Tory is so brave to open up. She may give courage to others to do the same, depending on how she is treated from now on. A few years ago as an MP, after being "investigated" by Ian Wishart I came out about my drug addiction (25 years before) and how the support and treatment I received probably saved my life. Yet to this day, 9 years after I left parliament, I still get called a junkie by some. We are all flawed in our different ways ; it takes a huge amount of guts to own up to that, and in my book, makes Tory more human, not less.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I'm angry this crap is still media fodder. The owner of Havana Bar has said 'nothing to see here' and yet muck-raking nasty journalism continues, inevitably targeted at brown women. Tory Whanau has every right to socialise in her city and should be safe from prurient interest. Personally I feel ashamed she thinks she needs to grovel 😪 but the Malloys of this world, the Amelua Wades, the Audrey Vances . . . are relentless.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

And Wade, Vance et al are COWARDS. They attack perceived 'easy targets' and give a free pass to the likes of Luxon, Willis, Bishop, Peters, Seymour etc.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

What we see everyday is a fundamental reality. People who say they on the right of politics, people who run businesses, people in media chasing a story that will please their advertisers, all have a common motivation. They are ‘self’ oriented. Other people are there to be ‘used’ so they can gain an advantage. What we lack in our modern political world with our shiny new government, are people who measure achievement by doing the ‘right thing’ for the majority of people rather than their donors. An example is alcohol and smoking. Hand on heart, how many of us overindulge on occasions? I learned in my 20’s that the after effects were detrimental to those around me. So I took the decision to stop. But it is obviously a major problem for many in NZ. They need the help of others, not criticism for the fall-out from their actions.

Now, smoking. How many have watched a loved one suffer the horrific results of lung cancer or emphysema? I have. My first wife went through a long, agonising death from cancer in her 30’s. To see her decline broke my heart.

So what has all this to do with the problems we face every day? Our shiny new government needs to learn from us all, at every opportunity that a little compassion, a little of doing the ‘right thing’, unpopular as it may be, will do more for most people than sticking to what their donors and advertisers want. Nicola Willis does not want her 14 year old daughter vaping or smoking. Neither do I. So let’s tell her at every opportunity. Bad policy is just that. Let’s tell her as often as possible it’s bad policy.

To those suffering the awful illnesses caused by smoking, to those whose lives are flawed and affected by alcohol, let’s just be a little more compassionate. Or, as someone said and was pilloried for it, ‘let’s be kind to each other.’

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Very well said Tony, thank you.

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I put up with The Post’s anti-Labour attitude for ages, but cancelled my subscription when they went full nuclear on Kiri, with a side dish of attacks on Tory. What really got me was the ‘journalists’ leading the charge were female (Andrea Vance and the new editor) - shameful!

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Hope you told them!

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Tory is a wonderful mayor, kind and compassionate and has vision for a better Wellington. Yet since being elected last year there has been an ongoing campaign by the Post and other media to constantly attack her. She's young, brown, female and from the left which seems to be enough justification from them for their constant criticism. There are are also some unethical and unpleasant councillors (the ones who say no to everything) who regularly speak (or leak) to the media about anything they don't like or when their power is challenged.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Absolutely agree! We are all flawed. Leo particularly. I have seen him speak at a campaign meeting & he delights in being unkind & malicious. I live on Waiheke & see the effects of alcohol play out frequently in crazy & sometimes aggressive behaviour. As a country we have an alcohol problem. That’s many of us! Let’s be kind to each other...

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I salute Tory Whanau, and wish her every success! She is brave and honest, among her many attributes!!

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Excellent Korero as usual Nick.

I have appreciated you doing the hard yards following the new government's inception. I have been too outraged on all fronts to comment. Boy, have you been earning your keep! Thankyou.

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Thanks Mark, appreciate that feedback.

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Feel very like this myself and it's only just starting

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

If Leo Malloy is so amazingly wonderful and able, why isn't he lending all these fabulous skills to the people of Wairoa and Tairawhiti?!

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Oh, I forgot. What's in it for him?!

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Tory is our Mayor and I voted for her. I’ve not always agreed with all decisions but boy, has she got a tough day at work with an obstructive bloc of both councillors and WCC staff.

I recently wrote to the Post decrying the pile-on to women politicians on the Left by women on the Right in places of power, and the ongoing harassment of Tory, Kiri and countless others. Who can forget Clare Curran? Needless to say it wasn’t printed.

It’s now 22months since I stopped drinking so I understand Tory’s situation and I’m grateful I was never being hounded and secretly fined and then exposed to public ridicule. As for Molloy, he’s beneath contempt.

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Congratulations on 22 months, that is awesome! I went past 2 years in September, it sure ain't easy, but so so good.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Good one! I lost one or two of my friend circle because I was no longer up for a long lunch or big night and “no fun anymore.” I don’t miss them but do have a a lot more calm in my life and good, close, friends.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Well said! I too really dislike the misogyny so prevalent. I will not forget that one of the MP’s who went after Clare so viciously is now a Minister in the new government.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

*secretly filmed

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I was absolutely disgusted to hear the taunt about Kiri on tv1 last night. They need to take good hard look at their lack of morals and constant jibes. I wish Tori all the best for her future and admire her for speaking out and supporting others with problems.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I agree about the disgusting reference to Kiri Allen in TV1 last night. I think it was unnecessary and inappropriate for Benedict Collins to report that.

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Absolutely I can't actually stand that wee man he's nasty and a liar.

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I can't stand the smirk on his face. Waiting for him to get his comeuppance.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Molloy is a despicable person who peddles booze as his livilhood.

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Not only dispicable but also with an oversized ego which is completely out of place.

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Let her get on with her recovery. Take the time she needs to begin that journey. Let her deputy step up. We are dealing with a person who isn't well. She knows it more than any others. She will recover, beat this monkey on her back. You don't get to be mayor of Wellington without having a character of steel. She admitted to being a flawed person. We, everyone of us, are. Its ok Tory. I don't share your politics at all but I respect you enormously and know the journey you are beginning. Haters will hate, it's their problem, not yours.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Agree with all this. The ‘morally superior’ PM thought alcohol problems fair game though at his presser yesterday. Luxon did a low blow in presser which was totally unnecessary. While defending Winston’s outrageous behaviour, he mentioned that at least they didn’t have mps who got drunk & smashed their car up. Kiri has publicly been dragged out enough and is facing her demons, as is Tory. I wonder if in his church they ever mentioned the bit about casting the first stone.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

His church probably owns a quarry. There does not appear to be any shortage of stones.

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No mention of casting stones, or rich men, camels and eyes of needles. Dollar Christians do not follow the teachings of Jesus, do not love their neighbours, do not share their loaves and fishes with "bottom feeders", and would not, like the good Samaritan cross the road to help an unfortunate.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I thought molloy had died , clearly it still lives...another abhorrent short arsed weasel...

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Wishful thinking?

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Leave her alone, no need to persecute her like they did to Kiri. Media need to focus on Luxon, his lies and his policies which will cripple NZ! Sick of the relentless hate against women and women of colour.

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