of water for example it is likely they will get a lot more than seats on the governance boards for Three Waters.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Preserve democracy stop co-governance. Such a contradiction. Awful people.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Great article!!

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

don brash has a lot to answer for. he legitimised this sort of public disinformation campaign.

heres a video of the event if you can stand listening to the lies put forth before the protesting voices shut him up. Shame on them for putting Nanaia's face out there as the target of their fear and loathing. https://www.facebook.com/ihapera.paniora/videos/186036344150293/

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i read this post as an example of how previously big business run newspapers like the Herald are losing their sway. They lost their way, like other NAct lobbyists and shapers of public opinion, when electronic media and the world wide wireless made paper as redundant as smoke signals.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Hey I'm way down in southland and don't do facebook, which is where everything seem to get notified, could you advise dates etc if and when this shit makes it to invercargill.

Would be grateful cheers

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How do these christian evangelists, like lux-on, not see the disconnect in preaching hatred and division!

I only hope the voting population will exercise their power to relegate the Nats and Act to the dustbin of history.

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I feel we should be looking at the Global Picture of the Rise of these "Types" since 1971 when the Gold Standard was abandoned for the Debt Market by Richard Milhous Nixon. You can pick up the Patterns looking back through history. We are far too remote to consider this Coalition of Chaos as Alone in their Coup D Tet on Democratic Governance Principles. We're only getting a Micro-Glympse of this new Ideology that has sprung up across the Globe.

The Real Issue is Control of Capital (It's a Money Thing, ya know?). Property Ownership is the Feudalist Game carried over from the old Empires Games of Thrones on the Global Colonist Monopoly Board & they're Deadly Serious about it.

What do you call this new Game being played out across the Globe in the control of "Rents". Somehow "Rentierism" has replaced Democracy in most of the Wealthy Western Economies. I didn't think it was a recognised "thing, or ideology" until I spelled it Phonetically & my Spell Checker didn't red line it! Surprise, Surprise said Gomer Pyle!

We're in the middle of a next Crusade to Pillage the Planet & these folks look just like you and me! No Armour, Flag's, Broadswords, Maces & Axes, or Visable Crown's (other than king Chucks) - we've grown new far more Fierce Methods of Warfare to Eliminate the enemies of God & State. God was replaced with $$$ back in '72 & nobody noticed a thing until it was too Late!

Reagan & Thatcher arrived in the 1980's & pulled the Rug out of the idea of Inclusive Civil Societies. By the time the Middle Working Classes woke up, it was too late.

There needed to be Middle Men to pull this Racquet off, so the Tax System was used to identify where to put the Gateways for Austerity. The point where People Fear losing everything was established & the Directive used was "Meritocracy". If you're a good wee Gatekeeper, you keep your head down & arse up & support the Wealthy by stepping on the Heads of those below your income level to get to the next rung on the Meritocratic Level of "Boss Class" with a Salaried Position with Equity Perks. Stock, Education for you & your Family, Health, Life, House, Dues, Fee's & Levies - Insurance's to protect Incomes & you're on your way to the Stars, supposedly.

But your real job is making sure the Poor folks below you stay poor, so they can't compete for the Perks of being Meritocratic in the eyes of the ever watchful Tax Man ( Human Resources). Once you're Number is assigned you get your very own Algorithm Platinum Card that Id's you as worthy, or NOT.

I suspect that's why we haven't seen 5G Technology yet. It's a Blockchain thing that hasn't been homed in and Algoritma-Tised as yet, because it has to be open to Public Consumption for anyone using a Lap Top, or High End Cell Phone. It can still be Hacked, so it's not Meritocratic - Yet. It has to be Regulated & Meritocracy demands "No Regulation", so it's stalled until Democratic Regulatory Commissions have been done away with.

The Surveillance State isn't fully operational yet, so they don't want the Competition getting ahold of Technology that can hurt the Meritocratic State. Bugger! At least they've got their Management units set up at State Government Levels around the Globe!

This is all about Capital Control around property ownership in a return to Feudalism Part II - Global, with the exception of the Enemies of Neoliberal Capitalism that presents it's own System of Efficiency management, but spreads the wealth to those that do the Heavy Lifting more equally in appreciation of the Team Work that goes in to keep all the Clocks running on time.

Obviously theres a lot more to this than my summary, but the space to write it out is limited on these threads.

Look up Dr. Richard Wolff, (unrelated), but listen to this guy's Podcasts on Global Economic's to fill in some of the blanc's to the full story of Money & how it works. NZ is a Micro-Speck to the Big Picture being played out in Western Countries & Colonies just like ours!

I hope you continue this thread Nick as we've got a lot of unpacking to do to get to the bottom of the What, Where, Why & When's that brought us to this point in time. To be cont'd.... Have yourselves a Happy Family Christmas, each & everyone one of you in our Sub Stack Family!

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These people complain about the divisions that co-governance supposedly creates. When co-governance is prob the most effective tool to bridge divisions that have been growing for generations.

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